Stand the fuck up, ape

Stand the fuck up, ape.

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Back to your containment board

sometimes i think that Sup Forums users aren't even doing this on purpose, they are just fresh off of reddit and honestly don't understand that they are on the wrong board

I'm kind of mad they didn't all stop to make sure this person of color wasn't being offended.

Why are niggers so lazy?

*apes your path*

Oh boo hoo somebody died in the name of white supremacy. Give me a break.

This is the board for discussion of visual kino

The page views on here jumped to nearly twice what they used to be after “GamerGate” kicked up a storm on Reddit. And that fucking Sup Forums subreddit constantly fetishizes this place too. I’m about 50/50 that a lot of redditors literally don’t realize this place isn’t all a collection of far right boards.

yeah you came in after all

You wouldn’t say that to his face, ya pasty moonfaced faggot. You’d take a picture with your 3DS camera and waddle away to bitch about it on Sup Forums

At least he can still bend his knee, diabetes boy.

;^) spicy


t. subhuman nigger apes

I bet most redditors think this place is a collection of screenshots.

reminder, internet racists aren't white. They're beaners and shitskins upset over how much better blacks are treated than other "minorities."

You do realise Sup Forums doesn't visit other boards. People from other boards go to Sup Forums and realise that nogs are ungrateful burdens

t. subhuman trailer trash

*destroys his neighborhood and blames sistematic racism*

Didn't those soldiers die for Israel and not America though?

This delusion is insane

At this point I think they should all be forced to kneel, they don't deserve to stand for our country.

ok sweetie ;)

that's pretty funny
>their protest is kneeling to the state

fucking idiots

hopefully you're next

Don't be an idiot, it's surface level baiting and you gave it the reply it was begging for you fruit.

It really is, Trump derangment syndrome is a thing.

>tfw STILL don't know what they're kneeling about
I'm sure it's stupid though.


Kaepernick asked a Green Beret what a respectful protest would be and kneeling was suggested. He meant for it to be polite while simultaneously protesting injustice.

>Sup Forums users
Jesus Christ it is a fucking board that anyone can click on, not an exclusive club that spills out here

Honestly I'd like to see the honor guards reaction to that. They don't fuck around. Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is serious shit. I'm not really surprised some asshole would be so disrespectful, but I am kind of saddened.
Just blind idiocy.