Why are all women such whores?

>Why are all women such whores?
it's just mew

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who give a shit about riley. poor eve.

damn, thought mew was one of the good ones.
always believed in her.

all women are whores till they hit 35 and beyond

then they just want to settle down with someone, doesnt matter about looks, sex or anything like that. they just want someone around all the time.

>when both Ewan and Pratt both turn out to be villains

Ewan's a piece of shit. Knew it the second I saw an interview with him


jesus christ why are all Sup Forums memes coming true all of a sudden? This is too much

Damn, damn, damn.

I always like Winstead.

Damn. And going for Ewan McGregor of all people.

shes a hill shill. fuck her.

Have you seen the size of ewans penis. :0

I don't blame her :0

Fuck you Ewon. You are a shitty actor anyway.

>leaving your Jewfu for a divorced whore
Fucking Scots

Mew is about to feel the full force annihilation of her career.

It's a sacrifice Ewan is willing to make to save his own.

But Winstead is a better actor than Ewan.

Imagine ewan's french wife in her 20s must've been super fucking cute he doesn't deserve her loyalty ewan can go to hell. As for riley that dirtbag used up whore winstead doesn't deserve him, I'm glad riley is making kino now. Send this post or thread to riley he knows he's /ourguy/.

T BH the pain is the only thing that will lead to real art

We will see.


Reminder that Ewan gets a pass from the feminists because of his face. If it was some ugly actor he'd be crucified

>we will see

McGregor is old.

>teenage crush
Imagine the things Ewan made her do. She wanted to be his fucktoy

I wonder how many whores he fucked on his bike journey and then pretended to be happy to see his wife

such a fucking chad but the homely mature version

So, Ewan is 46, his wife is 51, they have 4 daughters, and he goes and fucks a woman thats 32 years old, while she is in a relationship....

Maybe Anakin was right all along.

MEW had the high ground


I...I don't get it.

let the man be, i actually think it's completely logical

i absolutely don't understand why someone like pierce brosnan wouldn't do the same thing, unless it's just a fake marriage. being an older dude and getting attention from younger women is literally one of the best feelings ever.

>tfw approaching 30
>get jumped by 18-19 year old's in bars

becayse yr r gay and have no humur

>most women have had a crush on Ewan at some point in their lives
If Ewan wanted your woman, would he get her Sup Forums?

>Wait, where is Riley?

You just know


i hope zuckerberg runs its probably the only way to top the 2016 election

same, would be hilarious.


probably, my broads a useless twat

Have any celeb marriages ever been repaired like in the movies?

How many times do you think Obi-Wan came in mew, bros?

>damn, thought mew was one of the good ones.
>always believed in her
As did Riley.

mew two

Her fault, shouldn't have married disloyal man in the first place.
Women need to learn to chose better.

at least 44 times

Daily reminder Ewan fucked Eva Green in 2009.

MEW did the opposite.

Heh Sup Forums called it when she split with her dude. Everyone pointing out she was filming with mcgregor at the time but naturally I didnt think mew was such a raging whore

Apparently MEW ibtroduced herselfntonthe family too... imagine hiw hot it would be if MEW had a fight with his daughters. She's pretty tall and physically fit I bet she could pin them all and there'd be nothing they could do as she cucks their mom


I would unironically pay a lot of money to see barefoot MEW wrestle his daughters.

>banged prewall mew
>banged imogen poots

poor riley what a cuck

Invite a younger more attractive girl to live in the house.

What could go wrong.

>barefoot MEW

Does she have nice feets? Post proof


She's 32. She's banking on marrying him. I'd get a much younger model if I were him


Yeah, I was going to say.

She's not really a top pick on any level.

Can we start bombarding Clara McGregor on Twitter to make this happen

I don't understand, why would the wife be mad that a younger, more attractive woman got it on with her husband??

She somehow got corrupted along the way.

user you're really testing my no fap right now

David Thewlis took this pic tho. Is he getting inside mew too?

I'm glad she dumped that queer that she used to be with and is now with a real man

all women are whores, never forget that. never. they're all about resources that can make them more secure.

and all men are betas towards women and scumbags towards men

Tbh Ewan is good looking, Which is sort of confusing, Is he married to his childhood sweetheart or something?

