/stg/ - properly done edition

>Episode 7 was ass
>debate best girl
>ignore shills

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Season 2 without 7 > Season 1 > Season 2



Posting best scene (spoiler)

Goddamn that punk britbong. I had a seething hatred for her edgy bullshit since the first scene of the season and had my finger's crossed for the entirety of episode 7 that some lucky cop was gonna put a bullet through her head.

El was so cold here I loved it.

What do you guys think about season 3 being on space? Eleven has visions of a desolated planet billions of light years away.


The previous /stg/ editions have been pirate-threads run by vandals and aren't recognized by the official establishment.
Order is now being restored to Stranger Things discussion.


What the fuck are you even talking about. Sounds like terrible fan fiction.

Eleven turned into a lovecraftian abomination and Mike has to kill her

poo in the loo character was fucking the worse holy shit

tired of this pedo posters\

cute froggo

Shut the fuck up loser. Don't ever (You) me again

>Mike is horrifically squeezed into an exploding jet stream of blood by Eleven's writhing flesh

yeah suck it Paul Feig

Why is there no mean girl character yet? Instead we get a boring closet gay bully again.

Go you're pathetic

enjoy your faggy space dreams faggot

Eleven > Will > Mike > Lucas > Dustin > > > Max

Why there has to interracial shipping? Why couldnt there be sassy black girl?

i like max as a character but she literally did nothing of substance all season long, felt kinda pointless

Oh yeah, they never actually did anything with the gamer-girl idea...

W-was it merely a random stab at gamer culture, serving no other purpose than to virtue signal?

You mean an evil female character? There was that bitch working for Brenner in the first season. Also every female character has turned into a "muh independent stronk woman" at some point so there isn't much room left for an imposing evil one.

I'd like to get a glimpse of some dimension or whatever that goes deeper than the Upside Down, it'd have to be implied and not shown. Just once

>Lucas > Dustin

What makes you like a literal whiny nigger who constantly undermines his friends over the heart and soul of their party?

>sassy black girl
Lucas’ little sister.

Dustin was pretty annoying in s2, lucas was an improvement from s1

I watched the whole season in one sitting so I don't quite remember what episode scenes were in. Was there any hawkins stuff in episode 7? Is there a detailed list so I can watch it again and skip every 08plot scene?

I mean as a love interest.

Mike > Eleven > Max > Lucas > Dustin >Will
I thought Will was gonna be good this season but he remained a plot device with annoying crying scenes

Just skip episode 7

this was the biggest problem with this season, they had a bunch of ideas that never were used or played out in a interesting way
>ghostbusters outfits, wasted
>eleven halloween ghost, wasted
etc etc

I don't know if I like that they broke the trope of using anger to make your powers work stronger. I feel like that's generally poor, short sighted advice that is going to turn you into an edgy little shit.

Lucas’ little sister. Society has to progress one way or another.

Season 2 had two major flaws

1 - Episode 7 was horrible. I get why the episode happened, it was just shit.
2 - They should have had El join up with the group much, much sooner. Like episode 4 or 5. Not for 5 minutes in the last episode.

So did I

>ghostbusters outfits, wasted
He used the trap to hide the monster thing, I guess that counts as a payoff.
>eleven halloween ghost, wasted
That was just a reference to ET. Hopper was never going to let her leave the house anyway.

Thats not enough for me. If I see that street shiter once it will ruin the rewatching. for example she showed up in a flash back in the last episode when eleven was closing the gate I need times so I can skip that scene.

This guy looks like someone underwent Michael Jackson-esque surgery, it's freakily off putting.

Can we give a shout out to Nancy being so ice-cold that she stuck Will with a red-hot fire poker with no hesitation?

What a waste of a character. I feel like he was just, THERE.

There'll probably be a season 3 plotline of her learning that she's stronger when she channels positive emotions. Ugh.

She was just fed up with the

Eh, he reminds me more of that smarmy douchey guy from gossip girl than anything unnatural.

inb4 which one

It feels more like half a season than a complete one to be honest, but it wasn't terrible.I still would've loved that they stop this story at the end of season 1 and start something entirely different, or maybe with just cameos of S1's characters or reference.

Was anyone else expecting someone to be shitting on the toilet when drunk Nancy said to Steve that "we killed Barb" and then word would get out and they'd be arrested?

Also was anyone else expecting Max to be revealed as one of the experiments as well?


How many love triangles this season? Last season we had Nancy, Steve and Jonathan, this season we have that plus Lucas, Max, Dustin, then Eleven, Mike, Max, and possibly Will's Mum, Bob, Sheriff. Fucking why?

Do max and eleven interact at all? What about will and eleven?

