What was the point of this relationship?

Their romance is featured in almost every episode of the season, and I don't really feel the show benefited from it

Was it just meant to be a political jab at people who don't approve of race-mixing? If so, that's just a dumb addition.

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they needed more girls in the group because girls watch the show too
she's going to ruin the group come season 3

what was the point of a second season?

I love mixing chocolate and strawberry. She'll probably end up with dustin in season 3 anyways and make Lucas looks like the asshole.

I'm asking about the relationship, not the character. It was implausible and felt like they were trying to make a statement, as it had no relevance and wasn't touching whatsoever.

Are Sup Forums and Sup Forums slowly fusing together?

I saw it as mainly character building and setting pieces up for S3.

In season 3 we'll see what their babies will look like.

girls that come from broken families will burn the coal no matter how much their family warns them not to

I grew up in the 80s and trust me this shit did not happen

no mixing involved

is that the ugliest nigger in television

It was a contrast to Nancy and Steve's relationship. Steve gives Dustin advice on how to win Max over but his advice was basically "make her think you don't care" and to act like Steve. Lucas just acted like himself and genuinely cared so he got the girl.

in a town like Hawkins there would have probably been zero black people

which is nice when Dustin realizes he doesn't get the girl and let's it go because bros before hoes mentality

I don't like his character, he's a little cunt.

I'd rather not see him get the qtpi too.

Souless people fit together, there is nothing wrong with a black mand and a redhead woman having a relationship.

I'm black, grew up in rural Indiana in the 80's, and this absolutely happened


Her and 008 are replacements for Millie in case she decides to leave the show. They established these two characters to allow a different location. Max for California and 008 for Chicago, if they decide to leave Indiana

>In season 3 we'll see what their babies will look like.

She was a better character than El this season

even though season 1 had the obvious "hur dur let's make the dads assholes" thing we so often see, sheriff aside, the characters were otherwise pretty good. no one that had a lot of screen time felt purposeless or one dimensional.

Ah, the Claire Underwood effect

she didn't do anything, she was pulled along the whole time

More like a cheeto than a strawberry

she was the new kid who fulfilled the role of "WHOA what crazy shit is going on" since everyone else was well-versed

also it's an inversion, remember Lucas was against Eleven's inclusion early on and now Mike is against Max and Lucas is for

I could see it happening. I grew up in a town of 6000 during the 80s. One my best friends was a Samoan; yeah, not "African American", but for a mostly white rural town, he was black. My brother also had a best friend who was half-black, half-latina; I've overheard one of my Dad's friends comment about them playing together; "Your son's into dark meat, huh?".

It's not unheard of.

i want el-mike-max love triangle

She helped setup stuff and beat her brother

Wait till next season when she solos 3 demodogs and Takes Mike’s virginity infront of El

I want kike Mike to get gassed by upside down toxins and chad Billy to lynch nigger Lucas for racemixing with huwhite Max.


i want el to almost kill max, making her the villain

>season 2 teased with Max not boiling well with El
>Max cared more about Mike than Lucas
Based chad Mike is gonna cuck Lucas isn't he?

this, Mike and Max are cute together.

>reverse cucking
that sounds interesting

Is it creepy that I want to hang out with Max and head pat her?

That scene had true electricity, more so than Mark with eleven.
Also poor dustin, I know it annoys everyone but his shenaningans amuse me, Steve broeing with thim and trying to make him less cringeworthy was very cool of him.

God i hope Dustin gets uncucked nect season he deserves it. Steve too.

Who will get love interest next? Will or Dustin?

Sup Forums is infused into every board get used to it or gtfo

>Mike and Lucas always has racial tension between them
>Max and El don't get along well

It's happening, Mike is gonna send Lucas back to the cotton farm

That's exactly what's going to happen. They've already built up tension between her and Eleven. And they wouldn't have shown the Mike/Max interactions if it wasn't going anywhere. He still didn't accept her as part of the club either at the end of the season. It's that old adage "treat them mean, keep them keen"

Will needs some love,as much as I like dustin he hasn't suffered enough. He can befriend the next voidling or something.

this would actually work brilliantly, especially if it makes Lucas, Eleven, Mike and Max all angry and pissed off, giving us more wild adventures of Dustin and Steve co-starring Will.

>slowly fusing together
It's been like this for years now. Teenage faggots from reddit come to Sup Forums then spread their ilk to every board here.

>people think Lucas is getting cucked

Sadie and Caleb said they were each other's first kiss and they had to kiss like 15 times.

No one cares about the actors, lol. We are talking about the story here. King Cuck.

it was meant to show she is from a broken home

Anyone else place their childhood selves in place of the kids? I always wonder how I'd react to these scenarios as a child. I like to think I'd be like Mike or Lucas, fairly competent and normal. But I know I'd be like Dustin or Will, a fat loser and an autistic sperg.

