Why are these movies so universally hated?

Why are these movies so universally hated?

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Because they suck. The 2-D movies are fun though.


Because they're bad.

They could benefit from some Chippettes fanservice

>poor humor
>bad merging of live-action and animation
>no investment in plot


Real size chipmunks, bad humor and terrible plot.

I miss the 2d-animated version.

The designs aren't bad really. The movies are just shit.

But they didn't even look like chipmunks. I never understood what they were going for with their designs.

OP, let's not get ahead of ourselves and call these things movies. Fever dreams might be more accurate.

Generally a movie has a plot. Usually it'll even have a plot and a subplot. Now imagine a movie that is entirely subplots. This isn't some indie artsy flick that's trying some experimental shit either, these films are literally cramming as much bullshit as they can whether or not it works and loosely tie it all up in the end. I'm guessing instead of trying to be cute and fun, visually pleasing, or mentally satisfying they are trying to stimulate your adrenal gland so you can leave this movie with at least some kind of feeling. The feeling of doing heroin, maybe.


No need to thank me

They're actually little kids in a show about little kids, but because the brand started as "Chipmunks" they have to pretend the little kids are "chipmunks"

>four movies
>universally hated

Their funding had to come from somewhere.

They're safe movies that you can put the kid in front of. No adult actually likes it

You got a source on that?

The Transformers movies are hated too and they're planned up to like 8 films.

There's an audience to see them, doesn't mean that they are good

Because they're essentially live action, Illumination movies. Corporate slop that is more concerned about selling merchandise and pandering to the lowest common demoninator, than actually making a fun and engaging film.

Bayformers is genius because it draws people who supposedly hate them to give up their money, every time.

The people who actually see them could argue otherwise. I'm not defending these movies specifically, but if a movie has enough fans to warrant several sequels, I wouldn't call them "universally hated". Bad, maybe, but not hated by everyone.

In my opinion, the only bad movie is a boring one.

Because these deisgns have major appeal (and are more functional).

'Cause they got rid of best girl

This. It's why Saw, Resident Evil and a couple of infamous movie franchises lasted for so long.

BayTF simply started at the right time, and the toyline and games in the second movie despite how bad the movie actually was, sealed the deal for the nu-fans. TMNT tried to copy it even when Bay wasn't really the director, and ended up failing because there was way too many cape movies clogging the years post 2010. It felt redundant though better received than the Transformers sequels

kek, sounds like the current-Marvel comics theory

That reminds me, Simon never got his own Monster movie centered around him, Alvin got Frankenstein and Theo got the Wolfman. What monster could work for Simon?

Pizza Toots

What? No it doesn't. Every Bayformers movie past ROTF has done worse than the last in the US. Literally the only people embracing those movies are the Chinese.

Is he supposed to be a pedophile?

Can't say that I blame him.

Nah man it's still favored internationally. Chinese just dominated the fourth one because of how heavily advertised the movie was in that place. It's also where it premiered with the actors.

Meanwhile domestic returns aren't so dramatic in their losses, but still lower than their previous nonetheless.

Jekyll and Hyde, or make Simon Frankenstein and change Alvin to Dracula

The Fly?

What was going through the animators' minds as they worked on that scene?

Thanks for reminding me

Yeah, thinking back it would have made sense for Simon to get Frank, how would the Alvin and Dracula thing work?

It was a different time.

Because they're...bad?

Sounds good, I could see his brothers trying to cover for him while he tries to reverse the effects.



Holy shit Simon calm the fuck down





Because it work when they're cartoon animals in a cartoon universe. IRL people would be bored of talking chipmunks once scientists discover how to make any animal talk and then they'd lose to ponies within a year.

Like how fucking reatarded are human being in the live action Alvin universe to be this enamoured with a talking rodent?


holy shit i am old.

Real talk here. I never liked the female ones. Like, ever. There's zero appeal to them, and there's nothing they can do that the original chipmunks can't do. They only exist for bad furry fanservice.

>They only exist for bad furry fanservice.
I thought it was because they wanted to appeal more to young girls?

Girls like cute things. The boys are cute enough. What was wrong with them?


Why do they go with the counterpart that's exactly like them? I always found that creepy.

>They only exist for bad furry fanservice.
That wasn't the intention!?

because literally the only reason the chipettes were invented was to give the chipmunks waifus

Why was David Cross in these?

