How will Game of Thrones be remembered in the grand scheme of shows that were immensely popular during their airing...

How will Game of Thrones be remembered in the grand scheme of shows that were immensely popular during their airing, once it's all over?

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The same way you remember going to the theaters to watch lord of the rings, but better

it will echo through eternity

That hinges 100% on whether the fatman ever finishes the books. Given that he won't, it'll be remembered as a good show by normies. For book fans it'll be what completely ruined the series, wishing that the ending remained a mystery or that the show never gained popularity so that the fatman would find the time to write.

>i hate this immensely popular show tbat means everyone will forget about it once its done
Every time

Forgotten. People still watch it for the same reason that they watch the Walking Dead; they want to see what happens. Once it's over, people will move onto the next big thing, while fans of the series slowly fall into depression and leave as it becomes more and more obvious that the books will never be finished.

Who said that?

A show that started off great and then died because the writer wants to win a Hugo so he shoved retarded feminism into it.

GOT for all its faults has a lot more plot than the Walking Dead ever had. You wouldn't find seasons blending together or multiple years of next to nothing happening on it.
Maybe not all of what happens is good, but there's always shit going on.

Nothing ever happens on TWD.

I believe it will be remembered well and have a long time legacy. I found it went to hot garbage in the last couple of seasons, but that's not the common view out there. Whereas other shows had their popular image be "went to shit" like Dexter or Heroes which really soured how they were remembered (or in the latter's case, how it progressed at all).

TWD I think has the general public's opinion of it turning gradually, but GOT doesn't, and what's more it's gonna be done in a year's time anyway so it won't have years and years of down turn.

Just having a plot isn't enough to make something memorable, and it's not like the plot hasn't been deteriorating for multiple seasons now. The mediocrity of the ending will poison the excellence of the beginning.

The show won't be remembered for clever writing or compelling characters or amazing visuals (there's already plenty of laughable CGI that will only get worse with age).
Games of Thrones is popular because it's fun. There's nothing wrong with fun, but something has to be really, really fun to have lasting impact. A rollercoaster is fun, but nobody reminisces about that one time they went over a drop.

>>Just having a plot isn't enough to make something memorable
Ok? Are you really claiming GOT isn't ingrained in the public consciousness?

It will be remembered for a lot of amazing tits.

It will be forgotten within five years.

user, how old are you? How have you not noticed how rapidly things fade from the "public consciousness?" The average GoT viewer barely knows the PoV characters names. They'll forget all about it a year or two after the conclusion, unless HBO actually does a spin-off.

Obama started his term claiming that the Cold War was over and that Putin was our friend. By the end of his term, Putin was neo-Hitler and Russia is our nefarious foe.

>completely random political bullshit
Switch off.


>tits and dragons
I have a feeling that I have seen this taiwanese cartoon somewhere

it was a great medieval intrigue story that pulled in an overwhelming amount of normies using tits and ass, eventually the show was entirely consumed by them.

It'll be remembered. You'll see memorabilia and whatnot for years and the actors will do the con circuit foreverm like Star Trek.

It's an example of how rapidly the "public consciousness" forgets things. If they can't remember that we've always been at war with Eastasia, there's not a chance in hell that they'll remember anything meaningful from some shallow fantasy show.

Just like everyone forgot Star Trek or Star Wars right, as soon as their first iteration ended?

Like Lost, Dexter and HIMYM, Game of Thrones will be remembered as "that pretty good, popular show that went to shit in later seasons"

The first four maybe five seasonwill be remembered as some of the purest kino there ever was on television with chaarcters, like Tywin, Tyrion (pre-season 5), Stannis,Ramsay and the Blackfish. But while season 6 is watchable, season 7 was pure dogshit. Anyways the books are better. The only character that's better in the show is Tywin, but it's because of how good Charles Dance was.

It won't though, because only hardcore fans believe it went to shit. The popular consensus is it's still great. I don't think it's good now, but that's irelevant. Talk to "normies" and they'll tell you it's better than ever.

>Star Trek
Has been getting spin-offs for decades, and the episodic nature makes it a lot harder to retroactively poison earlier content.
>Star Wars
A good adaptation of a classic story AND excellent and enduring special effects.

Game of Thrones will struggle to establish the same kind of post-release fan following as those two due the never-going-to-be-finished novels discouraging people.

user you do realize that just because you don't like GOT doesn't mean no one will remember it.

