Why are there so few brazilians in Hollywood? I think that's quite problematic

Why are there so few brazilians in Hollywood? I think that's quite problematic

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They have their own movie industry.

We can't into english. Seriously OP, it's a bad accent and it's hard to lose.

we can't act
there isn't a single good actor here

Not enough good actors

They have all of one good movie and it's entirely focused on shitting on Brazil.

Mateus Solano is pretty great.

Let's start counting some brazillian fellas
>Rodrigo Santoro

>shitting on rio de janeiro
fixed that for you
Also, O Auto da Compadecida is the goat brazilian movie

Let's end this thread right here before our eternal attention whoring becomes too obvious

Alice Braga, and that mexican on riverdale is actually brazilian

Wagner Moura as Pablo Escobar. Yes, dumbshit Hollywood cast a brazillians (portuguese speakers) to play a espanol speakers

Brazillians aren't attention whores

the biggest attention whores are the British, the Dutch, and the Australians

I am the Legend, Elysium and now she is on New Mutants

our "industry" is completely different from the american and british industries, meaning that 90% of the movies are author-centric and not concerned with profit...mostly getting funding from the government or private institutions that support cinema as a means to aliviate taxes. Otherwise we get movies that are made for the masses which are utter shit.

So you have:
- commercial films that are shit, usually comedies or biopics (formerly it was porn movies/movies about brazilian history made with the support of the dictatorship)
- art films that appeal to niches
- art films usually experimental/meta (think Glauber Rocha)
- documentaries
- rare movies made by autheurs that are actually good and still appeal to the masses (City of God, Elite Squad, Central Station)

we need a new Coffin Joe

Selton Mello, you utter pleb

selton melo is a hack
encarnação do modo Amelie Poulain "pessoa sensível sonhadora" de ser

They are annoying.

Cecília Reyes in the comics is a black American and not Latina.

you just aren't paying enough attention
Why do you think we were rangebanned?

>- commercial films that are shit, usually comedies or biopics (formerly it was porn movies/movies about brazilian history made with the support of the dictatorship)

Funny that during the Dictatorship most Brazilian movies were softcore porn.

>exactly what I said

I’m agreeing with you

iirc sudaca actors make a ton of money with gov scams, so they'll only leave if they care a lot about fame or see a good chance to make even more money

You mean Selton Melo.

Morena Baccarin
Julia Goldani Telles

because they all do porn



Kaya Scodelario has an English father and a Brazilian mother, so I guess she counts.


Honestly it's like last on my list over places I'd want to visit. I can't fathom why someone would travel to Brazil or India.

>tfw was on a plane and this girl from sao paulo started talking to me
>tfw she looked alot like kaya
>tfw will never see her again
it hurts bros

>Why do you think we were rangebanned?
This never happened. One ISP was banned because some dude kept spamming.

I'm pretty sure we are, "pls come to brazil" is the epithome of this. And btw, for every actor in the world there will be a brazilian fan page for him, seriously, any fucking actor has a brazilian fan page, just check twitter.

>not sniffing her hair when she turns around
Weak bro

wish i was a chad

>pls come to brazil
thats a fucking joke you sperglord

Most of our SOAP OPERA actors are shit and our non-actors are usually great (City of God has more non-actors than usual actors) and the good actors are in the theater, and since there aren't a lot of good brazilian filmmakers nowadays, they just live in the theater (Helena Ignez, Fernanda Montenegro, Paulo Altran are all good actors, but they don't do many movies).

But as I brazilian, I have to say that most brazilian personalities become toxic if they achieve anything, if you doubt it, just check the name Gustavo Beck in 4plebs and realize how much he's hated and how he's full of himself. There are some brazilians that are the most obnoxious beings on the whole planet, they are despisable.

too busy filming tranny porn and robbing in favelas

Was married to a Brazilian. Trust me, it ain't worth it. I have white hairs now and im only 29.

im brazilian tho

It's not a fucking joke it's the fucking reality, we brazilians see someone have a mild sucess and we start screaming PLSS COME TO BRAZIL COME TO MY COUNTRY WE LOVE YOU HEREEEE.

It has become a meme because at every youtube video of a famous personality there was an unironical comment saying: "pls come to brazil"

It still counts. Find a brit instead

Few can withstand the power of the bunda

literally who?

