X-23 Storytime #3

Today we have X-23 Chapter 9, in which Laura comes to regret eating those three helpings of fishhead curry last night.

Previous threads:


How the tables have turned!


>everyone of her trusted allies killed
>forced to hide out in a ruined trash-strewn hovel
>taking care of an injured cajun sleeping on a pallet on the floor
>still keeps her hair-flower fresh and her scarf-ends starched

How does Tyger manage to look so good?


How did you get a picture of Laura's inner-mind theater, Colcord?





Does Daken even HAVE a plan at this point? Or is he just burning all the bridges for the hell of it?


Being Laura is suffering.



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>converter computer. Distributed data inter

Guess we weren't actually supposed to read that

Daken's face on that cover is terrible

Laura, should you be stuffing that paper in your pants after like 48 hours or however long you've spent in The Box?


They both got beaten with the ugly stick in that cover. But it's okay, their healing factors will fix it.



Suddenly, Resident Evil!

They look like bigger uglier versions of the Cadmus genomes from young justice tv

And we conclude today with Daken: Dark Wolverine #9, in which Laura and Daken reenact some scenes from a Clive Barker film.




When did he get wounded?
What's that room she's shoving him into with the scientists?
What's even going on?


How... how did you see red in your OWN eyes, Laura?








Whelp, that's the end of our main characters. Everyone go home now.


Why is Tyger just jawing with Daken now? Shouldn't she be pulling out the katana-swords to behead him seeing as how he ruined her city and killed all the people she could trust?




What an optimistic sentiment as Laura sails into the rising sun! Surely her mental state will be improved after this adventure, right?




And that concludes this arc and also storytime, a little shorter than usual. Next time we will return on Saturday with everyone's favorite ship!


Wait a minute

is that a thong I'm seeing on Laura ?

What does X-23 have in Combat that Daken does not?

When Daken kicks you, you go flying across the room.
When Laura kicks you, you go flying across the room, and then your guts fall out.


Daken always has a plan, the problem is that he makes them so intricately sophisticated and complex that even HE sometimes can't keep up with it. Either way, he's that kind of guy that no matter what happens it was all "part of his plan"

He does that shit but he's also providing her the means to escape look at what he's doing to her cuff there

Look at how she breaks free here

Daken just doesn't know what he wants.

Oh never mind I guess he just wanted to see her kill people, still asshole move.

I think it's more him seeing how ruthless and efficient she is and liking it, he finds in Laura someone like himself but at the same time feels she holds herself back with the whole emotion and caring for others and has a hard time seeing how someone as perfect as Laura is lowering herself like that.

And when she shoves him out of the room and fights the creatures by herself he gets a bit insulted because he sees it as her seeing him as weaker (and maybe he probably is also starting to care about her).

Laura meanwhile just feels bad for Daken since he's pretty emotionally stunted and all he cares about is power and killing.

Basically both of them are connecting through the killing and because they have familial bonds through Logan but for Daken it feels weird that he's suddenly caring about a person and she's also feeding his narcissistic side since Laura being similar to him is also what attracts him to her.

He can't fucking understand what he's feeling, it confuses him and Laura kind of pities him for it.