Be honest, would you be able to stand being roasted?

Be honest, would you be able to stand being roasted?

no imma lil bitch

No. I've done so much stupid shit that it'd be way too easy for them to get me.

I mean I regularly browse and post on this site, and have for a few years.
So, yeah probably, depending on who's saying it and what exactly it is they say. Not all roasts are created equal.

If I was rich and famous enough to get a roast in my honor, my self esteem would probably already be through the roof from all the bitches I fuck so it would be pretty easy to handle

Roasting is in part to take someone down a peg who has everything pretty great

Since none of us are in that situation, the question is unfair, as it presumes circumstances that don't exist

I'm not known enough to have people say anything truthful about me. Anything they do say would be fabrications and since the setting of a roast is as describes then I wouldn't take anything to heart and just spend the evening in a suit and tie.

Who the fuck agrees to being roasted? It's one thing if you're just doing it in a small friend group like with 2 of your friends, because then you can laugh and shrug it off, but if you're doing it in front of anywhere between a small crowd and a full room like in that episode (that was just on, which is why you're posting right?) at every moment there's going to be at least one person watching your reaction, and yea you can sit back and relax but when you have to give your word on it, how the hell do you talk about it? Do you say "yea all those shit things are true I'm a shitty guy lolololol" and pass it off? What the hell are you even supposed to do? Do a mini-roast on the people who said something?

I mean there's mean for a joke and to have fun, point out flaws just to mess around, and then there's roasting which is almost impossible to not show any negative signs, because it's a free for all to publicly say your worst trait and have a whole room laugh about it.

Like, some things that are way too personal. I know everyone here has something that's just a little over the edge for being laughed at. Weight? Not much of a deal, but god damn come on, there's some deep shit.

suit and tie with catered food. sounds good to me

>What the hell are you even supposed to do? Do a mini-roast on the people who said something?
Every roast I've seen ends with the target briefly roasting each of the performers and thanking everyone for coming out.

And a free pass to shit talk everyone who's been roasting you at the end.
And with the practice we get here? Shit most of us could probably be pretty creative with it.
>auditorium catcha
How relevant to the topic!

Probably not.

It's TV, it's probably scripted anyway. People walk into those things knowing what the worst things that gonna be said are and how to respond before they even agree to be on them.

only if they were funny

POL said you all are the SJW board, how come?

I don't like roasts in general. If I'm going to sit through a comedy show I'd rather it be one actually funny person talking about a variety of subjects, not a hodge-podge of celebrities and literally-whos all trying to tell the same joke.

I got roasted on my birthday once in a drawthread I was a regular in. I'm not confident all the participants were good-natured, but in general it was an absolute joy. They made fun of how I draw by doing fake versions with my signature on 'em, drew scribbles of me doing lewd and sweaty things, it was a hoot I tell you. I miss those threads

I already self-deprecate, so possibly.

The only time it's annoying is shit that isn't true, or that it bugs you that everyone thinks but you don't agree at all (something you didn't actually say, but standup impressionists did imitating you)

Its a meme, and also there aren't a lot of places /worth going/ with a topic-forum for Sup Forums shit. And we're usually a little more relaxed than other boards, so unless someone says something retardedly self-outing like "ugh racists am I right?" And similar things, we don't care. That being said, you should see our general response to Fem-Thor, you guys would be proud. I hear /cgl/ and /soc/ are worse than us, but we're a fast-board so that probably makes us a target for cheap memes. Now you know.

I've managed to make it to the age of 21 without killing myself, so I imagine being roasted would be a concentrated microcosm of that.

fuck no
i take jokes to heart

No. My life is one embarrassment after another. Maybe in 10 years when I've gotten my shit together and put some distance between myself and my horribly awkward youth.

I am fully aware of my numerous, glaring flaws, as well as the type of person I am.

It wouldn't bother me at all, since anything said that was true I already know, and anything said that was blatantly false or too jokey wouldn't affect me in any way since it wouldn't apply.

Normies have ruined roasting. It was only funny when comedians did it but now everyone thinks they can be a roastmaster but they're just as bad as those best man speeches at weddings where they just know one embarrassing thing about you that only make a couple of you close friends laugh.

oh fuck, I hadn't considered a roast might actually make fun of my terrible excuse for a life. yeah I'd rather not think about that at all, let alone hear it from others.

Every Roast I've seen seemed to be in good humor and they peppered a lot of praise in between insults. Plus the roasters insulted each other.