In the cartoon at least, Alvin and Brittany were the only ones who felt like clones, Jeanette and Simon only shared smarts and Theo and Eleanor shared the fact that they were the youngest.


>That Eleanor/Pink Panther comic by Fred Perry

It was too good. Usually I can ignore the small stuff I see online when watching other things. But it was just too good.

Awful writing.

And they made the chipettes not cute.

They made the chipettes actual chipmunks, which is what they were supposed to be.

>They made the chipettes actual chipmunks
Yeah, and it was hideous.

This is some lewd shit.

Really? Because they still don't look like fucking chipmunks.

I thought they looked cuter with actual chipmunk features, but found it jarring that they were so small, I think the movies shouldnt have been live action so they could pull some kind of toon world logic and have them bigger, but still give them some of the animal features

I think the chipmunks in general would benefit from a more feral look. It'd fit in more with the whole "real world" they decided to go with. Instead, we get this sort-of feral but more anthropomorphic designs. If they wanted to do that, at least keep them sized up like in the animated cartoons.


How was David Cross able to go through these movies and keep his career intact while Jason Lee got fucked?

Jason Lee was a scientologist. He "quit", but still. He got what he deserved.

Money. He even admitted it himself.

The first movie got him a summer home. He did not regret the first two movies, but the third movie was terrible to work in apparently.

>Cross, who was raised Jewish, called filming the third installment of the Chipmunks franchise the "most miserable experience I ever had in my professional life." He complained of being "forced at legal gunpoint" to spend a week on a Carnival cruise to shoot scenes dressed in a pelican costume.

Because really, ask yourself. Were The Chipmunks ever good in the first place?

They weren't. Throwing in celebrities, top 40 music and poop jokes won't make them any better.

This is a guilty pleasure of mine.


Why do I want to fuck these squirrels

he literally puts a shit in his mouth and licks his fingers


Leave it to furries to fuck even this up.


Not an over all masterful franchise, but enjoyable none the less. I just wished they kept it fully animated and taken out poop jokes.

I'm more confused about why they're popular

All they do is sing songs by better musicians in a high pitch voice

What is the appeal?

At what point did the chipmunks turn into... not chipmunks? I mean, they looked like animals in the 50s. At what point did their designs change, and why?

Actually, it's because of China.
BayFormers does shit in the states.

America and China ain't the only countries in the world in the world and saying tt did shit in America isn't remotely true. It's just doing shittier than its previous movies.

That's why the third one was the best.
They made the Chipettes cute and endearing, instead of just carbon copies of the boys. Cute furry girls automatically bring up the quality of a film a little bit.

But forreal, the third one is the most tolerable of the movies for multiple reasons.

Heavy on Chipmunk and Chipette interaction, which is indisputably the best parts of the movies.
Very light on the human and chipmunk interaction, compared to the others.
Jason Lee and David Cross are actually slightly enjoyable this time, even though David was treated like absolute shit the entire time he was on set.

It's also the only one of the movies that has even the slightest bit of actual character development. The plot pretty much revolves around Alvin learning that his shitcunt behavior is the reason he's always in trouble. He actually empathizes with Dave and admits that he gives his dad a really tough time by being such an obnoxious asshole.

It's still a live action Alvin and the Chipmunks movie, so you know what to expect. But I honestly find it quite charming for what it is. It's definitely the only one I'd recommend watching.

Doug said it.
I believe it.
That settles it.

That's true. They made them pretty damn...pretty, instead of the strange, button-nosed apes from the 80's and new 2d show.

When the first Chipmunks cartoon came out in the early sixties. Saturday morning. Ross Bagdasarian(David Seville) was still in charge.

Boners. Let's not kid ourselves here.

The cartoons were entertaining, the first animated movie (Chipmunk Adventure) was a great movie and the straight to video ones weren't half bad.

And the girls came out HOTTER than the weird monkey things they looked like in the 80's. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...



Why is there a plunger on her ass


Eh. Last one.

These webms are but ugly dude

Can't expect furries to know quality.

Why do they have scrunchies and even glasses in Jeanette's case but no clothes?

Like Ice Age and The Smurfs movies, they were really popular in Latin America and Europe.

It feels like a movie that is made by a committee of corporate executives. Who have a formula that allows them to generate enough money to make a profit. As such they are generally soulless movies.

Every girl loves to accessorize.

I wish the entire movies were cg,
They seriously need to pull a Smurfs in that department, dumping that shit and going full cg.