Cerebus Thread

Cerebus Thread.

Lets raise a glass for the longest graphic novel in the English language, and its wacky misogynist creator!

Feel free to join in.













"""graphic novel""""


Well, series of graphic novels anyway.

Cerebus works better as a complete story than Spider-Man or any DC comic.








I've finally got to after issue 20 when it's started to get good.

Yes, its's a stuggle.

But the only thing I can say is that those early issue are important because they lead to consequences way down the line by the time of issue 190-200.

Hey I like this
At what point should I start reading?

Shame it's only good until Jaka's Story


Jaka's Story is the peak, but I still like Melmoth

That's some Sorcerer's Apprentice shit right there.

I'd argue it's still good around going home. It's just a very different kind of narrative.