Kingdom of Heaven

Going to be watching this soon. I hear great things about the director's cut and thought I'd ask the always dependable and highly alacritous denizens of Sup Forums how much they enjoyed it.

Fire away.

Orlando Bloom almost ruins the movie

decent visuals, really fucking bad acting, have fun

That's what I am most fearful of. Dude is just so wooden in every role.

Yeah the directors cut is good. Not quite Gladiator/Lawrence of Arabia level but pretty close despite the miscasting of Orlando.

Worst performance in the film? In your opinion.

The Christians are portrayed as the evil bad guys, while the muslims are very kind and friendly.
Can't even show a sunny day in Europe, it has to be cold and dark.

It's not that distracting. If anything the character is a relatively passive self-insert while he's dragged into this epic conflict. It's on the few occasions when he has to actually try and be inspirational and make speeches where you just wanna tell him to shut his pooncy face.

How decent of a crusades movie is it? Been wanting to watch more films pertaining to that period of history. I haven't seen many and it doesn't seem as though a lot get made.

Yeeesh lol. The most Orlando can hope to inspire is agitative boredom. I can see the speeches now. I will hope for the best though heh.

Found it having some interesting scenes but generally being poor and not representing the Christianity at the time properly. I hear the director's cut is better though.

Bloom, everyone else is god tier but Orlando Bloom has only been good in Pirates of the Caribbean and LoTR because they are basically the same character and had the right amount of competent co-stars to disguise his atrocious acting

liam neeson wasnt in the movie long enough

director's cut is good. orlando bloom really sticks out in the movie though, he's really bad in this role. go ahead and watch it, it has quite a number of epic scenes and the ost is goat

Amazing production design, great cinematography, great score, fantastic cast (except Orlando Bloome) and some really good scenes, although historical accuracy is thrown out the window to push an aggressively anti-Christian and pro-Muslim agenda. It's a shame because it's the only movie with this setting that's actually well made aside from that.

this movie's main issue was that it was marketed as a spritual sequel to Gladiator, meanwhile it was Ridley's take on Lawrence of Arabia (that's what I take from it, at least)

I think Bloom is alright, not good, but not bad either. But the supporting cast raises it to higher level.

It's a great movie, the siege was well done as well. Bloom was mis cast but he does an alright job.

Eva is 11/10 in it

About 30 minutes in you'll realize you've been cucked out of a much better film.

Eva is always 11/10

It’s good. Some parts of the writing are way too Amerian, though

very ahistorical, Orlando can't act but it's a very well put together movie

nah it tried to make them both out to have good and bad elements, which was true, but it took plenty of liberties in doing so

I have no problem by them portraying the bad side of the Christians - like Reynald attacking innocent Muslim trading caravans, which he actually did, and referencing the massacre in 1099 - but they added unnecessary fictions like Guy beheading a Muslim envoy and the Patriarch being a coward (when in reality he helped Balien save citizens of Jerusalem from being sold into slavery) and they didn't really show any negative on the Muslim side, and went out of their way to invent falsehoods like Saladin letting every citizen of Jerusalem go free, when in reality he enslaved anyone that didn't pay a ransom, and let his men rape as many women as they wanted (according to an actual Muslim chronicler).

This. When I first heard about this movie I was excited. Then I heard Bloom was playing the main character. I thought for sure they would try to make it like Braveheart or Gladiator and he would ruin it. But his character is the reluctant hero which he manages to pull off.

It's shit. It came when these historical sword movies were the big thing, like superhero movies are at the moment. It was a soulless cashgrab and generally a really underwhelming cinema experience.

>and they didn't really show any negative on the Muslim side
there was that one bloodthirsty guy that was always telling Saladin to kill all the whiteys
I'll agree that it was far more biased to the muslims though

I want to make a little cup out of my tongue and place it on her pink little tight bhole. I'd create a vacuum with my cum cup and gently rock my head back and forth until a little bit of cum from the black bull I filmed fucking her in the ass right before hand trickles out into my cum cup and I'd savor the taste of it for minutes as she steps on my balls

He didn't bother me.

Movie had nice visuals. Very weak characters. Quite a boring movie. Slight undertone of Christians being utter bastards and Muslims being kind of nice guys.

t. brainless cretin

He's not the most gifted actor but what stood out to me in this movie was how his acting had developed. Maybe it was just an ordinary result of aging, but he seemed much less boyish than the Orlando I remembered from PotC

>historical accuracy is thrown out the window to push an aggressively anti-Christian and pro-Muslim agenda

I'm just going to list off some examples of user's argument here:

>Lead female is openly anti-Christianity
>Only decent Christian character is also relatively unreligious, more concerned with creating a multicultural utopia
>Muslim leader is fair, patient, and generally admirable. Only forced to violence by his subordinates
>Prominent Christian characters are backstabbing, wicked villains


This. And the writers completely reversed the chronological order of the historical events to make it seem like Saladin's attack was as revenge for Reynolds caravan attack, when in reality, the opposite happened.

>Very weak characters
it has the best supporting cast ive ever seen

i didnt get that, youre projecting a bit too much.
there werent any bad muslim characters because there are literally only 2 muslim characters.
there was bit of underhanded poking at fundamentalist or convenient christians (ie that priest at the last battle who tells everyone to convert to islam to save themselves), but religion is a minor part of the film.

Its the best epic ever made.

Good movie but it needed this cutie to anal rape both sides with his charm

You people need to stop memeing that Orlando ruined this movie, he didn't. His acting in this movie is fine.

At this point his just become the general consensus on this forum and you only think he is bad in this movie because you read it on Sup Forums

It's a good one OP. Not a masterpiece but solid. Bloom is a bit miscast, he goes for a moody stern vibe acting wise and it feels a bit out of place for him. Overacting one might even say.

she looked truly special in this one

Historical revisionism - The movie

Actually, his character almost ruins the movie, Orlando is just the cherry on top.

Its good and sadly one of the only crusade film. Be warned it really doesn't focus too much on the religious conflict but more on peoples emotions and reactions during the crusades

Remember enjoying it a lot the first time I saw it.

Its a very immersive movie, smoke pot if you have it

>The Christians are portrayed as the evil bad guys

no, the templars are.

>"protect the jews"
>god has abandoned me
>balian is a blacksmith from potc instead of a noble frank
>lucius vorenus dies in a shipwreck
>guy de lusignan was right in hindsight
>wasted godfrey

still one of my favorite movies by far.

>underhanded poking at fundamentalist

the priest at the beginning preaching islam tenets to kill infidel it's the path to heaven. when thats nowere in a bible, but throughout the quran

best epic ever made...lately

What is Jerusalem worth?

Templars being bad is even weirder, they were pretty nice guys.

three fiddy

>>lucius vorenus dies in a shipwreck
but he had powerful gods on his side


The guy who portrays Salahadin is fucking awesome.

Director's Cut is every bit as shit as the theatrical cut. Like all Ridley Films it's a good idea ruined by a fucking god awful script (which probably started great before he "tinkered" with it) that LOOKS fucking beautiful.

Also nothing, NOTHING, can overcome Orlando Bloom's casting.

He is CRUSHED by being surrounded by infinitely better actors and more interesting characters.