It can't be worse than middle school, if for no other reason than my hormones have settled down.

>have never dated a girl
>still haven't graduated college
>have never wanted to kill myself

user if you're 21 and you've considered killing yourself you're probably not gonna make it

how the hell do you keep so chipper?

>family guy

I roast myself all the time.

If you make insulting jokes about my dad or my friends though, I'll fight you.


can't argue with double trips..

No. Years of bullying turned me into a hypersensitive baby. Now the smallest slight can ruin my day.

is that usually how it works? in my experience bullying gets you used to people hating you and being mean. It only hurts when people you thought were on your side join in

maybe no one was ever on that person's side.

I've been getting roasted my entire life and it wasn't even tongue in cheek so yes I think I could.

People can't say worse things about me than I've said about myself.

Oh, my nose is crooked? No shit. Why do you think my head is always tilted 20 degrees?

Sure. I don't get offended. I don't have any self esteem that could be hurt.

That's ruff, dog. I hope you get some accomplishments in and feel better.

More tumblerites here than anywhere else.
Tumblerites like SJW things.

Relative to Sup Forums its fucking tumblr.
Relative to tumblr? It's fucking Sup Forums.

I doubt anyone would be able to say anything bad about me that I haven't already told myself. Unless they're blatantly making shit up in which case I ain't even care. Besides, roasts are just friendly bantz anyway. If people are holding a roast just for me I'd probably be honored.

Most Hollywood people would do literally (literally) anything for free publicity as long as it's socially acceptable enough that it won't kill their career. Ever since roasts became popular they're been lining up for their chance to get roasted.

Eh, I'm not really thick skinned, but I'm the first to admit that I'm a horrible person. Sooo why not, it could be fun

Hasn't Seth McFarlane been Roastmaster for 3 Comedy Central Roasts towards David Hasselhoff, Donald Trump and Charlie Sheen?

Or it's something that hits so far below the belt that to any sensible person it should be considered off limits, like if an actor recently lost their mother then poking fun at said actor's mom is in exceptionally poor taste and should never be done.

Which you'd think would be agiven but I've seen roasts where some half-drunk jackass makes a shitty comment like that and it's obvious to fucking everyone in the room that the joke went way too far.

People roast me every day so organizing a roast would be pointless desu.

By randoms who happen to know about my life? Fuck it, go ahead. I'll probably toss in a few jokes along the way.

If it's done by the small group of people I care about, no, I'd never do it. I had an ex who said I was overweight, so I went from 170 to 135 in three months. That shit sticks with me.

nah, I would probably start crying

I get roasted by my Discord group on a regular basis, usually I laugh it off like Jimmy whatever the fuck his name does with all of his guests.

Like I don't roast myself already?

I'd be fine. Me and my mates get brutal with each other. Ive had years of practice

Not much to say that I don't really like about myself or might be seen as embarrassing by others. I made some shit comics and horrible animations back in like, 2004. In Elementary School to Middle School I kept chasing after this one girl and only my closest friends ever really knew, and they also knew I was a dickhead about it who didn't know boundaries, but don't worry, it was more pathetic than rude, I just kept asking why she doesn't like me. Pathetic like I said.

That's literally it, and all else that could be said is that at 24 I still don't have a girlfriend, or a job.

In Peter's case if I remember the clips posted on here before correctly, it was about his penis size, mental problems, and dumb decisions, but mostly his weight. I'm skinny, just 150 pounds, and aside from the girl thing and some autistic animations that's it for my dumb decisions. I'm not officially retarded like Peter, and since I've never had sex they could only assume my penis is small.

My friends either don't care enough about me to remember that old stuff or they do but have some pity for me so they might skip on some of it (probably that autistic animation stuff since it doesn't really matter).

>this guy thinks anonymous posting on Sup Forums is the same as getting flammed by people IRL for all the shit you have done in your real life

fuck outta here

>anything said that was true I already know
thast the thing user, a roast isn't just you and the people roasting you. It's you, the roasters, and a very sizable audience. sure, you may know everything horrible about you, but the AUDIENCE sure as hell doesn't.

>on Sup Forums
>Not being able to handle being roasted

I'm too boring to have any material to be roasted with.

>11 years old
All that stuff would fall into youthful ignorance and junk like that, so you'd be fine. If you go to a roast and the best they can do is pull something up from like 13 years ago, plus a couple "he doesn't have a job and hasn't had sex" for present time, that roast won't last long, if even exist.

