
Comic Con edition

Me on the left

you're about to die f a m

That was the exact first response I foresaw when I saw this picture.


Damn, would love to get into that folder and start feeling around.

>You will never be a 6'5 Bajoran legend with long flowing blond hair taking Kira into your arms


Dodgers won tonight as well.

*slaps your girlfriend's ass*

>will Star Trek ever return to us? Will it ever be good again?

Not for a long time.

I love Unca Stan with all my heart

It really feels like it was a once in a civilization kind of thing man. It feels really bad. Even if it comes back, it'll never be quite so great. It's just so exquisitely comfy.

Why do all the heavy hitter Jews live into their 90s?
Is he siphoning her?

He's great grandpa tier now.

>It feels really bad. Even if it comes back, it'll never be quite so great. It's just so exquisitely comfy.
Maybe a little too comfy?
Seriously, like a drug you can't put down?
That's the effect I feel Star Trek had on me a while back. I'm one of the few who came on to it from watching Enterprise after school and then a few years later, refound my love for it.

He'll always be Unca Stan.

Star Trek reached its zenith in the late 80s/90s as Roddenberry's lifeforce faded. It was a golden age which we will never see the likes of again. Do you honestly believe that Star Trek will ever reach that level again? It's never going to happen. It's all downhill from here. We'll keep talking about TOS/TNG/DS9/VOY/ENT until we run out of things to say and that'll be it.

>We'll keep talking about TOS/TNG/DS9/VOY/ENT until we run out of things to say and that'll be it.
Thing is, it didn't have to be that way.
These are trying times. BE BRAVE.

>ps, who was I just impersonating?

He looks like he got punched in the stomache and is breaking the 4th wall

Looks like H3H3 in a wig.

JFK thread just got pruned after the conversation started turning to evidence that the Jews were behind it.

>He looks like he got punched in the stomache and is breaking the 4th wall

Oh you, I had a chuckle at this.

>bandshirt tucked into khakis
>"cool" sunglasses
>no muscle tone


>posts on Sup Forums

>those old, wrinkly huge skeletal hands stroking your hardened holosuit tenderly

I want to _____ Riker!



be friends with

When I watched this episode I kept thinking I recognized that actress, but then I realized she looks exactly like Dakota Fanning.


Having Troi call me Imzadi? Yuss.

embrace with trepidation


I want her granny hands to fondle my balls and stroke my cock.

>tfw no imzadi

>tfw i secretly enjoy Discovery and think it's got actual potential to be something good

That said, The Orville actually feels more like a proper successor despite being so heavily rooted in comedy because it's made by someone who is a serious Trekkie dork that is using it as a way to give all the good social commentary parts of Trek, while poking fun at the ridiculously silly tropes it has spawned. And it doesn't hurt that Braga is involved.

>And it doesn't hurt that Braga is involved.
It does.


>le braga is terrible meme

thanks to him you got 3 great series and 1 pretty damn good one. Suck it up, faggot.

How are you supposed to drink from that cup? As soon as you poured it it'd spill all over

Are you confusing him with somebody else?

It's the lamp from Sub Rosa.

I know

Not the guy you responded to, but Braga is responsible for literally some of the very best Trek ever put on screen.

He is high concept. He was behind Cause and Effect. All Good Things. Year of Hell.

The longer I stay in the fandom, the more I realize all it's memes are either complete lies are huge fabrications.

Kinetic weapons in sci-fi settings are fucking cool. Voyager's Nemesis and pretty much all of Stargate, for example.

I'm 3 episodes into the final season of ENT. Why is T'Pol always acting so autistic and twitchy nowadays?

Is it intentional as part of the character or was Jolene strung out all the time?

>All Good Things
Co-written by Ronald Moore.
>Year of Hell
Co-written by Joe Menosky.

>He is high concept.
Being the "ideas guy" isn't good enough, you need to actually be capable of delivering quality execution to have my respect. Looking at his history in Voyager and Enterprise, it's clear that Brannon didn't have that talent.

Dude, you're fighting a HUGE losing war with this.
He was INSTRUMENTAL in both of those episodes so just because they were co-written doesn't mean they WEREN'T written.

