What are some movies that take place in 1970s NYC?

What are some movies that take place in 1970s NYC?

Aside from Taxi Driver of course

Why was NY such a dump in the 70's?

Massive recession, corruption in government and an influx of poor immigrants

The same Progressive policies that have destroyed the likes of Detroit, Baltimore, New Orleans, Cleveland, etc. were enacted in NYC.. In the 90s Republican Rudi Giuliani was elected and he introduced lower taxes (to bring back businesses, which caused empoloyment), cut back the welfare state, and allowed cops to do their job and as a result NYC became one of America's safest cities.

Bloomberg, while a faggot, kept most of Giuliani's policies in place but De Blasio has started persecuting cops and NYC, bringing in hordes of immigrants, and turning into a nanny state. The result has been an uptick in crime and the economy doing worse

its a bit more early 80s but check out Stranger Than Paradise

Check out how incredibly low taxes worked out in Kansas (spoiler: it failed)

Those cities were destroyed by globalisation, industry moving to China etc.

Crime has fallen in general in the west since the 90s, nothing to do with right wingers not requiring taxes to pay their fair share.


Also look at L.A, Chicago, and San Francisco to see just how far those cities deteriorated

US has among the highest corporate tax rates in the world, already higher than the likes of "utopias" like Denmark. I'm not sure what you think will happen by taking even more of their money to play for more foodstamps for fatties

Mean Streets
french connection
american gangster
probably alot of others im forgetting

The economies of NYC and Kansas are entirely different you fucking mong. There is no agriculture and manufacturing industries in NYC that are going to be lost to China and globalization. The point in lowering business tax in NY was to make it affordable for small businesses like bodegas and restaurants.

Don't be fuckin stupid on purpose.

ralph bakshi films heavy traffic and coonskin have that feel, even if they are adult animation with very childish humor at times

Death Wish

Were any of the Dirty Harry's in NYC, or were they in SF?

Anyway, pic related is one of my favorite movies and you should see it.

forgot pic.

I found my dad's DVD copy of Heavy Traffic when I was 12 and watched it. Don't remember a thing about it but I know it was weird.

Ft. Apache the Bronx
80 Blocks from Tiffanys (for a documentary)

The Warriors.

once upone a time in america
french connection
seven ups
taking of pelham 123


if you're taking documentaries, the police tapes is essential too

Dog Day Afternoon

I think his point was, that if the buisnesses arent already interested in your state, lowering taxes aint gonna do shit. Former KS resident here, the state has now resorted to raising taxes on the poor to make up the difference in lowering the rich's taxes too much.


Saturday Night Fever?

>Don't remember a thing about it but I know it was weird.
Well, it has lots of scenes of dudes in drag getting their dicks yanked and fat people fucking, so, uh, yeah it's weird.

Manhattan? Annie hall?

Mah nigga.
Also this


I love the idea that one of the greatest cities in the world now was only a hairsbreadth away from being utterly, absolutely bankrupt.
Just that idea alone makes you want to look into the background of the situation as it was such an incredible state of affairs.



90's > 80's > 00's > 70's

studio 54

I'd love to experience this weird time, trouble is the only way it might be possible is in a video game and they're barely accurate.

1990: The Bronx Warriors
Escape from The Bronx

Better than Escape from NY, I guarantee you. Better action scenes.

watch "the bronx is burning" bbc doc on youtube....