What went right?

What went right?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Be parent, not knowing child is a mutant
>Headmaster of prestigious New York private school contacts you and offers to let your child into their institute for higher education
>Pay out the ass so they can go to this super high end private school
>Find out that your kid is living at the private school but being bussed to a public high school.
>Realize Headmaster Xavier is running a total fucking scam.
>Try to remove your kid from the school and get your exorbitant tuition check refunded
>Headmaster mindwipes you with his mutie powers so you forget that he's ripping you off.
>Your child dies because the Headmaster was actually training him to be a soldier in an underground war

Holy shit, Professor X was a scumbag in Evolution.

>What went right?
Two things and Kitty

Cyclops and Rogue got together in the end.


Teenage mutants is just an awesome concept all around. Mutation is the perfect metaphor for puberty. The Scott/Jean/Rogue love triangle they teased at was pretty intriguing too.

It was comfy as fuck

I remember getting really attached to The Brotherhood on this show and then being disappointed by the fact that they're nowhere near as big a deal in the comics.

I liked the bro-tier familial relationship between the characters.

Scott ended up with best girl in the end

They introduced a weird, messed up fem clone of wolverine

What run is closest to the overall comfy feeling of this show?

That's hard to say. Evolution was it's own thing. The closest that comes to mind might have to be early new mutants by claremont. It's fucking comfy and deals with the teenager stuff

They made the best version of Wolverine.

The series creator was actually planning on this ship to happen had the series not end

They also planned on bringing in emma frost, who was a full grown adult, and have her have an inappropriate relationship with scott. Scott had an x-harem in evolution

>Scott would have betrayed the x men and joined the inner circle


Not doing the Phoenix Saga.

So many of the characters were likable and stayed true to classic elements from the comics. Also the female characters were attractive as fuck on top of being likable. I had a huge crush on Rogue when I was younger but now Kitty has outpaced her as far as my dick is concerned.
Me too, man. This show introduced me to Quicksilver who is now my favorite Marvel hero. I really like Avalanche too. Now that the original Avalanche is dead I kind of want them to bring in Lance Alvers and give him some of the personality of Evo Lance.

Lance was basically a badboy Rictor