Riley's the type of guy who believes in love and would be faithful to his wife forever. He's no hedonistic Chad. I can't begin to imagine the misery and despair he is feeling.
MEW is a heartless whore.

I don't understand how anyone can look at Riley Stearns and the shit he posts and think he's in the same league as mew.

he married an old lady 10 year older than him. her vagina was probably all dried out


MEW so gonna JUST herself.
At the age of 33 splitting with her sweetheart husband instead of having kids and settle down with comfy life.
Riley is gonna survive though.

Give me a quick rundown on Riley, is he a cuck?

5 years older, not 10.

66 times

>women are whores
Mew didn't promise that woman anything. Macgregor is at fault not Mew.

Hell be fine

It was taken at the set of Fargo 3, I assume.

I don't man, Riley seems like the type of guy that would such a doormat that he'd let Chad hit on MEW while she waits for him to defend her.

Yes. look at a picture of him. He looks like one of them male feminst types

Riley just got ripped and has some directing jobs coming up in the future. While Ewan and MEW's fling will probably end within a year, Riley will use this pain to make KINO.

>woman's husband sleeps with another woman
>wife is a whore

So Ewan's woman and Riley have been cucked since 1996?

You're confusing the life of an average woman whose life will turn to shit if she doesn't settle down, and a Hollywood star in her prime going out, partying and getting the dick from the likes of Ewan McGregor. If anything, staying faithful to a beta like Riley when she could be having the time of her life would be the thing that would make her blow her brains out.

Stop being autismo

Riley hasn't even reached his peak yet. MEW really fucked up. Unless Ewan settles down with her (unlikely) she has lost the chance to form a family and not become an old bitter Hollywood feminist hag.

I should get haircut like Ewan.
What is it called?
Im balding shit

>mew's whole persona is being not like the other girls
>is like the other girls

give examples of woman who did that and still happy

its a buzzcut retard

Let's face it. Riley will never peak. The Art of Self Defense will do nothing for his career and he'll have to support himself by going to children's karate tournaments. At the age of 49, he'll finally meet an opponent that is too tough with him and it will result in a fatal blow. Bone fragments from his nose will shoot up into his brain and he'll die on the mat in the semi finals. Screen cap this

>tfw dad cheated on mom when i was a kid
it sucks i feel bad for his daughters, but at least they are rich

Fuck off Mary.

He has no excuse not to be banging models right now, He has money and success, He should do the exact opposite of what he feels, He should plunge himself back into a world of pussy and show that fucking slut he never needed her.
>15 years
Still fucked up to put 15 years into something and then the other person just up and leaves. Why is it always women who do it like this? Bottle it all up and then one day just say they are leaving? and you know theyve been fucking someone behind your back and they lay it on thick "its not you its me" and all that stupid crap. Atleast when a man does it theres no fluff, A man cheats and his spouse either finds out about it and kicks him out or they dont. He doesnt start making excuses to forego the guilt and break the others heart just because he fucked some skank he didnt give two shits about.

What makes people commit adultry? If i had a qt girlfriend or wife i would always be faithful. I know people get TV tired of the same people after a while but isn't it better to be honest with your significant other than just lying about it behind their back?

I'd rail Trainspotting Ewan up his skinny heans wearing ass

No homo

lmao you virgins are deluded, the guy is married and cheats on his wife, he's the only person at fault here, but it's the women that are whores?

pathetic beta cucks

Do you think they are too intimidated to confront MEW because they know she could beat them up? Shes like 5'10 and has a lot of miscle mass for a girl. Hell she could probably pin me down and smear her feets in my face and there's be NOTHING k could do about it

Scarlett Johansson is known for being in open relationships and getting dick. You really don't seem to understand how their lives are different from an average woman. They can have any man they want until a much older age, AND they actually do somewhat classy partying. A regular 40 year old woman going out partying and awkwardly flirting with young guys is not the same as getting finger blasted by Jon Hamm in the VIP section

>defending roasties on the internet

Well done m'sir I'm sure they will reward you with your first sexual encounter. Kek


no, exact opposite, women can move, men are fucked up.

As a normal dude I would never cheat. But Bill Burr has a good bit about how we could never understand what it's like to be a celebrity and having hordes of beautiful women wanting to fuck you. Being faithful becomes a lot harder then. Plus, I would imagine the reason a lot of people become actors in the first place is to get pussy.