What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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John Belushi looks like that?!?!

He's a fucking fat fuck degenerate.

he loves drugs

heroine user....heroine

Stranger Things Sheriff?

Compound Media is the saddest, most pathetic little network the world has ever seen.

he lost his teeth and mumbles now


jesus christ is that carsol mencia?

why the fuck would he even appear on that show

also why the fuck is Gavin on that show and then joe had him on his podcast a bunch of times

This was only a few weeks ago. Carlos has always been sort of a friend of the Opie and Anthony show.

Gavin had a show on Compound Media until a couple of months ago when he left to do a show for CRTV, the network Steven Crowder is on, because they were willing to pay him more.

Bill Schulz took his old time slot on Compound.

>opie still has no job


If you’re Artie how do you even wake up and be funny anymore?

yeah but why is mcgavis on the show?

did he even talk about carlos being there? was there tension?

and artie im pretty sure was in joes camp back when that all happened, and talked shit on howard all the tiem about it

he doesn't

this was sad as fuck

drugs are a helluva drug

>did he even talk about carlos being there? was there tension?
Oh yes. They argued about immigration for a bit. Gavin didn't get on Carlos's case about the joke stealing thing, but Carlos defended himself earlier in the show, before Gavin walked in.

is the show still just ant talking to people who agree with him


That's what he used to look like. He actually looks like this now.


Drinking bleach and stabbing his stomach.

The idea of a time slot on an internet podcast network is fucking dumb.

They take live callers sometimes.

Don't take callers, they're all shit.

What the deuce is going on with his right nostril?