What's the western equivalent of Besrerk?

What's the western equivalent of Besrerk?

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Gee user, I wonder

game of thrones



Berserk really doesn't have much in common with the sword and sorcery genre though, it's more of a dark fantasy/tragedy.

Spawn maybe?

I see you're still going through the first chapters, and haven't gotten to Puck's meme antics, the magic forest of witches, moe apostles and fairy land.

I'd say Warren Ellis' recent work. It took him 15 months to finish a six-issue miniseries.
Or did you have some other criteria in mind?

also this

Carebus the Aardvark

Going off of the OP panel alone, I'm tossing Cerebus in.

People compare cerebus more to the legend of galactic heroes though. It can't be both can it?

Cerebus is everything

Cerebus is 27 years long and full of every single fucking idea that the author ever had. He hammered it all in there. Politics, religion, comedy, tragedy, warfare, slice of life, metatextualism, the Marx Brothers, Oscar Wilde, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Looney Tunes, Captain America, Captain Canada, the conflict between second-wave feminism and third-wave feminism, Woody Allen, gnostic exegesis, and more.

It has enough room to be both Legend of the Galactic Heroes AND Berserk. And Citizen Kane. And In the Aeroplane Over the Sea. And TempleOS. And Ulysses. And more.

>griffith got away with everything and will never, EVER be brought to justice
>history will paint guts as a bad guy and griffith as literally god
>casca is gonna be a braindead vegetable forever
>guts will suffer and suffer and suffer forever
>the series will never conclude because the author is gonna die playing idol master

>tfw griffith did nothing wrong


Perfect answer.

>and more.
Aw, fuck, it's all coming back to me. Swamp Thing versus Man-Thing versus The Thing. George Washington versus Adam Weishaupt. The Illuminati. The Marx Brothers. The Rolling Stones. The Beatles. Marty Feldman. The Flaming Carrot. Alan Moore. Todd McFarlane. Sandman. Shepherding. Bestiality. Rape. Murder. Addiction. Margaret Thatcher. Michael Moorcock. Kabbalah. Tarot. Hockey. He made it all fit. Even when he probably shouldn't have, he forced it in anyway.

Cerebus is too good, too pure for this world. More people need to read it. More people need to learn to copy everything it got right, and avoid everything it got wrong.

I'm so lonely because there's never anyone to talk to. This loneliness is killing me. I need more people to read it.

Please read it, Sup Forums.

>The Marx Brothers

Just pretend that I wrote Prince Valiant instead.

Tell me more, user.


How much does getting all 16 trades cost though?

The Three Stooges are in there too. All six of them. All their back-stabbing and scheming and drama from behind-the-scenes. And Preacher, by Garth Ennis. And Chris Claremont. And of course, it all comes back to Conan the Barbarian.


>Cerebus the Aardvark #001-300 by Dave Sim and Gerhard

Rogue trooper


Will it break my heart and fill me with rage like Berserk did?


The author had a mental breakdown during those 27 years.
Certain issues are controversial for certain reasons.
There's a reason why people considered Dave Sim to be a lunatic

So... no?

Oh, yes, absolutely. I can spoil the entire comic for you, if you like.

Cerebus is a sinful, hateful, terrible monster. About halfway through the comic, Cerebus is given a warning that (unless he changes his ways) he will suffer immensely before dying alone, unmourned and unloved.

In the end, it takes him many years, but Cerebus eventually succeeds in changing his ways. He reforms, he repents, he works for the betterment of others. But not soon enough. He suffers immensely for his past crimes, and he dies alone, unmourned and unloved.

And then Cerebus goes to Hell to suffer for all eternity.

But is he a sympathetic character? Does he have a good reason to be an asshole?

Dave is bringing him back.

Poor Gerhard. He only worked on Cerebus simply knowing at some point he would be done with it. Now Dave is bringing him back... in Hell!

>But is he a sympathetic character?
At first he isn't, but he becomes one eventually.
>Does he have a good reason to be an asshole?
At first he doesn't, but he gets one eventually.

He already did, it's just that he's using copy/pasted images since he's too old to draw.
It's not even meant to be taken seriously, they're more like newspaper funnies


Puck's been around since the very beginning, even the non-canon original Black Swordsman chapters that were arguably some of the darkest.

dark fantasy is sword and sorcery, numbnuts

>he's too old to draw.
I think he messed up his hands and it's actually painful to draw.

So computer copy-and-pasting is all he has left.


They are literally in the middle of the "Fix Casca" part of the story right now.

Yeah and how long were they in the "on a boat" part of the story my man

>I think he messed up his hands and it's actually painful to draw.

Yeah his dominant hand is fucked up, it's even a pain writing too long. He has an upcoming comic from IDW that he had to hand over art duties to someone else because it's photo realistic

Honesty, I'm just hoping Miura has drafts somewhere so that the story can be finished by somebody else if he dies before he can finish ala Wheel of Time.

>non-canon original Black Swordsman chapters
The what now? Are you saying everything before the Golden Age is no longer canon?

Don't listen to him, the only thing that ever got retconned was the idea of evil thing.

He might be talking about the original unpublished comics Miura did when he was in college.

oh my god I just made this post in the win o thread


this is giving serious requiem chevallier knight vibes

or rather, requiem gives me serious nemesis vibes. where can I read it?

>. . .

Tom and Jerry.
Think about it...

>Requiem vampire knight

Comic so edgy you can shave yourself with it and so detailed that berserk pales in comparison.

>Chronicles of black moon

and what if we told the story from griffith point of view (if he was less selfish and less inclined to fuck things up because pride)

>First Law comic
because books are amazing and no matter how godawful art is it can't ruin the story and dialogues. also best berserker in modern western fantasy after conan


Some people talk Cerberus up like it is the greatest thing ever, but I've never seen a page posted that was the least bit compelling or interesting. Half the time it is just a fucking furry talking in the third person.

