Did CGI make movies worse?

Did CGI make movies worse?

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But what about the Droid attack on the Wookies?


Not if used wisely.


Yeah. It renders everything lifeless and flat.

>Spending weeks adding a bunch of background trees nobody even notice

Y tho?

Not having CGI wouldn't stop the prequels from being terrible

>t. brainlet

Check out Coleman there, pretending he knows what he's doing


Zodiac has more cgi than the last spiderman
it wasn't flat was it?
You people arguing about tools are naive. It's all about how the tool is used.

Yes, it made Hollywood lazy



all modern fincher movies look like shit though but hey thats just my opinion

start posting the hobbit

I wish there was a film like this, where one of the characters is dressed up in something completely ridiculous, out of context and just reacts to things people say with expressions like in this webm for the entire duration of the film and nobody ever acknowledges him

>it wasn't flat was It?
It was.

this can't be real

The curbs were a little gratuitous.

It's a shame we'll never really see stunts like this anymore that isn't covered up with CGI, yeah it's dangerous but that's what the stunt doubles sign up for.

all the blood is cgi in zodiac and dragon tatoo, even that shower scene with craig bleeding, it's all cgi.

That you like the movie or not is completely irrelevant here. Fincher is one of the very few in the industry who uses cgi in a proper way. And no one has a webm of any of this, instead it's the usual aotc crap from 17 years ago, with the first digital camera ever used in a major production capped by sony at 1980p that you will all post to make a ridiculous and shortsighted point.

Give us a topic with good cgi for a change. But you won't you know why? because the good cgi is invisible to the vast majority.

If they didn't autists would freak out about them being anachronistic.

Inherently? No. Of course not. Go look at Blade Runner 2049 for a recent example of a CG-heavy masterpiece. Its main offense is in enabling lazy movie making. Just like how digital cameras and cheap memory have allowed directors to spend days getting coverage of a single dialogue scene to be assembled in post, CG has allowed them to take the easy way out of countless shoots. Building a set is hard. Doing a stunt is risky. Having an actor shave their fucking upper lip might annoy them. Just fix it in post.


/me isn't accusing 2049 of lazy movie-making, if that's what this is about.

Don't forget the helicopter pilot saying "Fuck CGI" and flying under the overpasses for real early in that chase.