There's a lot of shit could be said about me though, I am a fatass, my ex wife spreads my penis is small to everyone I know excluding my parents (I'm sure they've heard) even though it's not true (I'm not hung like hell though). I have a Job but it's free volunteer work for children so depending on whether or not the time is appropriate, they'd probably make some lowbrow pedo joke like a bunch of assholes, and I'm sure there'd be a fuckton of shit made up, but if you try to say someone made something up in your roast you'll look like a fag.

I'm not above (below?) self deprecating humor, but if I don't think I could handle it.

I'd probably cry ten minutes in.

There's a specific and large difference between someone roasting you without knowing who you are directly. Plus, even if a fag gave his life story, pics and everything, on Sup Forums, there's still something that roast comes without. People being able to watch your expression, being watched by a huge crowd as people belittle you on the worst possible things.

At the very elast on Sup Forums you can try to hide behind your protective curtain under the guise of "they're just Sup Forums... they're rude normally!" but around your friends, family, and maybe even grown-enough kids, and a huge crowd you don't know, being told things that should be private or at least only in a small friend circle.

Sup Forums is full of tumblrinas but not SJWs.

That depends. If they were doing lowball stuff like
"You've got a tiny dick, or you're fat, or you're ugly"
then no.

If they were actually going after actual things I've fucked up in my life it'd affect me a bit more. That said I don't think you could even MAKE great jokes out of those things so it's kind of a lose/lose.

No but more because I don't have enough funny friends to make it worthwhile


>Be britbong
>go to america
>channel hopping in hotel room
>see this thing called a roast on the comedy channel
>decide to watch it
>an hour of a celebrity being viciously insulted
It wasn't funny at all. It wasn't banter. It wasn't jokes or embarrassing but funny stories. It was just straight up insults for an hour.

Don't really care and don't get the point of roasts other than to make a crowd feel better about themselves.

Probably not now.
A few years ago yeah.

Nobody's got nuthin' on me.
It'd be the dullest roast ever.

Sup Forums is full of retards that think anyone who doesn't believe in their hive mind is automatically Tumblr.

well more importantly it's just not funny. if you could find a way to make it funny, yknow.. the humor would help you cope.
graham chapman's funeral comes to mind.

I do it every single day in my head. I'm sure its different out loud but I think so.

I have a very high opinion of myself, so no.

I can handle random people shitting on me indefinitely, but i feel like shit if its people i care about, so no.

Because we don't cry if there is a dark skinned character on tv.


There isn't much material for me other than
>Ha, look at ole user here, ain't he autistic?
or that time I tried to shit off a three story balcony and a girl saw me

>"I've known user since we were both in 4th grade, and I can't say I haven't paid the price."

That was the start of a small roast on me in a High School lunch session, mixed into the latter half was stuff like "autistic desperation" and "retarded beliefs".

If it went on for much longer I'd probably have necked myself.

If it meant I had friends who knew me.

Or the level of status for non-friends to still know me.

nobody knows me well enough to roast me besides my parents who have been roasting me all my life

also not comics or cartoons

>We don't object to the systematic erasure of our people from the civilization we created

It's discussion strung off a Family Guy plot.

It counts because it's our discussion on how we'd react in Peter's place.

>None of us are in that situation
How do you know?
What if I told you you've seen me on the big screen before?

Best one ever.

Dude I would write an entire comedy routine out of that.

I'd say you're full of shit

Pics or it didn't happen

Get off Sup Forums, Gilbert Gottfried.

I don't know why anyone would voluntarily agree to this massive verbal beatdown that's open for any random person to come into. It only makes them feel better about themselves at your expense. The best outcome for you is not caring, but for them it's all good.

Would it be a classic roast where people I know and work with, that respect my work and who I respect, make fun of me in an engaging way? Or would it be a Comedy Central Roast where they just find the most unfunny comedians I've never heard of and have them tell third-party stories about things that happened before they were out of junior high?

Half and half, with both full crowds.

stay salty, retard

Im a comedian and Ive been roasted.


explain to me why not. please, i can't understand why not.

>tfw i am a comedian
>tfw my town has roast battles every month
>tfw I am the undefeated roast champion of my city and successfully dethroned the previous roast champion



Come on user, shit like this has been done in entertainment even before film. The main difference being it was white folks playing other races. Decades later and said groups are still around.

what town?

Madison, WI

Post pics of yourself holding up a card saying Sup Forums and a timestamp. Don't hide your face.

If you can't do that the AMA is nonexistent for you.

lol bitch please, I do comedy in oakland