See bella episode

>see bella episode
>have to make this shitty comparison picture
cmon now skyler your better than this

They remind me more of Bobby and Connie from King of the Hill.


>tubby, white, whimsical
>black, glasses

skyler needs to go to hell, NO, to borneo.

Clarence and Bella episode fell really organic and natural it was just to kids liking each other and talking

Seems like Steven isn't as pudgy as he was at the beginning of the series.

>implying that steven's funky flow wasn't as origanic as it can get

Clarence is the patricians choice for new age cartoon, tbqh


The people who don't like it are Stevenfags and AuTists

>Working on anything ever again

Skyler isn't working on the show anymore

he hasn't been since the second half of season 1

Why you have to make an imaginary war between cartoons? Most people like all of them.

This leaves me at a loss for words.

because you can't feel superior if you are having too much fun

He didn't nothing wrong tbqhwy familia. The only people that don't think so are nu-calarts lesbo plotline writing hipsters.

what does that have to do with anything?

he should be allowed into the animation industry again, if you ask me. at least clarence has more heart than half the shit on CN these days.

go look at his insta, he obviously has some talent. it's actually pretty sad that some baseless claims got him fired imo.

sure, I do believe he should return

but I also understand why they fired him
basic workplace discipline is all that's asked for, and even co-workers that defended him admitted that there were problems even before the incident (apparently he generally has problems with self-control)

But yes, he does deserve to continue pursuing his career of choice

>and even co-workers that defended him admitted that there were problems even before the incident (apparently he generally has problems with self-control)
Of course, that doesn't really verify anything.
if the claims were investigated further and turned out to be true than, yes, I obviously believe he should be fired.
But iirc nothing of the sort took place. Someone made the claims and he was fired like the day after. Nobody looked into it or took any legal pursuit afterwards at all.
That's a pretty bad way to handle a situation, and feeds into a larger developing workplace narrative on how accusations should be handled which is actually pretty legitimately terrifying.

That is true, the network did a pretty poor job at handling the situation

skyler stopped working on the show long after this

he lost his mind user
and his colleagues treated him like a demon because they wanted to go on a witch hunt
the girl who actually got touched did the right thing going to PR
but then her friends told the world
sending Skylar, a man who is already mentally damaged, on a melt down that could only be stopped when his friends sung him We might be Giants
all he did was touch a boob at a party, inappropriate sure, but it's not rape
all and all making CN look incredibly unprofessional

you mean long BEFORE this

To be fair, I do not think it was ever treated as rape
Sexual harassment is illegal in the USA in of itself from what I've hears
(feel free to correct me, Eastern Europe here)


i like all three a fuckton so

Isn't Belson the one who permanently menstruates?

I like both of these cartoons and both of these relationships, echoing:
I hope Bella isn't just forgotten about though I'm thinking that's what's going to happen.