I could list at least 20 agreed upon GREAT episodes.

Please stop this terrible fodder, the man gave us some phenomenal Trek. I know you need some way to waste your time but at least consider Kenneth Biller or Jeri Taylor.

>someone else being involved delegitimizes anothers contributions

unfair and you know it

>unfair and you know it
Pedants don't want a fair fight.

>it's a Brannon Braga episode

>lick her wormhole

HAHAHAHAHAHHA what a legend

and now she's walking around Vulcan in pink capri pants

Season 4 was a mistake

I figure this is the best place to ask, so, late night /trek/, have any of you paid for the Stargate command thing? Is it worth it? Does it stream in HD in a desktop browser? I've had a huge hankering for rewatching Stargate lately.

If he's only good when he's with a good co-writer, and if he's not-so-good when he's without a good co-writer, then maybe he's not-so-good after all.

>I could list at least 20 agreed upon GREAT episodes.
Which were written by him alone?

>Jeri Taylor
When and how did she ever upset you? The only real trash she's ever written was Sub Rosa (with Brannon Braga).

If this was meant as evidence that the guy's a bad writer, I see absolutely none in the post.

>Which were written by him alone?
There were very few Trek scripts written by anyone alone.
His contributions into the franchise are part of the reason it's so beloved.
Jeri Taylor wrote terrible garbage for Voyager during the Kazon years, Braga wrote during it's best in Season 4-5.

>Which were written by him alone?
why does someone have to be working alone in a large group effort to have their work considered by you? doesn't make any sense, especially on a tv show

Jeri Taylor also wrote good Voyager. "One" (season 4) was so good that they ended up stealing the story and remaking it in Enterprise ("Doctor's Orders").

What was the terrible garbage that she wrote?

>"One" (season 4) was so good that they ended up stealing the story and remaking it in Enterprise ("Doctor's Orders").
One was hardly great, I'd count it as "good", but of all the Seven episodes that I consider great, that is not one.
Jeri Taylor and Kenneth Biller were the two names I always noticed on some of Voyager's worst episodes. had a hand in many of the early Voyager episodes if you look on memory-alpha you'll notice they have a mixture of bad and good but nothing great.
Just weigh Taylor's contributions or Biller's contributions next to Braga's and tell me he isn't far and away superior to them in his overall work.
It's such a groupthink meme to say he's in anyway bad. Overrated I could understand but hardly bad.

Kai Winn has beautiful baby blues.

Okay, but what specifically are you looking at which makes you think that Jeri Taylor is bad?

All I'm getting from you so far is pretty vague and general. She was there in your least-favorite seasons, she wasn't there in your favorite seasons.

She had some great TNG (The Wounded, The Drumhead, The Outcast, I Borg, Chain of Command) and some great Voyager (Eye of the Needle, Real Life) and it seems like she's suddenly on your shitlist not because she belongs there, but because you were searching desperately for another name.

>but because you were searching desperately for another name.
I like when you make stuff up but I too can pick out specific episodes, it actually makes my point for me now that you've done the same.

But first I have to fit in to your highly specific set of guidelines, so lay them out for me. No co-written stuff since Braga is bad in your mind so therefore even if he had a hand in some of the best Trek it must not be worth considering. So what is it? Only someone can be considered in this race if they alone wrote an episode? This disregarding script rewrites that happen in nearly every episode by multiple writers on the staff. But go ahead, I'll do my best to fit your standards.

For this, no standards. Anything she was involved with at all. Our tastes won't be the same and you might think __________ is bad while I think it's good and we'll never agree, but that's not the point. I just want to know what she did that riled you up so much.

I've seen people talk plenty of shit about Kenneth Biller before. Jeri Taylor, not so much. It's a novelty for me.

I'm talking about Braga.

We're not changing the subject yet.

>I'll give you the specifics just as soon as you lay out the guidelines for me.
>Just kidding, I won't give you the specifics.
Well then.

How much do you think being available exclusively in Studio-quality VHS enhances the comfy of Voyager and Deep Space Nine?

You were talking about Brannon Braga being bad and I started the argument.

