This is the current state of Family Guy

This is the current state of Family Guy.

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At this point it's your fault for watching.

The last good episode of family guy was When You Wish Upon a Weinstein 14 years ago

I don't know how to process this. Its not like this is offensive or anything. Just written pretty badly.

Though by many they're abhorred,

Hebrew people I've adored,

Even though they killed my lord,

I need a Jeeeewwww

Why the gregorian changing?

>"hey guys, what music should we use for the eagle x drone bdsm scene"

Was I the only one who expected that plane to hit a building and lead in 60 seconds or so of gore?

They don't do gore anymore, only memes.

I admit, I laughed at the Adam West joke with the pool. The plane gag and Cleveland's bald spot were alright. The rest was pretty dire.

I unironically enjoyed that. You gotta give that to MacFarlane, at least a good song writer.

Eh, he's no Trey Parker
MacFarlane is by and far a better singer, though.

MacFarlane is out of his broody, angsty phase now. That was why Family Guy had a significant period of gore for some few seasons.

He still needs to learn how to articulate more with his tone, it feels very monotonous in some points

Where did everything go so wrong?

>no Trey Parker
Hurr hurr let's get stock cavalier piano music to badly sing unfittingly vulgar lyrics over, as a sort of comedc juxtaposition between the innocent music and the dirty lyrics

Seth hasn't written for his show in years. Most likely all the cynical hacks are being replaced with more youthful hacks using the hollowed out husks of the Family Guy cast for their weird fan fiction brought to life.

That's the problem when you let something run too long; it gets taken over by people who were into the show as a kid and end up writing all the awful fanfic stories they always wanted to see.

There's no reason to think FG will end any time soon. It still gets rating and the voice cast are younger than the Simpsons cast.

>2 and a half minutes for a song
At least its animated and voiced by them, not like the time they just grabbed some old footage of some country singer and left that on for like three minutes.

Seth dies in 9/11 2.0.


Christ, I take this new randumb Family Guy over the extremely long cutaway gags and soapboxing of the last decade.

I dunno. Season 4 had a few decent ones. I particularly like PTV .

Thanks to that thumbnail, I don't even have to click it. Convenient.

Trey has never done anything great. South Park was okay up until the movie and garbage after that.

No matter what irredeemable trash Family Guy is now, South Park was never as good as Family Guy in it's prime.

>trey has never done anything great
>three tony awards

Good for him.

Let me know when he makes something more than just a little funny.

Unfunny, forced and late to the drone fad.

Yep. That is Neo-Family Guy alright.

>more than just a little funny
>three tony awards

>nine tony awards

Family Guy is bad, but it's no worst than South Park, or whatever "adult" cartoon you want to insert there. When it's good it's good when it's bad it's bad, I don't cut if off when it comes on sometimes i roll my eyes but sometimes I find myself laughing.

I think people just pick on it because when it does fall flat it falls hard.

What's wrong exactly? It was just okay and at least not boring.

>Not boring
It was nothing but boring.

>2 and a half minutes for a song
Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Conway Twitty

This. Also bragging that you couldn't enjoy something isn't something that impresses anyone.

People are just mad it has fart jokes and not depressing meta humor like Bojack.

Not everything has to be deep, sometimes immature is nice.

>Tony awards