"It's 'Stranger Things' but just sorta hopped up a little," he told EW...

>"It's 'Stranger Things' but just sorta hopped up a little," he told EW. "It's almost like Season 1 was drinking a Coke and Season 2 they drank a Red Bull."
Was he right?

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more like DOING coke xdd

Don't care

Watch twin peaks

He is going to be one weird looking adult

Nah uh

How much drug usage is this kid exposed to daily since he got homolust famous? Look at those word choices. Check out his metaphor structure.


Will season 3 feature Darth Finnus the Wise?

he already looks like a jewish grandma, so your argument is weak

With how little he was in season 2 he was still the highlight of it
That scene he god mad at Hopper was great
He and Steve saved the show

Found the gay pedo

On pace to rock that Howard Stein face

Sup Forums is always wrong
Based on that I’ll say he’ll look great when he’s grown up

Someone explain to me the appeal of this bland as fuck show please.

He looks like a god compared to the other kids in the show

This. I remember when everyone said Bran was going to be a cute teenager. And let's not even get started on Chloe.

Had more "demigorgons"

But season 1 was a better story.

He truly is YHWH's choice

Jesus Christ that wasn’t even noticeable in season 2, he grown so much
How are they gonna make season 3 when he looks like a huge chad compared to Dustin?

I feel like there's only one poster samefagging and shilling this guy.Sure,dude's a good actor compared to the twink anglo trash we see regularly but he's nothing special.

And Season 3 will be like doing lines of cocaine.

nah, there's the netflix intern and there's pedobro so that's at least two

I want to marry him

There are entire discord servers for this shit. There's actually three I'm aware of

There have been a dedicated Froggo posters since Stranger Things came out

The supplier has already been busted


Jesus this show sounds more and more like such a fucking cringefest for wine moms

a lot of kids in em servers huh. no, im not fbi

Based finn

no more than on Sup Forums

>>"It's 'Stranger Things' but just sorta hopped up a little," he told EW. "It's almost like Season 1 was drinking a Coke and Season 2 was snorting coke."


we got real feds playing nanny for this site's servers tho

I'm sure there are plenty on discord as well, given the rampant CP problem

a lot of seepee in em discord servers huh


so I hear

not in the Finn ones. Well not in mine.

>wearing crocs in the current year
Really, Finn? REALLY?

>comparing him to the kid with the minor deformity

That's mean, user.

They’re good for stepping in the sofa and pretend you’re a sith

>stepping in the sofa

>play 80s pop song every 2 minutes to remind the viewer of the era
>the diversity SQUAD with poo leader
>first main character to get laid is Jamal
>it's with a white girl
>people aren't marching in the streets with their full Klan regalia in protest
>a girl is the best at video games


cringe: the televsion series

Dustin is gonno be chad as fuck in his 20s.

Lol he’s like 2 years older than Finn and he’s the farthest thing from a chad

He's Corey Feldman 2.0, he will have been diddled so much by then that he'll be a faggoty trannys with a severe opioid addiction and manic depression

If he loses some weight and starts working out then he'll be chad as fuck.

Having his face in my life makes the world slightly more bearable.

He looks like a fucking retard with that retard-lip of his.

Corey's problems are the result of losing fame and attention, not being diddled. Lots of people get diddled and turn out fine.

yea season 2 is like drinking a red bull, a red bull with 10 ambien in it

What did Millie mean by this pose?

her ballsack was stuck to her leg

I'm not being harsh to him he's a good kid but let's be realistic here.
He has some birth defects with his bone, and unlike Finn he has already fully hit puberty, he will never look "normal" at this rate
I mean look at his legs, he's gonna need to have some painful surgery to deal with this later in his life

What in the fuck is that coloured wearing

Paying tribute to Harvey hurricane victim

it's not unusual for one ugly nerd in the group to become popular during puberty

The new season is John Hughes and John Carpenter smashed together.

Holy fuck I lold I just thought about him explaining to someone, without being asked, that he was taking a knee for his brothers and sisters

wtf is that poo doing?

what the hell kind of pose is that brown girl doing.


Gotta air that dugout

>nintendo hat
>green jacket
holy shit early 2017 finn is coming back

Quints of truth

is he gonna be the next Ryan Gosling?

The next Rainman

There is no template good enough to describe the force of nature that is Finn Wolfhard.


what about Laurence Olivier ?

That's a fine start, but Finn is clearly going to eclipse him soon enough.

he looks like Youth Lagoon

Most people don't grow up to be good looking enough for Hollywood but out of the 4 boys he is the only one with a shot.



never seen the show and i have netflix. is it turly good or some pedo show?


way to be harsh man

Correction, looks like the actor who plays Will is not a confirmed smurf, just a lot younger at 13 so he still has a shot.

Black kid is by far the oldest at 16, real growth period over, will be the midget of the group by series end


Nah Noah is definitely a fruit

In fucking Indiana no less, a state that used to have a Klan member for a governer.

is she levitating? damn this pic is too small

>that couch
>wearing easily removable clothing


Join the stg discord finn bros

>ywn play super mario odyssey with finn


He was clearly getting into character


Join stg server finn bros.

they really went full retard with this season

You can tell just by looking his face that he's a coke head

He unironically got the best scene this season

Cute Finn

Show is bad. Anyone that liked it should feel bad for liking bad things.

My bf thinks i am gay just because i said finn is cute
Wtf is wrong with him

Show is great, everyone that liked it should feel great for liking great things.

Tell him only straight boys with patrician taste like Finn

Now why would you watch a piece of art when you can enjoy some entertainment?

>My bf thinks i am gay just because i said finn is cute
I have several questions