>Eleven, Mike, Max


So Nancy had sex with Jonathan? How was it? Did they get fully naked? Did she choke on his dick? She seemed pretty horny, do you think he took her from behind? If he did, was it because she told him to or he was in charge the whole time?

Sorry, Sombra's presence can't be edited out of the series. She's the one that teaches Eleven that you must use the power of anger to amplify your powers, it's kind of essential to her character arc.(First being angry at her friends, then deciding to be angry at the people who mistreated her as a baby instead)

Is that poll from reddit or something? I can't believe a poll from here would have 6/10 as the lowest extant vote

>Arcade guy Keith flushes toilet
>Blackmails Nancy into a date

>mfw she's in every episode of Season III

>Lucas, Max, Dustin
how long did it last? 2 episodes? once dustin got d'art it became his "thing" in this season.

I was pretty shocked the moment Dustin called Mike's dad a "son of a bitch" and he reacted like it was nothing and told him to just watch his language. was that a common thing in America in the 80s? where I'm from a kid would be in serious trouble for calling an adult that, especially 30 years ago


At the very least, we know they didn't use a condom and he pulled out. Let your imagination take you from there

If ST is good about anything, it's that it breaks more of the cliches/tropes than most shows would have just blindly followed.

I think he's really attractive, maybe it's mostly his demeanour, but I like him a lot.


She watched him jerk off, then they both went to sleep.

him and his bro are like snapshots of edward furlong before and after puberty

Do you think she regretted breaking up with Based Steve at that point? There's no way that Jonathan could be better at laying pipe than King Chad.

Not at all common. It's just that dustin knows how fucking passive and ineffectual mike's dad is that he can get away with it

he would've gotten those pearly whites knocked right back out. rrrrrrrRRRRRRrrrrrrr.

Anyone else feel bad for Steve. He turned from being a douche to a total bro and his girlfriend does not love him and she got railed by the poverty pipe.

>liking a chinlet

In the 2nd to last episode he's still trying to get with her, talking to Steve about it a lot. In the last episode he wants her still.

Pretty much, Eleven getting pissy about it made it as stupid and annoying as any love triangle. She could have got back in the group right there if not for shitty love triangle bullshittery.

Well there hasn’t been an ice queen type major character yet. Hopefully season 3 gives us a female villain.

>Did I ever tell you about Mr. Frodo?

Max really reminds me of my younger sister, tomboyish/expressions/appearance. Except my sister isn't red-headed. Kind of spooky.

I believe that it could be tastefully edited out we would see eleven arrive in chicago and then it would just be a mystery what she did. That would be not prefect but ok it would leave a lot to the imagination.

pls no


When Dustin got gassed in the tunnels and smiled, I thought for a second that his teeth disappeared.

Really? His face looks like someone melted plastic then just put it draped it back on and said "Fuck it, that'll do".

I was actually shocked how much I came to like Bob. He was a good dude.

Fucking fatass piece of shit. Thank fuck he died. I hate fat people so fucking much.

>tfw in 3rd season Dustin and Max becomes a thing


Doesn't explain how me managed to curse directly at the librarian then steal books without consequence. Dustin is just immune to consequence because it adds to the jokes.

you forgot interracial gang

Do you sexually abuse her like Billy does to Max?
>You know what happens when you disobey me. I break things, like your hymen.

Of course everyone feels bad for Steve, dude was a fucking saint all season. S3 better give him an amazing gf since he's pretty out of the nancybowl

>implying that Billy didnt have his way with Max

>”What’s at the X? Pirate treasure?”

Cute little Goonies reference.

It's not abuse when it's consensual

>Steve hooks up with Max in season 3

This season felt exactly like season 1. it wasn't better or worse it was just... the same
they seriously need to do something new for season 3

>season one: the likable oddball character is graphically and undeservedly killed
>season two: the likable oddball character is graphically and undeservedly killed
Is this show going to end with a bunch of "Upside Down victim" Force ghosts showing up at the end and giving everyone a thumb's up?

>ghostbusters outfits, wasted
Exactly. I was hype when I saw them dressing up. I died a little when they had that. Who is the black ghostbuster argument. Instead of being happy about the fact there is a black ghostbuster and make it fun for the gang Lucas ruins it for everybody.

Fucking reading comprehension, I swear.

No they don't. They tried something new with episode 7 and it was garbage. Just give us more of the same, please.

It's not really a reference, jackass.

Good for him, Nancy is fucked in the head anyway. The break up might be good for him, it allows him to completely break away from the "bad guy being nice to impress girl" trope.

I was expecting him to turn toxic when shit got real, or be a pedophile or some shit like that. I was pleasantly surprised when we got a superhero