what a stupid fucking movie if they had any sense they'd have come in BACKWARDS.

Like lmaoo why didn't they think to PUT protection in for landing soldiers, not REMOVE any protection by opening the DOOR. The stupidity is immediately apparent.

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Why didn't they just make the boats really really big so the soldiers could shoot down on the germans

>get out of the boat from the back
>immediately drenched in cold water
>soldiers are now heavier and slower as they have to wade through waist deep water to get on the beach, and have to walk a few feet further for no reason
Good idea OP

Lol why not land at a beach where there were no Germans?

How to spot a 13 year old

retarded see retarded. the boats wouldnt have been able to get close enough if they were that big

retard. it was the least fortified of the beaches

retarded. this is an 18+ board


Why didn't they just put a sniper in each boat to take out the machine gunners?


retard idiot dummy kill you self

why didn't they use smoke bombs?

why didn't they just use some kind of all over metal shield and slowly walk towards the german emplacements?

Why didnt they just drone strike the bunkers?

The greatest generation was probably the dumbest.

only needed 1 soldier to reset the spawn location on the beach

Why didn't they bomb the bunkers?

why didn't the eagles just fly them into Berlin?

that's why jumping from the sides right into the water was the option they didn't have to choose in order to survive, right?

why didnt they just shoot the bunkers with battleships?

Okay this one made me laugh

They should have put wheels on them and a deploy-able hydraulic ramp that it could drive up and over to navigate past the [whatever the fuck those giant metal caltrops are called].

Meanwhile, above the beaches, someone's about to have a bad day.

>tfw you where built to rule the waves and in the end all you really get to do is shore bombardment.

WWII didnt have enough cute animu lolis for my taste.

Had there been more I would say it was the best war.

would the germans really not have spotted a huge fleet coming toward them with submarines and recon flights?

Why didn't they drop bombs on the bunkers and beach defense structures first?

Actually Omaha was the most fortified of the landing beaches chosen, simply due to SS divisions arriving a few days before and them being blown off course. The Americans also released their Huberts Funnies too early, resulting in 10 of 12 tanks sinking. They also refused to use the other Funnies like the Crocodile Churchill, the Mine Field/Barbed Wire clearer, the Churchill AVRE (Dustbin Gun Bunker Destroyer) or the carpets for easier tank traction. The British, Canadians and Free French (who landed on 3 out of 5 beaches, despite American propaganda) all used them and had minimal casualties because of such. The only Funnies the Americans made use of was Mulberry and even one of those sank but was still enough to save the invasion. The Americans did, however, ignore most of the tough fighting as they marched in-land. The British had the toughest time at Caen and then the Americans wondered why the British didn't close the Failse Pocket quickly.

They were probably distracted waiting to see if Hitler knew which number comes after eight.

>inb4 General OP wins world war 2 for us


They should have had metal plates with heavily serrated spikes facing forwards instead of doors. These plates would have been fired at an immense rate of speed at the face of the bunker and been embedded into the front of the bunker, nullifying its effectiveness as there would now be zero vision from within.
I just won WW2.

prolly cause anti-aircraft weapons and planes being more expensive than human lives

At least they have the arrow on it, telling it which way they want it to go.

for what purpose

Shit didn't work, but it was the wackiest of the funnies. The other shit worked fantastically, Mulberry was the best. Though the Yanks copied the Crocodile system.

It was suppose to be used to flatten barbed wire, drag it along with them, then hit a bunker/defensive position and explode. It exploded alright, the problem was there wasn't good enough technology to make it stay on course, so it was deemed too high risk (you could release it, theoretically, and it'd wheel around into your forces).

But then they wouldn't have had room for the pipers. You have to have priorities.

Is this where George Lucas got the idea for those wheely things in Episode II from?

Because they didn't care about casualties at the time. The entire operation was signed off knowing there'd be a slaughter on the beach.

It was pretty well known if you were on that first wave, there was a very good chance you weren't coming back.