Recommend me some good cartoons or else

Recommend me some good cartoons or else

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Do I detect an attitude? What part of good don't you understand


Qumi Qumi

I just got done watching Bo Burnham's stand up.
Fuck you.

OK pal you had your shot you wanna play games with me fine let's fucking do this right now

The fuck's wrong with Qumi-Qumi?

>created in Paint
And you have the audacity to say "no" to someone of my lineage and pedigree

Have you ever watch rugrats?

And what if I don't?

I got you covered.

Shit animation

Get out.

Wow that's the same thing I told your mom after I finished with her last night.

Now are you going to comply with my demands or are you going to continue to bring down the quality of this board by contributing nothing, unlike myself, who has opened up an intriguing and insightful thought provoking dialog.

Best cartoon. Real tear-jerker.

Am I reading this correctly?


>tfw you might not know good cartoons

Thanks for the recommendation, but I'm not interested in sad cartoons at this time.

Yes I'm aware of that cartoon.

Not bad, not bad, I'm looking for more obscure stuff though. Wanna impress the babes with my broad taste and knowledge in 'toons

>tfw to smart for cartoons

Looks like we got a real wise guy here eh? You from Euroland by any chance "lad"?

tell me where you blessed by witnessing the creation from the abyss "lad"?


I'm getting real sick and tired of your games, you perverted fuckers

Now recommend me some good cartoons or you shall suffer the consequences

Now that's more like it. Thanks dude. If only all these other losers in this thread were more like you.

Like i give a fuck dude.
i use sai, but too lazy to open that shit up.

Star Wars the Clone Wars

How about Foodfight?

This is right up your alley.

Transformers Prime

white on yellow is a meme color scheme

Mighty Max my dude

I've had it with your terrible opinions!

Ever seen The Slim Shady Show? Changed my life.

Not really a cartoon, but there's also Hasbro's magnum opus, The Mr. Potato Head Show.

Are you a fan of action? Then Action Man is the show for you.

Boku no Pico
also dubs checked