Lets discuss this movie and other post disney renaissance movies (anything between the renaissance and modern ones)...

Lets discuss this movie and other post disney renaissance movies (anything between the renaissance and modern ones) user. How do you think about it now? I used to think the concept is absolutely cool, but i haven't watched it again since a few years ago.

Why do you think its not as successful/memorable as other Disney release?

i want to get dominated by the cat captain



Its Captain Amelia, user


>that one creepy girl on deviant art with an obsession with silver
>also draws good art of herself with silver

Post them here user


Good taste.

Never seen that before. Hilarious.

Silver inspired such an intense level of niche autism in like, 5 people. Never ceases to amaze me.

It is odd. But entertaining.

>Treasure Planet thread started NOT with the space catgirl captain
This is refreshing.

This is not.

The only good part is the relationship between Jim and Silver.

>that dated cgi paired with some of the best theatrical 2d animation
it clashes so bad

It is okay that you don't like the rest of the movie.

Not sure, I quite liked it. Some of the humor might have been hit-or-miss but I thought it had a solid adventurous atmosphere to it.

Pretty much. Shame there was no spacebattle though.

Excellent animation and world building, burdened by some truly idiotic characters and a fairly sub-par script.

Too bad there wasn't too much worldbuilding outside Crescentia and the boat.

The game added a bit I guess but they sadly just put floating islands everywhere instead of planets.



Amazing visuals; animation is solid, backgrounds are nice, character design isn't too bad.

I think the issues were
>Didn't really introduce anything new--it was just Treasure Island set in space
>Isn't as bright and colorful as previous movies, a lot of the colors were muted and much darker
>A vast majority of Disney's target demographic, little girls, probably not interested because not muh princess/female lead

Nothing wrong with Captain Amelia, she's a very likable side character. It's the insufferable horny waifufags who swoon over her at every opportunity and can't resist posting lewd shit to derail the thread.

That happens with pretty much any threads on Sup Forums. It gets a bit tiresome, but I've learned to expect it by now.

I've wondered about that too. Freaks me out that multiple people latched onto this movie in such a way.

I want to believe the arm guy is just some idiot who had too much time one thread. As for Disneyfan or whatever the one with the shitty insert and Silver husbandoing is going by, that is just to be expected with the internet and autism.