What does Sup Forums think of Loving Vincent?

What does Sup Forums think of Loving Vincent?

That finally got released?

waiting for a torrent

OP here, I watched it in some arty cinema in the UK last night. It was pretty good imo.

You might be waiting a while for a good quality one.

Been waiting for this one for a few months now, glad to hear it's finally coming out. Not yet in any cinema close to me though.

Is it worth seeing in theaters or does it's gimmick get boring pretty quick?

gimmick or kino?

Seems pretty gimmicky because it was first shot on film with real actors and the painters just painted on every frame of the film.
Yes it's a remarkable achievement, but in the end you are getting just a film made by the director, the painters here are not the artists, they are the medium.

Well I know people who got put off by it fast, but the plot is solid enough to keep interest imo. Personally my arty local cinema is cheap, so I paid £10 a ticket, which is reasonable imo. And it's probably something best appreciated in a cinema.

Tbh if I had to pick, gimmick. It's still interesting though, but I just don't think the style of paintings as films will ever really catch on. Too much effort and not enough profit. I'll be surprised if Loving Vincent makes bank.

It was very good, even ignoring the painting aspect it's a decent film that explores van Gogh's life and gets into what it means to be an artist. Good performances too. Looking beautiful is the big attraction though.

This chick is my paintfu

>tfw Vincent didn't flirt with this girl but went for a rich thot
Vincent you fool.


Boooi that is hardly a spoiler. Also lets be honest, everyone knows Vincent's story at this point.

I don't, but thanks for ruining the movie for me, asshole

Does this count as an anime, considering Van Gogh's artstyle had Japanese influences?

...You can still watch and enjoy the movie despite knowing one detail in advance. Don't be so sensitive.



>tfw Vincent was a weeaboo baka gaijin

Psst... Vincent cuts his ear off.

I bet I ruined your day with that one.

Despite that, I almost guarantee that the film just wouldn't look as nice if it was shown how it was originally shot.

Sounds like something Ralph Bakshi could've made.

No I don't watch cartoons.

>And the academy award for best animated feature goes to.

Family Guy

No wonder Vincent fucking killed himself.

Pretty alright



Some say he was killed.


Funnily enough, Loving Vincent actually discusses that. But I won't spoil the conclusion the movie comes to.