Starfire thread

Blorthog edition

Cute boys edition

Yay, another Starfire thread!

anal beads??

Happy blorthog to you, friend

Commissar Gerald finds this Xeno loving thread disturbing.
+friendship is heretical.

Raven makes her keep them in her butt at all times.


Oh, user, you are indeed the most friendly!


Let's consider her species a honorary humans :3

Adorable :3


Is this Go or the original?

Original, of course


Would bang.

Why... why did they have to make TTG...?


Because it's hilarious.

>toddler titans

gas yourself

kys space nazi, shs a honorary human

The best part about Starfire is fantasizing about using her ignorance of Earth to trick her into doing lewd shit under the guise of "human culture and customs," as she'll want to learn about it


Well, technically entire Human culture is based on Death and the Weener, so it actually would be a guide for Earth customs.

"-I do not understand, how does sucking that is part of learning Earth customs?
-Are you kidding? It's one of the most important aspect of our culture.
-Your earthly ways are still alien to me, but oh well..."


this is blackfire thread now

It's well past the time for season 6 friend

No, there is not! There never will be!

There is always hope, friend

>Reminder that it's okay to call her a Troq now that we're in Trump's 'murica

tfw you will never make her call herself a dirty Troq as you fuck her ass

But why? For hells sake, why would you want to hurt starfires feelings? What are you, soulless satanist or something?

Maybe on his planet they don't know what being "nice" means...

>"Oh Earth, we express friendship by fucking."
>"Glorious! Let us do the fuck to show our friendship with one another!"

But she became accustomed to Earthly ways, so not an argument

I actually meant user not knowing what being nice is...

Anyways, she was sad, when val-yor called her that.
I don't want to see her sad ;_; It shatters my soul

P.S. "Troqie" sounds like "Arse" in my language

>is it mandatory to put it in both holes?
>Well, not mandatory, but it is the symbol of strong friendship
>Glorious!...well, a bit painful, but still glorious!

Hey, cheer up, friend. No need to feel the sadness.
There will always be people who say mean words.

Oh, thank you for cheering m up, friend!
I shall recite tamaranean poem of Gratitude, all 6000 verses! :3

I'd stay and listen to be nice, but look at her boobs when she's not paying attention while singing

This is a friendship thread, user. You are not welcome here.

>Starfire: You know what it feels like to be judged simply because of how you look?
>Cyborg: Of course I do.
Me: Of course he does, His ancestors were slaves, because they were black...
>Cyborg: I'm part robot.
Me:oh, and that too...

y'all do know that doing lewd shit already is a form of expressing friendship between Tamaranians, right?
It's a culture of exhibition and hedonism, fampai. Like, half the shit you can think of she'd already gladly be willing to do for you if Robin and Raven hadn't already housebroken her out of humping the leg of every schmuck that so much as wish her glad tidings and a good day to her.
And that's not even to speak of all the dark, freaky alien kink shit the Gordanians had her doing during her time as their slave.

Yeah, a lot of that shit from the comic is canon to the cartoon series, too. Maybe even including all the drug addiction shit as well.

Y'all aint gotta trick her to do shit.
It's Raven that's the tough nut to crack, here... but X'al help you if you flip Raven's switch... there's no telling what ungodly demonic freak shit that booknerd might do to you once her levee starts to gushing...

She's a teen in the cartoon, so I doubt that most of that comic parts would be canon here
>And that's not even to speak of all the dark, freaky alien kink shit the Gordanians had her doing during her time as their slave
I doubt that
He was put in high security cell due to her strength (and yet, she broke it)
I doubt that those lizard ass subhumans could even reach her without being desintengrated by laser beams.

Shut up, all of us, including you, would run a train on her

First this friendship bullshit
And now there is a discussion about interbreeding with xenos? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU HERETICS?!

You seem to be in a desperate lack of friendship, user

Would you?

She's so innocent, I honestly feel bad about thinking something lewd about her.
Her sister, on the other hand 3:)....

>She's so innocent, I honestly feel bad about thinking something lewd about her.
She'd probably be cute during sex, making squeaks and moans

Well, looks like she didn't met Commissar Fuklaw yet
"Troqie" would be a compliment, compared to his rage profanity towards xenos

Anyways, Blackfire for fucking, Starfire for marrying :3


She'd look adorable with cum on her pretty face

She was a teen in the comics as well.
And a child when she was sent into slavery.
Bad shit happens to good people all the time, user.

err, no...
She was taken as prisoner, during the events shortly before episode "GO!" and was a prisoner for a brief time, before she fled to earth....


