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Never, because Alex is a hack and you have absurd expectations.


Just what exactly am i looking at here.

Pacifica's future.

Please dont make me want Pacifica with boobs.

I will draw it and feel awful about it.

Some day we will have fresh Oppaicifica, maybe it will be lewd.
Some day.

Just draw it.

Just make sure there's a LOT of cleavage
though youre makin me wanna draw some too

Lets get this over with

You draw it too.


Okay but what

Pacifica with massive tits. In her cleavage are gold coins which she is showing off. A treasure chest, if you will.

Already got plans to draw her with a nice pair getting pounded by Dipper, but this makes me want to give it a pirate theme.

Why does Sup Forums love sexualizing little girls, though?

Season 3

As soon as Dipper hits a drastic growth spurt too, then just let nature take its course.

little girls are made sexualized

Because Manlet's adult female designs are fucking ugly.

>Dipper and Pacifica have matching growth spurts so that they're always a perfect fit for each other no matter how big they get

Christ on a bike those tits

I love this idea.
Just Donald Trump walking into a funeral blasting Fish Paste by Die Antwoord and strolling in with a fur jacket on and shutter shades, a bunch of secret service ladies dressed in gold suits twerking in front of a corpse. Blasting airhorns and pointing and laughing at everyone, calling them 'big fat messes' and he leaves chanting 'I'M THE FUCKING PRESIDENT'

>tfw you can ride those hills dirt bike style

Imagine the sweet air you could get off them.

Air wouldn't be the only thing.



Bump for bumps

Pacifica with these tits riding the dipstick cowgirl. Catch them mid-bounce.

Got damn.




Every night in my dreams.

>want to draw Pacifica with huge tits and/or BE
>animu drawfag so it wouldn't really look like her
>if I mimic the original style it'd just look wrong

That's the best part of a fantasy; there are no negative repercussions. It's a 100% positive experience.

Give it a shot chief. Not like you're gonna hurt anything. Who knows? It might be great.

Do it in anime please. That sounds godly


>be me
>Love huge tits
>Huge tits are on child character
>Find kids disgusting
Pacifica is just here to make me suffer. Why can't the big titty meme gi on soneone older like the laguna news lady from the show?

Bigdad just nails the dom/alpha bitch look perfectly


Isn't she already has boobs? Even alex notice


KICKflips, user. kickflips.

Mfw I have a younger asian cousin (13) and everytime I see her I want to fuck everyhole she has also she once took her pantsu off and showed me everything. This image only adds fuel to the fire

You have to be baiting



Not really, this is the only place I feel comfortable sharing these toughts

I want more Professor Oppaicifica lecturing about the inherent superiority of her massive chest.

Does Giffany count as an adult female? She studies at a university after all.

Only a handful of the adult women in GF were any good, and they barely got any screentime.

Git that edited shit outta here!

Just make sure she has the hair and the ear-rings.

Source? I really like that style. ¬v¬


They look heavy. Heavy!

Pretty determined bait I see
But that's a good edit

Mabel should be the titty monster
Pacifica is a petit cardio bunny



>implying pacifica isn't going to be forever flat and jealous of mabel's cow tits

Get lost flatty Mabel.

>Pacifica is a petit cardio bunny
you aren't thinking /fit/ enough, we can go much bigger

user you proved nothing.

>implying Pacifica isn't going to have breasts twice the size of her head and be jealous of Mabel's triple-head-sized tits

Pacifica being big in any regard, muscles or tits, clashes with her design and character.
Dont let your fetishes blond you.

She already had big tits in the show itself. You're talking out your ass.

>Dont let your fetishes blond you.

Is this the only adult/late teens pic of Pacifica that exists? Because if so that's the only one I can fap to

She looks like Peggy Bundy

aaaah more good r34

I wonder if this happens IRL. A jealous/curious girl just asking a friend to let her maul her massive jugs and getting permission.

>Taking a meme about an unintentional interpretation of her design seriously.
Yup, we got an autist


who drew this and why isnt there a continuation yet


I've been the gay friend at enough girls nights to say with confidence that yes it does.

Yes. Personal experience.

oh no, what a shame

I always thought that Pacifica would have cow tits but Mabel would have slightly bigger ones.

47k drew it. We patiently await their return.

... faith in humanity... restored?

Would Pacifica be better off going bottom-heavy?


Here, OP. I drew this for you.

Hope you like it.

No. Maybe both. Not the type of thick in the pic at least. A fit kind of thick.

Good man. Good.

>Dipper wearing Wendy's hat into adulthood
Pls no

I would like to this conversation continue. Pacifica and Dipper getting dress as link and Zelda. Pacifica telling him to dye his hair so make it more canon.

I'd be for it as long as Wendy is still wearing his hat too.

Before being redesigned Pacifica already had tits basically. She's going to have pretty big ones.

Find a new place

Pacifica is the only girl Bigdad draws well and he draws her really well.

didn't link have darker hair in the earlier ones?

>tiny tits


That is excellent work sir! Would love to see more!

That's a debate for a different board.

No bullying drawfags
Das mean

It's a cute drawing, but why she no titty?