Literally spend THREE AND A HALF HOURS watching this communist propaganda

>literally spend THREE AND A HALF HOURS watching this communist propaganda

what the fuck was i even thinking

Other urls found in this thread:

>that prologue
>"communist propaganda"
Ummm sweetie...

I have never seen a more accurate representation of liberals than yuri's adoptive mother.

>sees communists who threaten everything she holds dear and her very existence marching through the streets.
>"bread and freedom, what marvellous words. Aren't they marvellous".


When did "liberal" become the same as "communist"?

/ourguy/ coming through!

You weren't thinking.

When reddit migrated here

When America happened

Man did you suffer legit brain damage at some point in your childhood?

When the hell did I say that? I mean that she's a perfect example of the kind of wealthy liberal who encourages and sings the praises of communist ideas without twigging that they would be first up in front of the firing squad come the glorious revolution.

When did "liberal" become the same as "leftist"?

In the XIVth century you dope, when in France or Germany, for supporting the republican system you'd be slandered a "liberal" for espousing ideas of a freer economy and political system, and you'd sit in the left of the Assembly. (ie; 1848 revolutions also get called the 1848 revolutions).

But calling a liberal a leftist is dumb nowadays since neo-liberals are embodied by Thatcher, Khol, Macron and stand more to the right.

Since a huge swath of the supposedly liberal intelligentsia embraced the Soviet Union in the 20's. I'm not insulting all Liberal, just those who abuse the term and are really leftists.

Maybe I should choose my words more carefully. Sorry for any offence.

liberal revolutions*
Getting late.


>Blade Runner 2049 brainlets will watch Villenueve's latest hack job because muh waifus, muh feels, muh goose
>complain about Lean kino
it adds up perfectly

The main girl was beautiful af though. Almost worth watching it for her and the nice music

didn't know bill murray was in doctor zhi zhi

Was it rape?

Don't listen to

what i never did get quite right is if Zhivago was actually a doctor or did everyone just call him a doctor because he was educated and much smarter than the rest in general

I can't bring myself to watch this film because of bad memories; I watched it for the first time in the early 00s, when a blizzard hit where I lived. The heat pump in my house went down and I remember freezing my ass off but being stuck in the house because of about ten feet of snow making it impossible to go outside/get a repair person up to my house to get the heat pump fixed.

I watched the film on TCM and the film's cinematography of the freezing wastelands of Russia forever burned into my mind that week I spent snowed in with no heat.

>In 1816, Southey first used this term in
English (with its Spanish spelling), while
Sir Walter Scott used the French version
and wrote about the libéraux. This should
not be in the least surprising to those familiar
with Spaniards who are basically liberal
(and in their excess anarchical). George
Ticknor, who visited Spain in 1816, wrote
to his father Elisha that “this is the freest
country in the world.” In Britain, after the
English parliamentary reform in 1832, the
Whigs assumed the “liberal” label while the
Tories adopted the term “conservative.”
And I'm wrong because...?

In the book, it goes into detail about his time in med school. So yes, he is a doctor.

He was serving as a doctor on the Eastern front.

Yes, he's a real physician. You'd do yourself a favor by reading the book. Boris Pasternak has some truly beautiful prose.

Me and my dad watched the second half of this movie on DVD last year. We turned on the wrong side of the disc and didn't even realize it. We just assumed it was the director's artistic choice for story telling.

Yeah he is, they mention it in the Christmas party scene where his engagement is announced.

>he finished 3rd in all Moscow

I assume you're .
You managed to look for the one sentence that may slightly be interpreted your way in the full article while carefully taking away any insight. Good job.

Cold Summer of '53

Thank me later

that's louis c.k. retard

Ever since communists hid under the liberal moniker, utilizing leadership within liberal institutions to push for a communist agenda. A good example would be MLK's right-hand man and creator of the SCLC Bayard Rustin, he was a card carrying communist. King's ghostwriter was Stanley Levinson, who was also a member of the communist party in America.

He's asking how come liberals are associated with leftism... The answer to that is that liberals were once those to be thought of the "left", while traditionalism was the one then thought of the "right". Liberalism arrived to America under that definition, but has gotten antiquated in the States (on purpose like yor article says, to not call anuthing socialism), seen as how in Europe it now means a wholly different thing.

It's a good article, netter than anything I've ever written out, but I don't see how it contradicts me. Americans have the definition from the XIXth century. Europeans don't.

>implying Lara wasn't gagging for it.

The chad komorovsky vs the virgin petrusca

How was he so based?

Communists despises liberals, fuck off

I bet you get triggered when people compare conservatives to fascists

This board really is reddit-tier

Numerous people who are not conservatove hide under the name, Zionists who rebadged themselves as neo-conservatives is one example.
I said they use it as an entryway.

Since the Frankfurt institute for social research Jews infiltrated the institutions of the west after fleeing Hitler and immediately continued what they were doing in Germany


Yeah TD posters have ruined it

What's so bad about that, it sounds comfy as fuck.

>literally spend THREE HOURS watching this movie about a gullible young man growing into a jaded rich prick then lose it all

What the fuck was I even thinking?

Sup Forumsbabies are so sensitive

>merely put a Nazi flag on the fag

At least put some effort into it jew

>>merely put a Nazi flag on the fag
That's Sup Forums, what are you on about?

Yeah Commies absolutely love Doctor Zhivago. And I do too, it's my favorite film of all time and I watch it once a year

>The anti-Pasternak campaign was organized in the worst Stalin tradition: denunciations in Pravda and other newspapers; publications of angry letters from, "ordinary Soviet workers," who had not read the book; hastily convened meetings of Pasternak's friends and colleagues, at which fine poets like Vladimir Soloukin, Leonid Martynov, and Boris Slutsky were forced to censure an author they respected. Slutsky, who in his brutal prose-like poems had created an image for himself as a courageous soldier and truth-lover, was so tormented by his anti-Pasternak speech that he later went insane. On October 29, 1958, at the plenum of the Central Committee of the Young Communist League, dedicated to the Komsomol's fortieth anniversary, its head, Vladimir Semichastny, attacked Pasternak before an audience of 14,000 people, including Khrushchev and other Party leaders. Semishastny first called Pasternak, "a mangy sheep," who pleased the enemies of the Soviet Union with, "his slanderous so-called work." Then Semichastny (who became head of the KGB in 1961) added that, "this man went and spat in the face of the people." And he concluded with, "If you compare Pasternak to a pig, a pig would not do what he did," because a pig, "never shits where it eats." Khrushchev applauded demonstratively. News of that speech drove Pasternak to the brink of suicide. It has recently come to light that the real author of Semichastny's insults was Khrushchev, who had called the Komsomol leader the night before and dictated his lines about the mangy sheep and the pig, which Semichastny described as a, "typically Khrushchevian, deliberately crude, unceremoniously scolding."[60]

You are incredibly stupid.
Go back to watching michael bay films.

>Perhaps they'll be sing in tune after the revolution

Fuckin lol

>[laughs smugly]

>communist propaganda

How retarded do you have to be?


>laughs in bourgeois decadence


>Lean was able to convince Ponti that Loren was not right for the role of Lara, saying she was "too tall" (and confiding in screenwriter Robert Bolt that he could not accept Loren as a virgin for the early parts of the film)

Posting incorrect information on the Internet is the best way to get replies.

>Sup Forumstard can't see anything beyond MUH GOMMUNISM

I'll bet you think Ho Chi Minh was a bad guy too.

>all comfy and snowed in with no heat