On the "new" wave of liberal writers

Why does Sup Forums act like liberal comic book writers are a new thing?
Is there a legit reason for this complaint or is this just conservative Sup Forums posters being butthurt that they'll never write comic books and acting like it's the LIBRULZ's fault even though conservative writers like Bill Willingham and Nathan Edmonson do exist?

This always happens with conservatives.
>Jazz is destroying our culture!
>Rock n' Roll is destroying our culture!
>Rap is destroying our culture!

Idiots keep believing that all progress up until they were born was good, and everything after that is bad.

I doubt people'd have an issue with things if the industry wasn't so slanted going as far as soft blacklistings like Edmonson suffered

Show me proof of that so called "blacklisting".

Because it's true. We've been on a steady decline into misery for decades.

Is this the weekly "all liberal writers are identical across space and time" thread?

Post the Superman one.

>for decades.

People have been making these terrible arguments for millenia

>Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food, and tyrannize their teachers.



This is so stupid
>Nothing is ever better than anything else, if you think so, you're just being nostalgic xdddd
>lol. you think Camus is a better writer than JK Rowling? You must have been 12 when The Outsider came out!

Fake news. Fake quote, actually, some guy made that shit up so he could shake his fist at those pesky olds.

This is hardly propaganda and bullshit opinions, this is just an attempt to calm the population during war times. Meanwhile, those in power definitely did think Japanese Americans could betray America at any time.

because thats exactly what it meant

>No period of pop culture is better than any other
>If you try to argue this one way or the other, you're just being nostalgic

I hate idiocy like this that thinks its being all smart and reasonable, when it actually just kills interesting discussion.

>Why does Sup Forums act like liberal comic book writers are a new thing?
We're not. We're specifically talking about libshit writers using these books as their own soapboxes to spew bullshit about things that are either imaginary or matter in the very least.

a decade of pop culture can't be better than any other because it's subjective as shit.

Like what you like and quit bitching

And the liberal messages in comics could not have changed in context, content and volume over the last 50 years, right?
Thats, like, totally a nostalgic fallacy to even suggest!
Its so lucky that thinking anything is different from anything else is a fallacy, now we don't need to have interesting discussions anymore!

Yeah and what happened to Socrates' society dipshit?

Modernism was a mistake, but there's no point in griping about it in a circlejerk thread.

Who's butthurt again?

There's no point in anything happening here user. Inside and outside this thread.

It's almost as if superheroes commonly fight for everyone's rights, regardless of their political feelings or nationality...

*unless they disagree with MY politics, then it's punch le nazi time!!

To be honest, the Nazis were RATHER unpopular. And in the comics, almost ALL of them were fighting unnamed, yet-heavily-implied German Nazis or unnamed "fifth columnists" that were working for "enemy nations..." in 1942

>12 during 2002

Fucking no, aside from the LoTR movies it was nothing but shit during that era.

>This is hardly propaganda
>this is just an attempt to calm the population during war times.

That's exactly what propaganda is. Propaganda isn't just what we disagree with.

Lets post some damn good conservative superheroes.

>"Good" = Hawkman? The coolest thing I've ever seen him do is get tired of Matter Master's shit & cut off his hand, which Green Lantern already did earlier to Black Hand anyhow

And we're not just thinking Green Lantern first?

Most SJWs and anti-SJWs don't read comics. They're only interested in comics for furthering their political agenda. Comic book readers(capefags) being manchildren, fall for them.

superheroes were originally completely and utterly liberal media, were they not? standing up for the meek and superman beating the shit out of rich assholes for white collar crime and oh, tyranny is bad this, boo fascism that

>character that's lived hundreds of lifetimes and seen hundreds of different civilizations rise and fall
>chooses to follow politically conservative view points

Really makes my synapses fire

Applying 2017 standards to media published decades earlier? Surely nobody would do that.

>Trump is banning Muslims

I love this meme

The art in this makes me cry.


It's almost as if crime is bad & no one should do it. And on the other hand, most superheroes aren't too big on fighting tyranny in and of itself, unless it's from space. LOTS of superheroes actively don't involve themselves in world politics, because if they do, you end up with Black Adam or Miracleman

>there are only TWO political parties

Go to bed America, you're drunk.

Far as I know it went on and still exists today, both as the Greeks and as those who listen to his words

Refugees/terrorism wasn't as much as a problem back then as it is now, and 3rd wave feminism didn't exist.

Because liberalism has been hijacked by fanatics and now includes utter retardation.

I still do not understand why the DC public doesn't love Black Adam..

Nazis were basically cartoon villains in real life.

Most people don't have a problem with equality. It's giving minorities a golden cow status and making sure that they aren't portrayed as in the wrong that people have a problem with.

Because, at his best, his violent tendencies outweigh the good he tries to instill in the world & get the better of him. At worst, he's Sinestro: He has the power to forcibly control his world & wants to do so & sees no problem with doing so.