With the success of super hero movies at the box office, why are there so few people still buying comics?

With the success of super hero movies at the box office, why are there so few people still buying comics?

They're not the same thing.

Because comics are for basement dwelling manbabies and movies aren't.

Why would people who see movies buy comics?

I only buy good comics.

Which mostly means back issues these days.

Seriously, fuck Marvel with a rake, and the only DC stuff I look at is imprint shit like vertigo.

Cape comics are written for kids with learning difficulties by concerned social justice activists nowadays anyway.

Go indie or go home, last comic I bought was MM&O: Amsterdam.

If people enjoy a film, why wouldn't they want to see more of the characters and universe?

Your a big guy

Nah DC's Rebirth has been pretty good so far

You'll quickly notice that Iron Man in the movies and Iron Man in the comics are not the same thing, so the disconnect will be quite jarring.

90% of comics by Marvel/DC are shit tho.

Not everyone will be Hellboy tier.

>If people enjoy a film, why wouldn't they want to see more of the characters and universe?
But they do. That's why they go see the sequels



I guess New 52 was a while ago now, but really?

99% of people don't actually get into things, out of all the people i know who say they are diehard comic/game/movie/whatever nerds they just go online, read summaries and repost facebook shit

Because they aren't socially acceptable.

It's a relaunch, like what Marvel do every 6 months.

Because they are a very outdated form of entertainment. I love comics personally, I think they are one of the best mediums to convey a story only behind animation. They are certainly one of the most compact.

But still comics are too expensive for what they are. Would you rather pay for 2-3 comicbooks of 20 or so pages for $8-12 or buy a movie ticket, or buy a book, or buy a small indie game? They will most likely last longer than the comics that become almost worthless after a couple of months.

Is a while ago for you 5 years?

Like 7 of the ongoings are good, and the majority of them is just the Young Animal line

Cause marvels comics fucking suck lol

overpriced stuff you blow through in a few minutes. "oh boy art" you never look at ever again. "saved" in boxes when it won't be worth anything in 2000 years because so many were made (e.g. many Roman coins)

I have no comic shops in my vicinity, and the one stop & shop that is near me only cells Archie comics, i bought one for $5 bucks


I could have bought a 2 Dr peppers, 2 Mike & Ikes and Snickers for that much money, so yeah i'm never going out of my way to buy comic books again, just gonna lounge around Sup Forums and wait for storytime

The movies, pandering as they are, are still built around appealing to as many people as possible. Even if the original comic fans don't like it, the mainstream crowd will make up the difference.

Comics, at least when it comes to Marvel, appeal to a much more narrow strip of dedicated fans. Piss them off, watch sales plummet. Marvel gambled on the feminist cash cow and lost on the account the feminists they want to satisfy don't bother reading the new stuff, just nod their heads that all it right in this part of the world and leave to complain about something else.. DC is just doing whatever and DC fans will thus buy it.

Also it's not as profitable as it used to be. A lot more forms of entertainment are going for the everyman's budget so they're more likely to spend it on a netflix subscription and splurge watch every season of "[Hero Name] the series"

comics are expensive and incredibly hard to understand or get into

most people I know dont even know WHERE to buy comics because they are not sold at news agents or grocery stores or super markets let alone which comics to buy to get a whole readable decent story

on top of that once you actually find one and buy one they are expensive, each being the cost of a pretty decent take away meal

the quality is also extremely variable, and due to events requiring characters to do certain things in all comics, the quality is now completely independent of the writers of an individual comic, so if you buy a series it might start falling apart half way through because some idiot decided the comics main character has to kill captain america in the future, maybe, or suddenly be transformed into having always been a nazi the whole time, or just straight up fucking die and now everything has to be about that, and anything not about that doesnt make sense

I think you're pretty wrong.

Deadpool fans, Spider-Man fans, and X-Men fans will continue to buy their comics NO MATTER WHAT. Marvelfags are truly a dedicated bunch.


Plus, comics are expensive. The average person isn't going to drop $4 + tax on a comic 20 page or less comic book, assuming they even knew where to buy them, or that new comics that aren't Image trades are still a thing that exist.

Yet it isn't Xmen or Deadpool competing with the huge lineup of DC sales: it was Civil War.

A fanbase isn't all one mindset. Just as there are those that will buy regardless of quality, there are just as many that will drop it the moment they get a whiff of political bullshit.

A medium that involves a lot of reading is nowhere near as convenient as a movie.

The characters may be mainstream but the medium itself will never be mainstream.

What do these people do with their lives? It always sounds like they just go through the motions moving on from one little event to the next. Is it fulfilling? 'Cause I know I wouldn't be happy living like that.

I only really check out indies or stuff by Image. I am enjoying the current Hal Jordan and Aqua Man runs though, I am finding them pretty enjoyable. Marvel I don't care for anymore outside of Moon Knight, I find they put too much emphasis on diversity rather than trying to come up with a decent story and if anyone so much as says anything terrible against them even though they have a point they could just use diversity against them like it is some sort of force field for criticism.

comics are the opposite of a lot of reading. time-wise, they are much faster than movies or tv shows, for that matter

Also all to do with the dumbing down of society. People can't read anymore that isn't single words on their phones which is very sad. Very ironic though that it's been seen to be a faux nerd but nobody actually wants to read something simple as a comic book.

Been meaning to post this for a long while.

they're over priced, and irrelevant to the casual fan when they can just watch a youtuber or read a wiki to act like their hardcore fans.

That is some mental illness level

>the blacked.com meme has finally spread to Sup Forums
Truly a time to be alive

Working, socializing, and real life for the most part. Its actually the exception for people to develop the kind of personality that obsesses over fiction or a hobby the same way or even more-so then they do real life. The closest most people get is obsessing over sports. But even then, only a few people into sports actually become human sports encyclopedias. The majority of people get into sports as a way to play on those base tribal rivalries that modern society doesn't allow much of anymore that pre-industrial warfare did.

All this is why nerds have always been seen as a little weird by most people even in this modern "geek trend" that's present.