RWBY/RT General #1163: No more Cinder threads edition

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First for they fucked.

Penny is besty


> No more Cinder threads
You can't guarantee that.


dubs disagree



Sorry man, Neo is a skank

I think we can all agree that Grimm Floofs would destroy us all.

Why do her eyes make the four leaves logo thing?

Is that supposed to happen?

A man does not fug his daughteru

listen you little fucker

Could he kill the villains?


No man, you raise your cute daughteru into a fine waifu, then you fuck her.


Roman did.

Was May called May as a reference to "maymay", to acknowledge how memes would keep her remembered? I have to admit, that's some good foresight from Miles and Kerry.

Nora a CUTE!


>TFW you realize she eats everything because she was starved as a child.

That's my plan, come this weekend


What if Neo wanted to eat Baked Alaska with you ?

Those poor kids. ;_;


>green eyes


How triggered would Monty be at all of these half-assed or fat Pyrrha cosplays? Wasn't he kinda autistic about how his characters should look?

only minor triggering


He wouldn't be as mad. Nowadays, Pyrrha is very easy to cosplay.

Not triggered at all actually. He reportedly loved everyone who cosplayed his stuff. It was sheena who supposedly (and I say that because I've only heard about this from here and reddit) was dismissive of fatter people cosplaying canonically skinnier characters.

Fuck off Jaune Neo is pure better go rape Ruby

They fucked, dont lie to yourself.

What is this face trying to convey

So what are RT doing until RWBY comes back in February? are we getting anything RWBY related at all? or are saturdays just blank until then?

The shrunken irises make me think surprise.

"Is that a bug crawling up my urethra?

They did say chibi and camp camp are coming back. And RVB is starting up soon, so probably one of those three.

Awakening to her yandere instincts.

This isn't a Ruby thread...

Are we not getting a WoR?


Neo is pure!

Did I turn off my stove.png

No more WOR this season


Of course she is, she and Roman got married before they fucked.

>posting Sakimi-chan trash

Then we'll just have to count on RWBYg for our RWBY fix.

RWBYg! Make a WoR!

are there any good yandere shit I want Rwby related Yandere shit

They did nothing right either
Atlas > Mantle

There's this.

So, RWBY5 in October? Or, do you think they'll move it up to September with the increased demand?

They're putting themselves in the same damn situation as this year with all the shit that's coming out.


>Or, do you think they'll move it up to September with the increased demand?
>Implying M&K care enough to start work earlier

>Never beat her child
>Never sexually abused her child
>Never tried to control her child
>Never tried to stop her child from following her dreams
>Never raised her voice against her child
Isn't Raven the best mom ever?





Also protected her child from evil ice cream.

It's kinda hard to do any of those things when you're not there.

It's a matter of some debate of Raven was even there for Yang's birth.

I want to bury my face in Raven's hair!

Honestly don't know. They have a new larger, dedicated office for their animation department, and they are still advertising positions for senior animators. But yeah it's probably going to be another brutal slog this year again for their team, especially if they don't boost staff.


>never raised her child

Clearly such a high-level of pottery could only have been crafted by Monty himself. Sure May was one of the first characters Monty designed, and his last words were a plea to make sure that she gets in to the show, that even if he dies, Zedong will live on

Tucker is best mom.

What are you talking about? The finale is in February. But I think the public will be a week behind getting it because they're supposed to show it at RTX Sydney first.

Which is bullshit.

They said RWBY5 was coming this Fall. They didn't specifically say October, which makes me think they might potentially release it a little earlier this year, especially with the increased popularity

not being able to match the resolve


A little triggered, but with enough tact and willpower to stop himself acting upon it

Volume 4 finale

any good yandere fics?

I can...kinda see what they're doing here? Due to the small size of their team, they're going to get outside indie devs to submit their stuff and RT will select/curate/market it for them on steam. It's like a Pre-steam setup or something. Not sure what the heck they're going to do in the meantime though.

>Or, do you think they'll move it up to September with the increased demand?



We'll just get tweets from M&K that are pictures of a blank page in Microsoft Word claiming that they are very busy at writing and that it's hard.

How vain of you.

Summer (Alive) > Kali > Summer (Dead) > Raven > Willow

It's true.

>Not sure what the heck they're going to do in the meantime though.

Not make a good RWBY game, that's for sure.


Eh, why not? It's easy money for RT, letting indie devs use the RT brand in exchange for some sort of cut.

I just want a decent RWBY game, really. I'm indifferent to this.

how about Ren's mom?

I refuse.

Not that I ever found. There was one that was a straight-up crossover with Yandere Sim, but it wasn't very good.


A dead person is a better mother than you. How does that make you feel?

Also liink to the game in question. Looks like some bomberman esque top down collector/brawler thing.


replace the () with periods.

Need some Arkos in here


Damn that sucks

>potato quality
you are a failure and you should feel bad

Ooh, how chilling. Marvellous.

Not sure it really "sounds" like Penny, though.
