
>mfw yms dnw tbqh


>Adum and Merk never again

Every day this world gets more bleak.

This, just kiss and make up with Mark Adam, we want more Pokemon. I know you're reading this.


god so theyre both faggots?

also what are those tubes around the horsedicks?

I think they are for pumping fake cum.

If a friend of mine fucked my dog I'd never speak to them again, just on principle.

They're pumps to simulate ejaculation while simultaneously lubricating the toy

I don't know who the other guy is

Whats with gays being automatic degenerates? Also theres now way he can fit half of those in his ass.

That's not inherently a gay thing, he's a furry.
Also I'm sure he can. He's talked about how he used to do cams for spare cash, so you might be able to find video evidence of it if you look hard enough.

Right forgot he was, I think that spotted one might actually destroy his large intestine.

Imagine dying of some intestinal rupture and the police walk in to find a skinny, alcoholic Canuck with a shit-covered rubber horse dick shoved halfway up his ass

in all fairness
Was the dog asking for it?

Wtf went wrong with this world

Fuck Mark. He was an unfunny faggot.



Can someone please bring me up to speed on this guy? I've seen a few of his videos but don't know anything about all this

Editor/friend was fired because he was a lazy sack of shit that didn't wanna edit videos, dogfucker proceeded to near break into tears about how editor was manipulating him and taking advantage of his kindness I guess, all the while saying cryptic shit about how it;s much worse than people know and that it'd be "embarrassing" for the editor, and saying how he doesn't wanna talk about it while talking about it for at least an hour.

Dogfucker is an oversensitive basket case and editor is terrible at his job

It’s a free country, fascist.