Since this thread is pretty much just brazilians talking to other brazilians, how do we fix our shitty movie industry? If fucking Cambodia can get nominated for an Oscar, why can’t we?



we have more important shit to fix first

There is literally nothing wrong with Brazil

not gonna happen

>Find a brit instead
BR with a brit fiancee here, it's worth it but only if she has bunda and isn't a fucking chavvy piece of shit

spent 6 months in the UK and the bodies there were amorphous masses with faces that made jokes about murrican inbreeding seem misguided

yes there is i dont have a gf

are you black

black enough by default on being BR

Hollywood doesn't appreciate brazilian attributes

how black

>not a single mention of the Tropa de Elite movies

It's my favourite cop movie and not even a br

Are you at least portuguese or sudaca? Half if not most of the banter and swearing are basically impossible to translate.

I'm a white argie

Bitch, you wana get kicked?

The real deal are the telenovelas. The movie industry is a secundary one.


If you are making movies you are competing with Holywood, special effects, jewish marketing and all that shit. You can make a profit like a big hollywood movie with a small budget.


It's only American and European blacks who can't do shit on their own without the noble white liberal there giving them hand-outs.

Everyone else has their own stand-alone film industry.

this is true

>noble white liberal
you mean jews, right?

I miss when you could easily hack Brasileirinhas

Our film industry is shit, ifyou want to do a solid movie that is not the topic of the moment or a comedy, you'll have to use public money.

How is that a problem? Having your own movie industry gives you way more freedom.
I wish brazilians could do more movies like Cidade de Deus.

It's not a film industry, it's a one company has control over everything. City of God, Elite Squad, O Quatrilho (IIRC) are movies by Globo FIlmes, they can do whatever they want, they are rich as fuck, but they are investing way more into their shows and telenovelas and they won't do something that is provocative or avant-garde, Júlio Bressane is probably the most "avant-garde" brazilian director and he's never done a movie with them, while Arnaldo Jabor (one of the most provocative) also never done a movie with them (IIRC) but he worked at their TV channel doing political commentaries. Neighboring Sounds, Neon Bull, Aquarius, Joaquim, Vazante, Febre do Rato are also movies that used public funding and didn't have any relation to the industry itself.

That explains that ASS.

who is that? claudia raina?

dont remember ass that fine in the 80s

>why someone would travel to India
I used to think the same untill I went for business reasons. Shitting on a designated shitting street is just something else. Only problem is that you will never want to use a toilet again.

Oh I see, thanks.
Hope Brazil gets its shit together and can invest more in art and culture.

If a movie in Brazil isn't left wing oriented, it won't have government funding. Or Globo funding. They also only fund their own circlejerk artists.

Not enough sopa de macaco in the USA.

my boi

This is how my favorite private movies start

9/10 ass

not ridiculous, not flat

To be "black" in brazil, you have to basically be negrodis prime from monkey land africa. Most black people there will say theyre pardo like a liberal will say they're native american

so ur that?

It's really hard to find a pure bred BR nowadays
Even if people say they are "mostly portuguese" or "Italian" they will still have Arabic features.

not really, nowadays everyone plays this "i'm 1/4" whatever, "we're all mixed" nonsense. But a fuckload is blatantly white or just ugly ass whites

my grandma was neymar tier "black", but i'm pale as fuck, blonde and blue eyed

You are still a shitskin bro

As far as I can tell, Brazil's movie industry was dead until the 80s. It's still very young compared to other developed nations but has put some good films. Aquarius is one of their most recent gems and Kleber Filho is developing his own style of Brazilian film making. Couple other of my favorites are Four Days in September, Madame Sata, Brave New Land, and City of God.

nah, i'm white enough to be told by jews i should check my living-while-white privilege and hated if i walk around in black areas or be called "german" etc

Because other BRs are just ignorant and don't know better
If you move /walk around to any real white country, even with your mouth shut, they'd know you for a mixed shitskin

yeah sure, they can really sniff it out through their euro nose

is this the new jewish divide-conquer trick?

>you're a """"poc"""", nevermind you're hated for being white

No that's just a fact. You think Mediterraneans are white? Ask Sup Forums, the exact opposite of jewdaism

>perdeu preiboi

His accent is so fucking shit, i couldn't watch it.

just because a shill or a retarded snow nigger viking larper plays that "unless you're scandinavian u aint white" nonsense, dont mean shit


>Half if not most of the banter and swearing are basically impossible to translate.

Sup Forums will never fully understand this movie and how it was at release, everywhere you saw people saying lines from the movie. It's the ultimate quotable movie for hues.

just imagine baneposting with every person you talk to irl, that's what that movie was for us at the time