The hero's love interest used to be a harem girl

>the hero's love interest used to be a harem girl

>said harem belong to the villain

>the villain previously fucked the love interest

Which one is the cuck? The hero or the villain?

normal cuck rules: the villain
Sup Forums cuck rules: both of them. and the bitch is a dirty roastie

The villain is the cuck.
The hero is getting sloppy seconds.

Now you know the horrifying truth about cuckolding: Everybody loses and its the woman's fault.

that girl should eat a burger

Getting sloppy seconds or cheating are NOT cucking you fucking middleschool brats


cheating is cucking though

Neither. The core concept of cuckolding is the unfaithfulness and/or betrayal of trust. Being a sex slave isn't exactly being in a relationship (as only the villain expects you to obey them), and if you're subsequently liberated by the hero you owe absolutely no duty to the villain by anyone's standards.
Having two relationships isn't cuckolding if there's no overlap between relationship with person A and relationship with person B.

The villain.

That depends, is the cheatee okay with it/actively promotes it? Then yes, cheating is cucking

If not, that's not cucking, that's just being a soulless whore

By now cucking means "acting in a non-masculine way." Joe is a cuck because he lost control of the Citadel to his former slaves, Max is a cuck because he let Furiosa use him as a sniper mount and didn't even fuck her. Basically everyone's a cuck, and the only way to avoid becoming a cuck yourself is to never do anything.

the husband of an adulteress, often regarded as an object of derision.
"jokes in literature about elderly cuckolds and misers are rife"
(of a man) make (another man) a cuckold by having a sexual relationship with his wife.
"in the novel Humberto cuckolds his employer"

ive counted 16 times the word cuck has been used in this thread. (now its seventeen)

If your girlfriend sleeps with another guy, you're a cuck. You can un-cuck yourself by beating the shit out of the other guy, and slapping your ex-girlfriend around for good measure. Otherwise you're a cuck for life.



>Having two relationships isn't cuckolding if there's no overlap between relationship with person A and relationship with person B.
This man is clearly not a levite priest.
>And he shall take a wife in her virginity. A widow, or a divorced woman, or a woman who has been defiled, or a prostitute, these he shall not marry. But he shall take as his wife a virgin of his own people, that he may not profane his offspring among his people, for I am the Lord who sanctifies him.

based kikes

Any harem kino you recommend, fellas?

>never do anything
just ask yourself: would conan the barbarian do this? and you will be okay


t. cuckhold enthusiast.


are we reaching some kind of cuck extended universe (CEU for short)? Is there cuck-lore?

>Is there cuck-lore?
same question - is there essential Sup Forums cuck-core

If she's just a random harem girl I don't think the villain qualifies as a cuck since she's basically just a sex slave among many. It's more like your property getting stolen than a woman.

What if you break up with her, then she sleeps with another guy?

It's almost always his favorite harem girl.
>Secondary antagonist is Villain's main harem girl
>secondary antagonist used to protect love interest, now is hunting her down

Is this in anything?

Conan's wife used to be a concubine that was never even touched by the king he slew and usurped.