I'm definitely too old for this shit

I'm definitely too old for this shit

It's not like Glover has anything better to do

Pure buddycopkino.

Day one watch for me. Especially if Donner returns.

He's 87 and the last thing he directed was 16 blocks over 10 years ago, maybe he'd just produce it

Get Shane black to direct it
Instead it'll be a hack like Ratner

he's so charismatic, i love him

>Danny Glover was too old for this shit 30 years ago

what, no female lead?

its gonna be glovers daughter working with gibson while glover is in a hospital bed the whole movie

plot twist: the hospital bed has an explosive on it that goes off if he gets up

There actually is a rumor that one of the proposed plots is Riggs and Murtaugh teaming up with Riggs' son and Murtaugh's granddaughter, who are partners at the LAPD. The twist is that Riggs' son turned out to be a straight-laced by the book guy like Murtaugh and Murtaugh's granddaughter is an absolute madwoman maverick like Riggs.

wow how clever

I forgot riggs had a son at the end of 4

The show is better than any of the movies excluding the first one.


>Riggs' son and Murtaugh's granddaughter

Chris Pratt and Zoe Saldana.

if riggs son was born at the end of 4 then he would be like 20, pratts way too old

It would have to be baby driver or something like that

Riggs' wardrobe alone makes the show superior.


ummmm shouldn't they be making lethal weapon 7?? Are they going backwards in movie numbers?

I don't know, are you?

Chief Lazarus is the greatest villain in film history. You cannot dispute this.