What do you gnets think of The Comedian?

What do you gnets think of The Comedian?

I have never wanted to punch someone as much as him during Before Watchmen.

He's a real joker.


Fanfiction doesn't count.

He ruined half the team's lives because of his douchiness.

JDM is a amazing and cool actor, did the role well.

but it was all a joke user

Didn't he beat Ozymandias the first time they met, judging from how Nite Owl and Rorschach do against him he must have been one hell of a fighter


edgy cunt but he was right and saw it coming. I liked his death scene


Before Watchmen was a mistake.

Ozy let him win to gauge his abilities and make him think he could win if they ever faced off again in the future

He was right

Edgy shit.

He's no Joker.


jokes on you

Abortion by bullet. He was an asshole. Better dead.
