It had a good soundtrack

>it had a good soundtrack

Other urls found in this thread:

>It's ok if you watch it drunk

>moooobie muzd habe gruad stohry


good soundtracks are rare these days though

these are pretty good

>the characters just weren't likable

>film is a visual medium, style IS substance

fuck you i liked TRON: Legacy

how is this not a valid criticism

Whoever made this one... I love it, good job man.

aka literally the only defense for drive


>it wasn't realistic


>them ovie wegsfun

>It had good cinematography

>It scored 95% on RT. You really think you know better than seasoned professional critics?? Oh, I forgot, you're not allowed to like anything fun on Sup Forums

>I watch movies for the plot

>discounting the importance of a good soundtrack
lol go watch a silent movie, pleb

>Whoever made this one... I love it, good job man

>I enjoy the films of Nicolas Weiss-Andersen

This meme has gone too far...

This is true though.


If your only defense of a film is that is had a good score then it probably isn't a good film. There are plenty of shitty films with good soundtracks.

>the lighting was very colorful, it doesn't matter if everything else was half-assed trash

>There are plenty of shitty films with good soundtracks.
know this pain...

>Whoever made THIS one... I love it, good job man

why is there a fish attached to the brain?

I haven't listened to The Mummy but Brian Tyler has been a bit of a shitshow lately. Boring orchestration, lame main themes... but ask him to do something jazzy and he will hit a home run.
Or take for instance this clip some user posted in another thread earlier today. Looks like the worst movie ever but great music by Andrew Lockington.

I thought he was using the fish's brain

these are getting more and more ridiculous

ye hate boring and overbloasted things, but for example 'Nick Theme' is brilliant, short but so well packed. strarts softly, then slowly build up and after 2 minutes it's over. not repeating, not boring. zimmer would make it 6+ minutes, with few repeated moments
it made me want to play Tomb Raider 4: The Last Revelation (that one placed in Egypt)