Go to big fancy premiere

>go to big fancy premiere
>wear fucking cargo shorts

why do we tolerate niggers again?

kek manlet shoes on the left

>Will wearing lifts

I bet he's gay

Who are these androgynous alien looking freaks?

They are natures clowns bro. We put them in sports and movies, they are great entertainment

Do you say this because you are into fashion, or because you want to be racist?

>avoids eye contact with camera
>wears all black
autism, has to be

because they're comfortable


Why do you even give a single shit?

Took me forever to figure out who that random 35 year old woman was

>cargo shorts

thats not cargo shorts lmao

>so butthurt about them pairing the black kid and white girl you make this thread

Ugh... I hate to say it but Finn is the only one that looks good there.

Will and Dustin look like chads compared to the other four. Jesus FUCK what is up with Millies face

>implying black = nigger
>implying that you are less of a nigger than that kid
Friendly reminder that those kids already made more money than OP ever will.

I know that hair does her no favors. The outfit just screams "I was molested by execs"

11 looks like an orange used up housewife

he makeup person needs to be fired

>complaining about shorts when the others are wearing leather jackets and skinny jeans and chucks

Millie looks like Bruce Jenner here.

inb4 Finn overdoses

those legs lmao nigger looks like a burn victim

idk if it's because of how bad everyone else in that pic looks, but finn looks amazing. best actor of the bunch too

kid has a great future ahead of him.

ya know, it's possible that some fashion company paid him more to wear those shorts at the event than you make in a month

>Wills Manlet shoes
>Lucas' shorts
>Millie looking like a 40 year old woman

Left to right
>Jesus... baggy jacket with zippers. Red skinny jeans. Lift sneakers. Untucked plaid shirt.
>Purple pants and shitty matching shirt.
>Full leather dress.
>Would look ok if the bottom of the dress didn't match the top. Makes the white part look like an apron.
>Looks good

The person who did Millies makeup has to have done that on purpose. It looks fucking TERRIBLE


Finn was on a couple episodes of Game Grumps on youtube. Hes pretty funny actually. Probably the only one from ST thats gonna have a future in acting

How come you aren't complaining about the literal autist wearing skating shoes, bright red skinny jeans, and a fucking motorcycle jacket? Oh yeah, becasue then you have to realize how retarded your racist ass is. Smdh.

Finn is the only one with fashion sense.

Millie's british genes hit her hard. Her career is fucking OVER after Strange Things.

You know you could've just pointed out his shorts without calling him a nigger

inb4 River Phoenix v2


Millie looks 40, what the fuck

He looks like young Bruce Wayne from Gotham but uglier and gayer.

>that jaw line

absolutely disgusting.


I was going to say Skeletor but okay...

This dude's voice does not match his face

Are you contractually obliged to dress like a cartoon character if you are in a Hollywood movie?

I didn't know Sandra Bullock was in Stranger Things


nah he's edward furlong v2

I thought it was Kathleen Kennedy.

Charlie Heston always looks like want to die.

What compels people do to this? Is it a desire to be noticed by employers in a crowd of dispensable job candidates? Does having your life catered to on film set for months at a time give them an inflated ego?

Its that coke come down
