Could Scott Pilgrim work as a cartoon?

Could Scott Pilgrim work as a cartoon?

His art is compatible with pornos.

Something about the art and the ladies in that shitty comic...

only done by titmouse and on adult swim

As much as I liked the movie how it was, I can't help but think about how cool it would've been if it was fully animated

Everytime I see this, I always imagine what could have been.


You're one of hosw fags who bandwagons porn, aren't you.


Did they ever make more than this one episode? I could've sworn more were planned.


The art is really cute without making the characters look too innocent. It is fairly easy to draw. The faces really are too samey, though. One could have totally differentiated them more without compromising the art's simplicity. The strengths and the weaknesses are similar to those of Homestuck's art, really, and Homestuck also has tons of porn.

how the fuck can you fap to homestuck

Bitch I can fap to anything.

Ask /aco/.

Yeah, definitely. I'm hoping it gets something on AS as it's still fairly popular.
I fap to off model homestuck. Lots of variety. Nepeta and Terezi are the best.

could it be animated?
does the story work in cartoon form?

>hey Sup Forums, what do you think about a Scott pilgrim cartoon?
>lol I don't know. The porn is good though
I love you, Sup Forums

No. Fuck that noise.

Better than the fucking movie did.

>how the fuck can you fap to homestuck

Sounds like you are new to Sup Forums.

don't take yourself so seriously user, it's funny.


Lisa a CUTE

Better then a fucking live action movie, sure. The movie is only good on a big screen because flashy spectacles, otherwise it's convoluted cringe fuel and outdated memes. They were stale when the movie was new.

Fap to this

>series with a large variety of cast members and an incredibly simplistic design that can be reinterpreted to fit any taste


especially considering about 30% of it is weird love triangles and pansexual relationship bullshit

>Open image related to Homestuck
>Play with balls until erection is achieved
>Grip shaft of penis
>Gently tug until stuff happens
That help?


Edgar Wright wasted his time on that

He could have done Ant-Man that early

Those are some sexy scales, mang.

Remember 6 years ago when everyone doing a webcomic was drawing like Scott Pilgrim?

I remember when the movie came out and it was Sup Forums's hot topic


Genuinely one of my favourite movies.



it's too gay.

You would know what would be too gay heh

It's not like O' Malley's style is super unique. i think the only thing I'd say is "scott pilgrim" are Giant saucer eyes on moderately short adult bodies. I honestly got told my art was a lot like scott pilgrim for a long time, until Steven universe came out, and now everyone says I draw like that.

That was pre-Disney Marvel Studios and they too busy fucking up Iron Man 2 to put Ant-Man in production

>The movie is only good on a big screen

Most people never saw it on the big screen and loved it anyway. It's a great little film.

>and they too busy fucking up Iron Man 2 to put Ant-Man in production

Fucking lol

It was quite the opposite, They gave as much time to Wright as they could, even going as far as making Stark creator of Ultron because of him.

Yes. If done right, and get the actor that played him in the movie

>fed up with willis posting.webm

Speaking of the comic, was whatever it was that triggered Envy's "start of darkness" ever really elaborated on? Like, it doesn't seem like Scott was the catalyst, but he sure as hell didn't help things when he chimped the fuck out after he found out she went and sold out.

When everyone starts telling you you're hot shit, you start to believe the hype. And in Envy's case she had the talent and looks to back it up.

god that animation is awful.

not on a technical level, on that front its fine, but theres no flow to it, its stiff as a board and feels like shit.