>Will needs some love
i bet my money on a male love interest for Will.

>Caleb is 15
>that was his first kiss
>Finn was 12 when shooting season 1
>it was not his first kiss

Chad Finn and virgin Caleb

>Forcing her first kiss on this ugly fish face
I’m black and even I think that’s messed up

I'd want to be Nancy but I know I'd be Barbara, sperging off by the pool and then promptly rotting amid a heap of tentacles.

this show makes 0 fucking sense. How are they even gonna make a season 3 without the U.N. and the rest of the world getting involved? I just do not see how they can sustain the plot any farther without creating a clusterfuck.

The show wears references on its sleeve, expect Netflix to bump the budget and for them to go hardcore Akira-style shit.

I think the actors get that enough from the producers alredy.

I was expecting a El vs Evil Will fight

>Ywn force yourself into Natalia Dyer’s hotel room and masturbate over her shaking scared body as she cries because she knows if she rejects you she’s fired
Why even breathe?


You mean like getting rid of Dustin Lucas and Will and just have the story revolve around Mike El and Max

Race mixing outrage agenda.

More disgusting shit that will perturb innocent white girls with constant hitting on by negroes.

I agree with this, the actors had something amazing in this scene, way more than the forced shit with 11

What bubble does someone live in where a black kid in the only black family in an all-white rural neighborhood dating a white girl is "political".

>slowly fusing together

Also grew up in rural Indiana in the 80's/90's. Only a single black family in our neighborhood. He dated.

Don't see why people act surprised. Majority of black families lived in cities. The chances of multiple black families in the same neighborhood in rural Indiana in the 80's was pretty slim.

>I'm black
nice b8

Damn, the bbc that got her on cloud nine. She's never going back to little white bois after she cums on that bbc for the first time. I ain't mad at ya girl, get that tasty bbc!

people are surprised as to why would anyone date a black in the first place

Because a lot of people don't care? The people that care wouldn't date them.

Her character was also from California, so there's that.

Netflix probably required more diversity. Either that or the nu-male writers just felt the need to do it of their own accord and a white women going for a black guy is ultimate diversity since it is rubbing it in the face of the evil white man..

It was literally just to make the black kid do something other than his few token lines.

>people dont care that their kids will look like goblins
lmao the absolute state of americans

Sup Forums was racist while you were still in elementary school faggot. Stop with the "it's reddt's fault" meme. Reddit are the ones too stupid to see race.

I had a feeling most of the anger came from less important countries.

Dustin and Will are the more realistic ones of the kids. Mike is close to a Gary Stu and Luca is black so they make him unrealistically smart and well reasoned

its ok jamal your murder rate is all i laugh at

it was a interesting subplot with interesting characters, just like the romance subplot in te previous season

if it wasn't interracial we would have a hundred Sup Forumstards complaining about it everyday

no one cares what some non-American shit hole thinks, sweetie. laugh between your tears all you want, you'll never be us as much as you want.

who would want to be some african tier shithole with some of the highest murder rates on earth

Fucking disgusting. This is what your netflix subscription dollars goes to creating. White people need to start voting with their wallets on this shit.

only a non-American who's never set foot here would actually think that. rationalize all you want, your shithole will always desperately wish it was us.
it's okay, I understand. your life can never be as good as ours, and jealousy does terrible things to a person

ruh roh look who made that list more than once
but hey at least you have the exciting black people like brazil

are you actually saying nigs dindu nuffins?

>List of cities
Again, non-American who's never set foot here, do you have any clue how large America is? The majority of this country is paradise compared to your shit hole
It's okay, sweetie, keep rationalizing all you want. I understand it's difficult for you to imagine since your shit hole is so tiny

if so we're truly blessed.

yeah user im sure all the ghettos are just heaven on earth

BBC x readhead is honestly the hottest

tiny parts of the country, third-worlder
it's okay, I sympathize. maybe if you're super lucky one day, you can attempt to come here.

>What was the point of this relationship?

To disgust me, and to lower the image of America in the eyes of the rest of the world.

>tiny parts
lmao this is what americans believe
are you black?

Its secondary function was to trigger special right wing snowflakes like OP.
It worked.

to trigger insecure Sup Forumscunts

Ginger girls are made for black cock

I wish I was black so I could have sex with prime white women.

To make me insecure about black people stealing my women even though I'm thirty years old and will never actually interact with a woman let alone a attractive white one.

nope. just a true blue American who understands the jealousy third-worlders like you have over the greatest country in the world. it's okay, i'll let you stew in your jealousy since you can't let this go

dusty ass nigga

Takes El's virginity infront of Mike.

this desu

alri pedro, look out when youre on the streets