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something something "whores" lol

this is the tamest video Sup Forums has ever gone wild over

god is just

Did she died?

shes fine


and Sup Forums STILL doesn't have sound for webms

Actually, yes.

Just some broken bones



this is what happens when you see 2 many indie films and think your life is a harmony korine film, vote proposition 89 so we can finally get indie films banned for good

Her head impacted with a pole, her spine was folded in two, and to add insult to injury she fell out of a moving car.

She was a bad person though, her kid was in the back seat of the car when it happened.

i dunno user, maybe you should slam your head into a post going 50 mph and see if it's fatal.

whatever that dumb slut deserved it. we need less laws to start thinning out the herd.

What hit her

Just a little eternal bleeding, that's all.

why? it's effectively 100% legal to act this stupid.
She wouldn't have gotten in any trouble if she lived.

Can I get a back story for this?

>if she lived.

She died how she lived: taking a long shaft to the face.

What a waste of a fine looking young woman.

you mean another dumb slut?


russian bitch was retarded, google it

The only good Russian is a dead Russian.

I didn't know so many of you liked cock.

>tfw someone on Sup Forums sending you death threats

found it there's a whole vid too
i want to see her corpse after pole hit her

It's sad, really. She was someone's daughter. She could've chosen to lead a life to be a good wife that cared for her children and husband. Instead, she chose to be a dumb cunt and she died a dumb cunt's death. All that's left of her now are the final moments of her existence, wailing out a car window with her tits out. We get to replay her stupid novelty death over and over and that, too, will be forgotten about soon. Just like her. Like tears in rain.

she deserved it
stupid roasties

So does the (male) driver take the blame for her killing herself? Does it count as murder?
>mfw dumb beta cuck gets life in jail for dating a dumb whore

She was a Slav. You don't hold a funeral for every insect you kill, do you?

You deserve an entire thread of (you)'s for this. Fucking hilarious.

Wow she actually died in hospital, poor kid mom is a freaking flapping seledka.

shes a drug addict russian single mother literal whore with botched tit job
what a fine young woman

It wasn't funny it was dumb reddit humore.

driver was a woman

Go back to the STD thread, faggot.

>the posters in this thread




find her name and google it and youll find the pic on google images

>oh my gawd someone was edgy on Sup Forums

Imagine being her child and getting bullied at school from kids showing you your naked whore mother brutally dying haha

Pretty sure it's not legal to be practically naked hanging out of a car window whilst driving down the freeway. You dumb fuck.

have a pity (you).

Why was she naked?

You forgot the first haha

why are you guys obsessed with this?

Thank you for the fine complement. You'll be the last to perish.

>not 'to' smart

One job

Here is a YOU 4 u.


Ya she died.


amazing she didn't have her head torn off, not sure if she fly out of the window?
seems like was a lot of blood in the car

>Young woman
Spotted the virgin.

She was a dumb used up slut.

yeah she totally would have been arrested for it.
cops totally have time to arrest every idiot that does stuff like this on a daily basis.


This bitch almost got hit by a pole and pulled her head back in and cringed, then hangs her whole body out again and gets grade by one pole and doesn’t move then just killed by the next one. What was her problem? Also she has an 11 year old son

>tfw one day her child is going to learn the shitty truth of how his mother lost her life

Was probably high as fuck, she was likely fixated on the feeling of the wind on her body