>literally nothing but 5/10 and below pairs

not really
Natalie Dormer's were the most disappointing thing about season 2. The Negress and Melly are the only good recurring pairs of tits on the show.
In fact GoT has pretty awful waifu material all things considered. Fucking bongs.

What about that one chick with the super awesome tits?


>one meh pair = All awful somehow

Cool argument. I expect a retraction thread in five years when the average GoT watcher vaguely remembers that dragon show with the midget and nudity.

You are very clearly "arguing" using things that you personally don't like about it.

That prude bitch, why'd she refuse to get naked? It's a HBO show

Feel free to explain how show Dorne was well-written or how the dragon pit CGI was actually an amazing technical display or how alt-punk pirate king is compelling character.

Feel free to explain whatever the fuck this has to do with anything.

She will be immortalized with the other legendary film/TV tits. So one lasting thing came from the show.

>the show won't be remembered because nothing about it is memorable or remarkable
>hurr, that's just like your opinion
>here's three examples of major flaws
>hurr, that doesn't matter
Seriously, I'll come back in five years, and I expect you to make a retraction thread.


Just like LOST: Started off great, ended like shit. Short attention spans are only getting shorter, so I imagine in 2 or 3 years nobody will give a fuck about it. The spinoffs will make people go back and watch their favorite episodes, but that's it. In 5-10 years people will do a rewatch and post nostalgia-tainted blog posts about it as if it's still relevant--which it won't be.

>Nothing ever happens on TWD
They planted tomatoes and things in the prison
grounds, hardly nothing.
and a bunch of romers and walkers were near the fence.

Your Top Five

Game of Thrones will be remembered for phenomenal cinematography, great writing (at least in the earlier seasons), and great performances. It's by no means a perfect show,, but it's certainly been a stand out.

i seem to remember a delicious pair during the theatre company doing the political skits scenes
the one who was poisoning the lead actress had 11/10 ta tas

It will be like LOST huge when it was airing and shit the last few seasons, and leaving people with what the fuck was that shit after its gone

>>It will be like LOST huge when it was airing and shit the last few seasons

Literal 10/10 boobs

muh cg

>Not thinking Battle of the Bastards is one of the best battle scenes in film history

Trips confirm goddess


I hate this

I mean I also said there are only really two in the entire show.

We see you

fatman is abusing hbo to manage his fans and make a pilot for the ending so he can know exactly how to change it for his book

that's... that's... genius, user

Look at it this way, as an ASOIAF reader back in the early 00s I can 100% tell you the books were never mainstream popular on the same levels as shit like Harry Potter and I can 100% garuntee you that the people who claim to love GOT now would never have picked up the series if it wasn't for HBO's shows. They'll forget about the franchise completely once it is over an latch onto some other flavour of the month shit that replaces GOT. However the people who are either really into the series will stick around for the last two books or mainly just to see how it ends since they've been reading them for so long.

Hard to say, if the leaks end up true and we get that bland as fuck ending then it won't leave much of an aftertaste.

They really need to give it a mindfuck Sopranos ending to give people something to mull over, but it probably wont happen.

> some other flavour of the month
GoT would be a flavor of the decade by the time it ends. I mean, it started in 2010 and only got more popular with each season.

Ending leaked? I think the TV show is going to go in the most obvious direction just to appease the tourists who hopped onto the hype bandwagon after the Red Wedding.

Yeah the outline for the next season was in the HBO hacks. Granted, this is before the scripts have been written so things will very likely change, but the ending seems like it will be intact.

source on leaks?

books are finished, HBO has a stopped the release so than can have the exclusive on the rest of the story.

Not any more, series 6 and 7 have been shit for that

It's awful and completely nonsensical.

TV show will die like LotR films have.

Books will live on like LotR books have, and have multiple adaptations before a true kino will arrive and ruin them for adaption later.

It will be less fondly remembered than Seinfeld, than LOTR, than Sopranos, than The Simpsons but it will make a fat author wealthy for the 2 years before he dies of inevitable cardiovascular disease.

Pretty much like scrubs

It will be remembered for what it is: the last of the you-have-to-watch-this-because-everyone-else-is show.

It will not be remembered like a Sopranos or Breaking Bad: for being those crown jewel shows in the "Peak TV" era.
It will be remembered as a cultural touchstone.

