Deathstroke #11 Storytime

Priest tackles Chicago gun violence.

Featuring the Creeper

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Woooo fuck yeah OP

Obligatory ctrl+v page



>OP Thank you :D

















Whoa, I've never seen real-life newspapers referenced in an editor's note before. Has this ever happened?





Feels bad scoob

>even-handed writing that thumbs its nose at that dumb page in Love is Love
Based Prieststroke

>death by fridge


Oddly topical.

Maybe Trump is planning to send Deathstroke to Chicago?

did something happen?

I love this book so much. Is it selling well? Is Priest happy with writing it?

Trump said that if Chicago doesn't get it together, he'll send in the Feds.

>Whats the solution to Chicago's gun violence?
>Better aim.
I love how Priest made a PSA comic that was still in-character for Deathstroke.

It's not really a PSA when the message is "nothing is fucking working", is it?

It sells okay. stays in the top 100 every month, but not that far beyond.
Priest only accepted the job because Slade is white.
He was super pissed that he was considered a "black" writer for so long, which is why almost every black character in this series gets fucked.

it's also appropriately dark throughout the story and doesn't come off preachy. Even when he's spitting out figures, it's a build up for a smoking is frowned upon joke

>CP: We’re kind of seeing Deathstroke as a force of nature. The decision for Deathstroke to not use guns in this issue serves two purposes: One, and I don’t think we say this on the page, but I would imagine the players involved would have asked Deathstroke to not use guns. Mainly because the whole point is “Enough with the guns already!”

>The flip side of that — and this is in the script — is taking your guns away doesn’t solve the problem. I can still do a whole lot of damage without guns. I am not anti-gun. I am a gun owner. I am an NRA member. I am not anti-gun by any stretch of the imagination.

>I am anti-stupid people having guns. And I am anti-kids having guns. And I am anti-whatever the hell is going on in Chicago. So, I don’t want this to be an anti-gun message, which is what these sorts of discussions tend to turn into. Then you have the right wing versus the left wing and we all know how that works.

>I’m just saying that whatever is going on in Chicago is tragic and awful and needs to stop.

Ctrl+v page?

wow this was really good and not just pushing an agenda, will be picking this issue up by itself to support a good story, i think most of the comics industry could learn from this, especially marvel

>I love how Priest made a PSA comic that was still in-character for Deathstroke.
This. It's still very obviously a PSA, but it doesn't feel like it's insulting the reader's intelligence

>Priest: I hated Denys. (They laugh.) He'd been drawing all along. In the '80s, I was a writer, writing Green Lantern and Wonder Woman and Batman. I was the editor for Spider-Man for many years. But somehow I became "a black writer" and that made me unhappy. I was only being pointed to characters of color or stories that dealt with ghettos. I was writing Black Panther, which is iconic now, but then we couldn't give it away. I would have a box of them in the trunk of my car and stand on Fifth Avenue and people would not take them! I was writing Captain America and Marvel decided to take Captain America out and relaunch (the comic) with Falcon, who was African-American. To me it felt like a demotion. I was writing novels for Simon & Schuster, I was more involved with my Christian ministry. I would routinely get offers from Marvel and DC: "Hey, we're thinking of bringing back Black Iguana Man!" Thanks but no thanks. I wasn't refusing to write comics. But characters of color were literally all I was being offered.

every issue has one page where the artist copy-pastes panels.
at least in this one the colors changed.

Repeating panels. But its Cowan so I'd buy it anyway

>I am an NRA member.
Well that's unexpected, though I guess Priest wouldn't look out of place with these dapper gents.

How can one man be so based?

Priest is having the time of his life writing this comic

That poor bastard got Kyle Rainer'd

Best Rebirth EVER.

That's not a ctrl+v page. It's just made to look like one. It's the same composition in each panel, but different drawings. Take a closer look at the differences between them.

I didn't realise this one was out today.

when I saw the thumbnail why did I expect a "you're gay superman" at the end of it?