Now that you know I've got memory-alpha at my hands you suddenly want to talk about Jeri Taylor.

Stop being so pedantic, Braga's contribution far exceeds hers in the positive towards the franchise and you know it. Also, you never had any consideration towards changing your mind. Your arguments never do, it's argument for it's own sake.

So what do you want? Me to list out all of Braga's singular good or better Trek episodes? Which I'll gladly do but is foolish and pedantic and we both know it.

Darth Winn

You're the one who brought up Jeri Taylor. In fact, you explicitly asked me to consider Jeri Taylor. It was your idea.

Good lord.

This was always about Braga being bad in your eyes and that was my original counter argument.

You keep running away when I ask for your hyper-stringent standards of what is and isn't good.

I guess I win by deference.

Terran Empire Trek series When?

>ywn look across the table and see this

>you need to actually be capable of delivering quality execution to have my respect.
lol What did you mean by this? this literally means nothing out of context.

this is an excellent point. we don't need HD remasters, watching season 1 of DS9 is like watching a real life interpreation of a dream

I only want preDS9 terran empire. I want to watch empress Hoshi get VULCAND by pon Farr Spock

>You keep running away when I ask for your hyper-stringent standards of what is and isn't good.
I don't have standards of what's good and what isn't. Taste is subjective. Subjectively, I don't enjoy, as an estimate, 90% of what Brannon Braga produces when he doesn't have someone like Ron Moore or Joe Menosky as a co-writer, and I believe that Brannon Braga has a bad reputation in fandom because many other people feel similarly.

>I win
You told me to consider Jeri Taylor, now you're telling me to stop considering Jeri Taylor.

I asked you for specifics, you said that you would provide specifics after I provided guidelines. I provided guidelines, now you won't provide specifics.

Yes, you win, I lose. I should never have replied to your posts.

Riker would be a good sparring partner, gym bud. But frankly I'd prefer to have one heart to heart in picard's ready room

We're talking about Brannon Braga. And here's my argument. He's actually a great contribution to Trek. You didn't think so originally and are now stuck in "hurry, switch tactics" mode.

Go to bed.

>90% of what Brannon Braga produces
That isn't the same thing as writing though so which is it?

I don't think he meant producing in the literal production tv sense

What would you have done in this situation?

Fucked the shit out of her cardie puss.

to further elaborate; roasties aren't worth loyalty. live for yourself.


Discovery isn't a bad show imo, it's just really discordant with established Trek themes and tone.

smoke a bowl with

But the fat lazy prick won't accept the responsibilities and would rather take up the 1st officer spot that other Commanders would highly benefit from.

the only correct answer

>the Federation opposes ultra-sexy gf's

wtf I'm a Maquis now

Beverly Crusher > Captain Janeway any day

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

Looks wise? of course. Character and story wise? Nah. Bev was only good with Picard.

>walks into the vulcan high council
what did he mean by this?

Holy shit TOS is garbage how can people like this unless they watched it when they were young?

That's a stupid desk. What does she do if she has to sign something?

Having rejected his loving Cardassian wife, Gul Dukat has coupled himself to the Kai Winn Adami, promising her dominion of all the Alpha Quadrant! He worships pah-wraiths and wormholes! He decorates his ear with jewelry like a prostitute! He practices the death chants and lights duranja lamps in vile Bajoran rites!

I know how unhappy you are and I cannot blame you. For who would not weep when he hears that the great Gul Dukat pays homage to alien gods? That he has abandoned his wife, his child and his species? I am asked if he is gone mad, if he is bewitched. I have no explanation. We may weep for him, but then we must do our duty, for he is no longer a Cardassian, but a Bajoran.

Today's news was brought to you the guild of brewers. The guild of brewers provides only the finest beverages. True Cardassian Kanar, for true Cardassians.

>TOS is garbage
Try watching VOY and ENT, that will redefine your idea of garbage

TOS really is quite bad, with few exceptions of good episodes. The pilot may have been the best episode. Holds up extremely well to this day.

He was right, Brannon does have quick wit.


VOY is my second favourite Star Trek and ENT is my third.