What are some comics or cartoons that are just as detailed and artistic as anime, but still distinctly Western?

What are some comics or cartoons that are just as detailed and artistic as anime, but still distinctly Western?

I argue with my nip friends about cartoons vs anime and I want some ammunitiom, besides the later Clarissa strips.

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Fuck, I didn't crop the picture properly and now it's sideways. Thread abandoned. I'm a faggot.

what are you even asking? artistic is kinda meaningless. detailed.. uh.. all western comics are on average more detailed than manga.. and all western animation is less detailed than anime, because money. but for a while in the 80s and 90s there was animation that tried having detailed shading. it jumped around like mad and usually looked pretty crummy. there was also the 60s marvel shit that was barely animated, and thus was basically traced full-detail comic panels

It's not hard to find comics with more detail than manga, as one features an entire team of people writing and drawing 20-22 page issues biweekly and the other on average has one or two people, with a few assistants, writing and drawing a 20-22 page chapter on a weekly schedule. Anime usually has more detail than cartoons on the other hand because cartoons in the west are directed more often to kids and feature styles incompatible with artistic details. Outside of movies you won't find anything fitting that criteria.

>detailed and artistic as anime

Anime is detailed and artistic. I just hate the style. It reeks of autism and a desire to escape reality not just for a few hours but forever.

I should have worded the post better, but it was doomed from the start, user.

>It reeks of autism and a desire to escape reality not just for a few hours but forever.
What are comics user

What the absolute fuck do you mean by detail? As in more pencils?

Getting serious, you're looking for comics with cool art styles? Just show that idiot of your friend Alex Ross, and Simon Bisley

Posting Vagabond doesn't help the argument. Very few comic artists anywhere in the world stack up well against Inoue

Hit the fucksticks with some Miller, Gibbons, Sims and Baron.

If that doesn't shut them up, shoot 'em.

All of them.

You're a moron.

>westaboo in its natural habitat
What's it like to be 31 and already lived 3/4 of your life?

True, I just like to take any chance I can to post his art.
>tfw he drew this weekly.


The Secret Of Kells and The Song Of The Sea.

Man apparently he would do entire chapters in 1 or two days. He would have writer's block and then just pump it out with his editor waiting in the office to take the pages.

He has about 4 assistants







Is this from Les Armées du Conquérant?

no it's from la vengeance d'Arn

Great tastes by the way.







that's badass

Shangri-La has an odd mix of detail and rough art.

manga is a bad example because they usually work in teams, the main artist, one in charge of inking, one in charge of words and one in charge of backgrounds, background artists usually rotoscope real life photographs or in more modern comics just add them digitally later, not many use 100% pencil.

"detailed" is what way? the art?

Bernie Wrightson is absolutely fucking insane, in a non-mental way, of course.

Best comics artist in history.