Wow, I can't believe people posted pictures of the main character when talking about a comic starring that character. What a shocker. Can you believe it?

Since you don't like to see Cerebus talking, here's a picture where he's bound and gagged.

To be fair, Puck was a more serious character back then compared to what he's been reduced to now.

I don't think he's had a serious piece of dialogue in the last decade.

Not now, I have a headache.

Yeah, I can't remember the last time Miura drew Puck as a naked, winged shota.

>He does terribly things to Tom. Nasty, even sadistic things.
>But that's fine, as long as that's what Tom wants.

Great. Amazing. Fantastic

>old band of the hawk

I maintain that Griffith's soul-fuckery in calling up the souls of the departed to comfort their families in Falconia is somehow going to be perverted into bringing up the souls of the Band of the Hawk to show people what he did at the Eclipse.

what exactly happens in issues 280 to 290

Cerebus deconstructs the Torah for 10 issues while not-Woody Allen mopes.

Guts' ideology outlined early in the manga is almost identical to that of the Hound, so there's at least that.


they got off the boat eventually. And to be fair, the series went on hiatus during the boat travelling.

Berserk is western Berserk. It's lisenced by Dark Horse and has official english volumes.

Well now half the fucking cast are comic relief. If it's not Puck making the dated pop culture reference, its Ivalera, and if it's not her, it's the One Piece reject character Isidro constantly making the same three sex pervert jokes.

The party dynamic is okay right now but I feel like just Guts, Farnese, and Serpico would be absolute perfection. I get why Schierke is there if only to have some kind of direct magic presence in your increasingly high fantasy story.

I have no idea why Azan is even there. No one seems to care about him or why he's on the boat himself included.

Speaking of which: darkhorse.com/Blog/2460/berserk-back

>It has enough room to be both Legend of the Galactic Heroes AND Berserk. And Citizen Kane. And In the Aeroplane Over the Sea. And TempleOS. And Ulysses. And more.
what a silly thing to say

Sláine, obviously

>I don't think he's had a serious piece of dialogue in the last decade.
I don't think there's been more then two volumes in the last decade.
. . . Am I exaggerating? I don't even know anymore.

The Puck in the beginning was a vehicle for us to experience more vividly how raw, dark and terrible the path of lonely destruction self-destruction Guts had taken was.

The Puck that appears after the Eclipse chapters becomes more and more comedic until he's just tiny, flying Waypool.
He even has a Saint Seiya armor on, one time.

And Gravity's Rainbow. And Infinite Jest.

the meme is complete

>tiny, flying Waypool.
That isn't fair: Puck is actually funny.

Because it's the longest single-author comic book ever made, it has room to cover more themes and topics than any other comic. And I don't mean that in the Grant Morrison way, where a comic namedrops an idea to look smart and then quickly moves on to the next reference. I mean that in the Dave Sim way, where a comic seizes an idea and tells a full story with it before moving on to the next thought.

So when you come to Sup Forums and ask for the Citizen Kane of Sup Forums, or the Ulysses of Sup Forums, or the In The Aeroplane Over The Sea of Sup Forums, Cerebus is NOT a ~perfect~ match for any of them, but there are elements in there for all of them.
>it changed the industry forever (the "Cerebus Effect" is the 1990s term for the shift in focus from floppies to trades)
>the story of the lead became the real-life story of the author (alone, unmourned, unloved)
>the author is mentally unhinged
>the author had a spiritual awakening
>the author rejects the modern world and disappears for long periods of time
>the author isn't Jewish but has a fascination with Jews
>the work is obscenely long
>the work is obscene
>the work is experimental
>the work is incomprehensible at times
>the work is treated like a meme by the ignorant but actually has real value
I don't know about you, but I see similarities to CK, U and ITAOTS in there. And more.

I thought the Cerebus effect was when something with lighthearted beginnings becomes serious and dark as it becomes older.

Hello TV Tropes

I didn't know m8, I just heard it being used with that meaning in mind. If it was from that site I didn't know about it. I swear.

Aku is actually more successful than Griffith because he got his boycrush to actually fuck him.


Can't believe it took this long.

Also, Frank Frazetta's Death Dealer. There's a mini from Image (pic related).

Also, Frank Frazetta's Dark Kingdom (which also has a mini from Image).

Are there any berserk like manga that are actually good? I've seen some dark fantasy revenge stories but they never come close to berserk.

That's Cerebus Syndrome. It has both an effect and a syndrome.

Pretty much anything Frank Miller


not even close.

Anyone got links for slaine?

berserk destroys your innocence then fucks you so hard you see yourself being fucked in 3 person view.

Solomon Kane

Anybody ever play the Berserk game for Dreamcast?

eh... not quite

though Solomon Kane is still awesome

empire-dcp-minutemen-scan.blogspot dot com slash 2016/04/2000ad-trades-other-volumes-collection.html


It's been a long time since I read Berserker (when they got in the boat) and Solomon, but I remember them being similar. Both Gatsu and Solomon fight dark forces, both fail most of the time in saving innocents and both have "why even try people are still going to die" mentality at first

Not in terms of the setting, but thematically and stylistically they are very similar.

Yeah, it's really good actually

Conan life is less of an ongoing like berserk an more of a bunch of badass adventure that usually end up depressing hell even in Conan the slayer you can see him guilty as hell for his failures, but Conan doesn't really have an archenemy a Griffith he just deals with assholes trying to kill him

Are we ever getting those Berserk omnibuses If they can make them like the Planetes collection that be a godsend