How many dicks do you think she can take at once?

Its temporary, so yeah
+half of Sup Forums foot fetishists would adore her even more imho


Doing the Rick & Morty face

You idiots. She has super strength. Worse, it's tied to her emotional state. You think your hydraulically hardened flesh rod can penetrate her? If you can even get it in, the first vaginal spasm would crush you like a hydraulic press. You know the phrase, "it feels like my dick is in a vise"? Well imagine if it was really in a fucking vise.

Anal? Don't even try. Her anus would snip off the head of your penis like a cigar cutter.

Yes, another thread of the Starfires!

Totes worth

Kek, pic very related.

>implying she can't learn to control it
>implying superheroes like even Superman never learn to control their strength

>She has super strength. Worse, it's tied to her emotional state.
Then I'll treat her rough so she doesn't get overly happy. Just want to fuck some orange pussy

One thing I kinda wish Teen Titans would have done is a crossover with a Justice League member.
Like a situation where they would have to get involved and just show the huge gap in strength between the League member and the Titans.
I say member because having the whole team wouldn't make any sense and lets be honest, the only one that is mentioned to exist in that universe is Batman so he probably would have been it.

Part of me wishes they made it part of the DCAU. They don't really have to acknowledge what else is going on, it can still be more or less self contained, but I believe Teen Titans was airing the same time as Justice League, so they might as well of.

How the fuck is that worth it? We're not talking, "you get to fuck Starfire and then at the end you lose your dick." This is, "you start to put it in and your penis is destroyed instead of feeling anything."

>Implying anyone can learn to control the strength of invultary muscle spasms

This might work. In the episode where she bodyswaps with Raven I believe she says her super strength works when she feels "boundless confidence." So just make her feel unconfident as shit. (is that a word?)


>Star never had her season
>There were five freaking seasons
Everyone else got at least one. Blackfire as a season villain would have been dope.

>Blackfire as a season villain
Robin becomes a damsel as Blackfire keeps stealing him from Starfire.

Starfire is hypnotized. HYPNOTIZED!

People go on and on about Raven's thong-leotard, but Star's got that whole "tall girl wearing a mini-skirt and fuck-me boots" aesthetic going on.

Must be fun living in their city, getting upskirt shots of Starfire as she flies around all the time

Ever think she forgets her panties or skirt in a rush?

TT wasn't that great. It had some good episodes and I enjoyed it somewhat when it was airing, but even back then its flaws were apparent.

It tried to ride the coattails of a wave of anime popularity that was sweeping the US at the time with stuff like DBZ, Trigun, Inuyasha, & Naruto becoming huge. Its obnoxious faux-anime style with the chibi effects and the sweat drops etc... were almost universally used as an obnoxious & lazy substitute at humor.

That anime shit was almost completely phased out after the first season though. Unless you're countning the deliberate parody episodes with Mad Mod or Nosyargkcid

You've posted this exact thing three times on three different TT threads. We get it.

i dont believe i have

Yep. Starfire is definitely sexy in her own right. That's what I like about Teen Titans. There's a waifu for everyone.

>Ever think she forgets her panties or skirt in a rush?
>forgets her panties or skirt
>panties or skirt

I can forgive you for forgetting your underwear Starfire but now you're not even being subtle about your advances towards Robin.

God, I really want to read/watch something about Starfire's oblivious sexual escapades with random strangers from the city.




There it is! We got an official pantyshot folks.

Starfire with freckles?

Sorry mate but despite the pretty convincing file name, that's an edit that shot isn't even from that episode.

Damn that sucks. I wanted it to be real so bad.

And not a very good one. They look like granny panties.

yeah, go fuck yourself
If you don't know the subject stop spreading a bullshit about it.


this...left me with an unpleasant feeling
like she's reading an entire thread and is like "wtf?"

They actually implied this is what was being done way back in Static Shock, which was part of the DCAU. There's some bit where Static asks Batman where Robin is, and replies with a line like "the Titans. You'll meet them soon."

Given how much Justice League came to be dominated by sex jokes, relationship drama, and a reliance on lore of entire other cartoon series, what we got might be considered a mercy.


At first glance at the thumbnail, my mind immediately jumped to thinking it was gonna be a Starfire ballcrushing gif.