None of the shows on Netflix or Amazon Prime or anything will get there because the audiences are fractured and miniscule. Most of the other shows on cable have smaller, focused audiences. Whether they love it, like it, or are just waiting for it to fucking end, damn-near everyone watches this show.

Interestingly enough: once the showrunners realized this, that is precisely the moment it went to shit.

It wont be remembered. Post season 4 stuff + feminist propaganda ruined any chance it had of being a classic.

>Interestingly enough: once the showrunners realized this, that is precisely the moment it went to shit.

That is exactly it. They went from making a show based on some books that had some violent throwbacks from our own history to:
>Ah shit, women like this show. We need to include some women who aren't just rape-fodder and actually get to put one over on the guys. Don't worry guys will watch anything so long as there's tits. Those that complain are probably just MRA-virgin-types or bookfags.


>It will not be remembered like a Sopranos or Breaking Bad
people remember breaking bad? like no one talks about it anymore and all the obnoxious merch seems to have died out.
it was like the first global meme show. a show you just had to watch and now that the dust has settled no one talks about it anymore let alone rewatches it. all the bandwagoners have moved on to the next meme show, got, stranger things etc


Two options.

One, it will end happily, with Jon and Danaerys on the throne, or one of them on the throne with the other having died tragically but the other holding their child/remembering them, and the normies and Tumblrinas will lap that shit up and it will be remembered for it's sex scenes and hard-won happy ending. But I really doubt this is going to happen, even if the spoilers aren't true.

Second, and most likely, rocks fall and everyone dies. I wouldn't be surprised if the leaks are true. Every likable main character dies, someone unexpected gets the throne, Sansa and Arya stay in Winterfell as the sole survivors of House Stark, and the show has a pretty dark and downer ending, that will be considered fitting but render the show something no one wants to rewatch later. In this case it will indeed be only remembered for sex scenes.

Two quotes always come to mind. First is the writer of Berserk. He purposefully made his 'world' a dark, shitty, edgy mess of horror and rape, because it makes the payoff of a happy ending all the more satisfying.
Second is Sam from Lord of the Rings, in his little speech to Frodo.

It's like in the great stories Mr. Frodo.
The ones that really mattered.
Full of darkness and danger they were,
and sometimes you didn't want to know the end.
Because how could the end be happy.
How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad happened.
But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow.
Even darkness must pass.
A new day will come.
And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer.
Those were the stories that stayed with you.
That meant something.
Even if you were too small to understand why.
But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand.
I know now.
Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn’t.
Because they were holding on to something.

Frodo : What are we holding on to, Sam?

Sam : That there’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it’s worth fighting for.

When was the last time we even saw a tit on GoT I don't even remember.

Are we just supposed to accept that nigger sex scene as the one? the guy didn't even have a dick. that scene made no fucking sense.

n-no one yet, i'm being preemptive

How are they going to defeat The Others in the books? I think they'll lead them back to King's Landing and blow the whole thing up sky high or maybe the only way to save Westeros is to make it experience a doom like Valyria did.

boo hoo

Euron's probably got some magic ass pull to control them all and he's the true final boss.

Why do her tits look way smaller here than in her topless scene?

There's at least five awesome pairs

That doesn't mean the ones that came before don't exist suddenly, and season 7 had one of the best scenes yet for tits.

>TV show will die like LotR films have.
so not at all

Loli Mormont, Queen Fatass, Dragons and beta males.

Missendei got her very fine tits out in S7. That was it.

I'm pretty sure Feast was the #1 NYT bestseller when it came out in 2005. The series wasn't a worldwide phenomenon like HP until the show came out, sure, but it wasn't a super obscure thing.

Will have a more disappointing and talked about ending than LOST

Why in god's name did they not give her any more nude scenes? She was clearly ready and willing.

Extremely unlikely. It'll probably have a rote and standard happy fantasy setting. That will be boring but still be more widely liked than LOST's ending.

Might as well change the title to "And Dragon", because the show basically just revolves around Drogon now and they killed off or marginalized all the hottest chicks.

Since they're going ahead with these spin-offs it'll be remembered just fine since it will be a franchise like Star Trek, not a one off.

>Tyene, Melisandre, Ros, Missandei, Fake Sansa...

Maybe they will just talk it out.


The only thing that annoyed me was the calavary being set behind the infantry in the formations but besides that I don't know what you think was so non sense about it.

What will be the future of the notable cast members?