This reminds me a bit of Ennis' Punisher Max.

have you never read a fucking preist comic before mates

you seriously should read quantum and woody at least


I really really love having Priest writing comics again.

Has he always been this good? This is my first Priest comic

The message being that you don't need guns to kill?

>tfw no Angry Black Mommas With Guns ongoing


I think he actually had the idea for the no-guns comic a few months back, before Love is Love.

I don't remember where I read it though, whether it was one of Priest's blog posts, his treatment of the series on the site, or an interview or something, though

>I am anti-stupid people having guns
Finally a man who gets it

Good guy with a gun or bad guy with a gun, doesn't matter as long as it's not an idiot with a gun.

Fuck I liked it but goddamn this is dark shit. I love Priest.

It's actually making a comeback know for certain frauds

I agree

But seriously what the fuck do you need shit like ARs on the market for? How is a handgun not sufficient for home defense?

>it's chicago! Who's gonna notice!

We can finally bury New52 "Creeper" for good now right?

Marvel just reprinted his Black Panther, give it a look

I dunno if he's always been this good per se, but he has had a lot of good comics under his belt, over a long period of time. His black panther's frequently lauded, but he's had some pretty good stuff even back in the 80s like his Spider-Man/Wolverine one-shot

I finally get why Sup Forums likes such a mediocre writer like Priest: he's a self hating negro who agrees with thier political views

>Not wanting to be pigeonholed into writing the same kinds of characters over and over is self-hating

I'll admit, I liked New 52 Oni Creeper

Mediocre attempt at being """contrarian""".

based Priest

Why do people like this always refer to blacks who have moderate and pragmatic beliefs as Negroes? It's clear they intend it as a slur.

oh, you!

>only writes non-black characters
>not self hating


>only writes non-black characters
is that why he wrote Black Panter? Is that why Slade has a partner who is notblackpanter in this?

That's not true, he just wants to move away from being "the guy that only writes comics with black leads". Assigning blacks to the black characters and whites to the white characters and gays to the gay charterers is fucking retarded and only reinforces this separation that's going on in society. It's like saying these different types of people should stay separated.

You're a hypocrite.

>is that why he wrote Black Panter
A decade ago. He's obviousely gone through some things where he is distancing himself from his blackness by refusing to write black leads when he could be doing both and possibly writing black characters his way instead of something more left leaning like everyone els.

But I'm sure Sup Forums...Er I mean Sup Forums wouldn't be completly happy with that

Sure thing Sup Forums

Man this is all kinds of fucked up

Where'd he get the big red scarf?

Hold the fuck up

As a black I hate this argument.
This is givin WAY too much clout that entertainment is influencing blacks. Shit the root of our problems usually are the fact that these people have shitty ass support systems and I do not mean government. I mean family, friends, teachers, hell even civil servants and the like

Then again I got triggered off of something a grieving mother said
I apologize

Self projecting hasn't gotten you anywhere in your life, why would it start now Sup Forumstard

The Ditko origin is that he was trying to buy a disguise from a costume shop and the store only had random pieces of different ones.

>Well that's unexpected
His comics mentor was Larry Hama, no it's not

Coming up on 20 years now actually

It's true that the majority of the history of gun control in America has been about disarming blacks and hispanics when they get the notion they can arm themselves for self-defense. I mean, that was the real reason behind the entire "zip-gun" law, it was more about "low cost guns" that poor minorities could afford.

And I say this as a non-American who supports some measure of gun control in their own country.

The whole point of this issue is to give a variety of perspectives that people actually have, I agree that the entertainment isn't the driving force of the problem it's just a something that seems easier to deal with that people point to. I know my mom believes that violent video games alone will make kids criminals so it's not surprising to see that echoed here in one of the many perspectives

>refer to blacks who have moderate and pragmatic beliefs as Negroes?
What's the subtext

Please refer to JA ZAKI, THE RED LION by his full name and title.


I realized that at the end

I actually love the perspectives
You could see the conclusions every person came to and while some were flawed they still made sense in a way
Well as much sense as you can make of the near never ending cycles of hate, violence, and desperation