Wtf I hate Jay now

Wtf I hate Jay now

He's not wrong though.

>emojis in username

That Eleven side story was absolute shit

thats the POINT

>actually using 'it's shit on purpose' as an argument

>the series that only pedos watch to lust after little boys
I knew there was something wrong with that creepy beta

You’re a retard

>Insulting James

I'm of two minds about this. On the one hand it is logical that a girl that has been locked up her entire life would eventually rebel and run away when given the chance. She wanted to find her mother, that makes sense but going from that to "you have a lost sister, go find her" is where things went off the rails into le edgy mutant capeshit territory. It just didn't feel right, you knew all along that she was the only one that could stop the threat to the town but she was kept away from the main plot until the very end. I suppose the problem the writers had is that she could have stopped it earlier and so they needed to get her out of the way to even make the threat plausible at all.

>complaining about seasonal emojis

>wanting to suck bauman's dick
neck yourself NOW

Jay hated Episode 7 too CONFIRMED

Stranger things is shit. He'll wake up soon to the fact after all the hype dies down in a couple of years.

He's wrong though, Season 2 is completely dogshit. There is nothing entertaining about it.

nobody can beat james season 2 of twin peaks. that is a master class of shit.

It was entertaining nearly all the way through, excepting ep 7.

>implying Season 1 was any better

>being this much of a memer newfag
He's not event insulting James, you would know what he's talking about if you had actually watched the previous seasons instead of bandwaggoning with le james was always le cool meme.

I thought it was very reminiscent of Luke in Empire. In fact the entire season was basically The Empire Strikes Back. Eleven is with Hopper learning words and she trains her powers with the diversity squad. Then she comes back to save her friends at the end.

Haven't seen Stranger Things S2 yet but James in S2 Twin Peaks was absolute kino

James was always cool.

>the creators of space cop
>caring about their opinion on anything