100 Years of Olympic Films: 1912–2012

Why haven't you pre-ordered this IOC-approved official box set of 53 films documenting the Olympic games for US$319.96?

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>Berlin 1936
>Olympia Part One: Festival of the Nations (dir. Leni Riefenstahl • 1938 • 127 minutes)
>Olympia Part Two: Festival of Beauty (dir. Leni Riefenstahl • 1938 • 103 minutes)


I guess they decided it's no use to try to erase that part of history.

this week

Why were 1940 and 1944 olympics omitted?

because libshits feel with their feefees

Anything past the 80s is just niggers bred for athletic ability stomping on everyone else.

>tfw I can't tell if this is ironic or unironic shitposting

there was a war at the time

Are any of them except the Leni Riefenstahl films kino?
>this is what normies that only watch sprints actually believe

If you feel triggered by black athletes, you can watch Asian Games.


Because I don't give a shit.

Its nothing against the blacks they are making the most of an advantage but its kind of a joke at this point. They are wholly unnatural the athletes these days because of early US eugenics.

Ichikawa's film on the 1964 Tokyo games is very important and has a high kino quality.

I have seen the Lillehammer film also, but that one was not of a nearly as high cinematic quality.

I'll have to look it up though.

>he still believes the Jimmy the Greek "black slaves were bred for athleticism" bullshit

Massive generic shifts cannot result from just 20 generations of selective breeding (maximum generations of forced slave breeding given the duration slavery lasted in America). It has to do with the fact that Africa contains most of human genetic diversity in relatively small land mass, having pools of people who look like Precious only a few hundred miles from people who look like Usain Bolt. Over-representation of blacks in modern elite sports is due to black people already having wider genetic range (the fastest and strongest will be faster and stronger than the fastest and strongest Asians or Europeans, but their slowest and weakest will also be slower than weaker than the slowest and weakest Asians and Europeans) and being blasted with American sports money as they progress throw the youth sports program to the big time.

But there aren't even that many great black olympic athletes, certainly not in a wide range of events. It's a very bizarre myth.

top fucking kek at your pseudo science you subhuman libshit commie dick sucker with a bachelors degree in women studies. I bet you believe race is a social construct.

>if you disagree with my pseudoscience, that means you must believe this other pseudoscience that is on the opposite side of the political spectrum

t. retard who "educated" himself by reading other retards' shitposts on Sup Forums

the only thing niggers are ever good at - and the olympics represent that beautifully, is running (away). ironically egg ball and bouncing ball fall under that category.
there has yet to come one single nigger that ever won any weightlifting competition, there are no niggers in swimming (because niggers can't swim lol), etc. pp.
jacked turd dicks always look huge and for some cucklets out there intimidating, like they must be the most ferocious and brutal fleshballs of muscle and power, but at the end of the day an everage chink weightlifter will outlift, outswim, outjump, outetc. them because the only things niggers are good at, i.e. running doesn't involve any other skill.

>M-MUH Sup Forums
you have cognitive dissonance nigger dick sucker. the proof is in the pudding.

nice meme

Is it real kino?