>already has that 1000 cock stare

how does Hollywood keep getting away with this shit?

I wonder if they put "light" but effective makup on to make her skin look that perfect.

She looks like shes fucking 40. Stupid name, too

It's hollyweird....put a fork in her, she's a goner.

>black guy was Venkman

I have no compassion for anyone on this show

I 100% refuse to believe this chick is younger than 25.

>Lucas wanted you be Venkman
>Mike flips out
>Lucas said he wanted to be Venkman because Venkman is cool and Winston is dumb
>Mike tries to build up Winston as a cool down to earth character but refuses to be Winston because it doesn't match his skin color
>Lucas calls him out on it

It played out exactly how I'd imagine it

blacks need to accept that they are of a lower caste

Wanted to be*

I thought that was kind of shitty too. Not because of any kind of sjw crap, but because he was hating on Winston. Winston was a great character.

She's 13, it's the makeup that makes her look much older.

grats, you're a pedo

why is she wearing so much foundation?

Yes, they hire professional hair/makeup and wardrobe people for those sort of events.
Kids/teens always look older with makeup on. Makeup is designed to make one appear physically attractive, which means making them look as close to a young adult as possible.

she's wearing a lot of makeup, you can see it creasing around her mouth and under eyes

The makeup artist she hired just went a little overboard.
Women like to experiment with different hair/makeup styles a lot, and sometimes they land on one that just doesn't suit them well. Moreso with celebrities since they spend a lot of time trying to keep up with fashion trends.

Wtf, is this expertly shopped?!

Given no context I would have guessed with was a photo of a 40 year old woman.

as a thumbnail she looks to be hitting round 30.

Jesus, she looks so old here...

thats just unfortunate

I refuse to believe that isn't Liv Tyler 2bh

If that is 13 then I'm a hebephile


Who is this?

No, those eyes are normal. They're just typical soulless, dead, empty, millennial eyes. Years of propaganda a Marxist post-modernist deconstructionist schooling will do that to you. Look around, most people under 25-sih have no true life or a real glimmer in their eyes. So dead, so lifeless, so empty.

I do wonder about the lines under her eyes, she's kinda young for that?

>straightened and center-parted
WOW, I haven't seen that hairstyle before! She is so unique and inspiring!

What the fuck went wrong?

Do you know what the white shoes signify?

Is that her nipple? When will someone put these hollywood pedos to Justice?

no wonder people stopped making threads about her

Looks like a young Bruce jenner

That thumbnail could be a 40 year old woman. Jesus fucking Christ.

which cast members mother is that

Women in leather get my dick hard.

I don't, what do they signify?

That's not a woman

this. white people genetics, everyone

I thought it was that known actress from like the 90s or something. Forgot her name because she doesn't do many movies nowadays.

I think she was with Keanu Reaves in that "bus can't stop cuz a bomb" film

If it were actually the 80's he would have been Winston and liked it and just been happy to have had friends at all and not have gone near the white girl with the literally unstable older brother lmao

Sandra Buttocks

That's my situation, Winston was a great character................he made the movie better..........

She would look a lot hotter with thigh-high boots and a riding crop

Winston was a everyman kind of character, he wasn't some cooky scientist or audacious entrepreneur. Winston made the movie better because his character was something like a conduit by which the audience could be a part of the story. I remember feeling like I could fit into Winston's shoes and feel the same way he did about their zany situations.

That and a nazi armband would have my dick diamonds.

>brown eyes


Why is SNL playing youtube videos everybody can watch at ayntime on tv?

she already looks like she got harvested by some hollywood exec. you can see it in her eyes, all the hope and optimism.. gone.

damn so you have a really good internet

>all that make up at 13
Skin busted by 17

>1000 cock stare

My fucking sides

>not have gone near the white girl with the literally unstable older brother
you think because you're a beta cuck all males are beta cucks too LMAO
I bet you look away when people make eye contact with you

>"hurrr Winston is unfunny and lame"
Dude was the self-insert character in the movie, he isn't supposed to be funny. It's as if the Duffer brothers completely misunderstood the character.

How does this happen? Does she not have someone to do her makeup for her to make sure she doesn't look bad like every other actress?

just past her prime, and those imperfections in her face are becoming noticeable already.

that was fast. at least we'll always have her old pictures

Seeing those photos just makes me sad. She's barely a teenager and already looks middle aged. These kids should be allowed to be kids.

That inch of makeup caked on her face.

literally who?

Wouldn't it be more like as close to 14-15 as possible?

Eleven from Stranger Things on Netflix.

It happens when the people are hired to put sexy makeup on a kid.

>past her prime

So do you hang around outside elementary schools? High school is too old for you?

or they're aging her up on purpose to avoid getting typecasted.

They don't scuff the gymnasium floor.

holy shit how does a 13 year old have wrinkles under her eyes. something's not right.

>wrinkles under her eyes


jesus christ that part in her hair is like the grand canyon

wtf happened to his pants?

rdj on the left

>put sexy makeup
wtf it really works

christ was it in the contract to find the ugliest and/or most androgynous children imaginable?

literally who the fuck even is this?


It's a guy?

Just the way Millie is positioned here makes her look like a smug cunt

She looks like an old lady. This bitch is now the Laura Southern of Netflix tv

what in the actual fuck is that black kid wearing

and why is he smiling like that

She is a diva bitch already. She probably is already doing lines of coke.

Negroes like dressing crazy. It's their thing, deal with it

Who is the other girl?

dats buckwheat yo

I'm sure that one guy shared his coke with all the kids.

Madmax, the BLACKED red head.

He's dressed like a woman.

That's Leslie Jones' bold tranny daughter you shitlords.


I saw this picture a million times in the catalog and thought this women was 40, you're telling me it's the Stranger Things kid?

i second this

holy shit you're right. chances are, rest of the kids also hate her.

do these kids pick out their own outfits

She does she look so fucking arrogant? No one knows who the hell she is.

She look like she just seen a ghost.

She's the star, and they all know it.

>children wearing lifts

everyone is androgynous in the new generation

>already has middle-age creases around her mouth

what the fuck?

Typecasted? My man she is 13 years old. She shouldn't be playing any character over the age of 15.



>Hollywood routinely has much younger women playing spots as much older roles.

If you forgot, portman started prequels around same age millie is now.

She did Mars Attacks a few years from what she is now.

If we use portman as a guide, it's never too early to get typecasted. Especially if they try to lock her into kiddie roles.

wtf I actually had to look at the premier party pics to find out thats actually Millie.

JUST fuck a childs youth up senpai