Admit it, you wish that were you, user

Admit it, you wish that were you, user.

>awkward middle school years again
no thanks

yeah i wish i was her so i could bang my hot stepbro


>not wanting to fuck a qt femboy instead of a testosterone-filled chad

I’m not racist but I’d hate to be black.

yeah right, racist

Another new season another Jew season.
Nothing to see here, just the destruction of all things sacred.

As a 28 year old white man, I would love to have smooched Lucas!


I saw this kid at Atlanta International, I was asleep on the chair with my head cracked backwards and my mouth wide open. I opened my eyes to see 'that black kid from Stranger Things' staring right at me.

It was a real weird experience.

yes, i wish to a kiss a grill someday

>t. 26KV

as much as i hate negros, i wish i was black :'(

Based negro

>wanting to be black
>wanting to touch a ginger

uhh no

>tfw dad is black
>tfw mom is ginger

All this interracial shitposting is real weird for me

id rather have superpowers

You haven’t seen their horrible pilosity.

yes i didnt get any pussy until the 9th grade by then all the girls were corrupted whores as shit and only sloppy seconds were available.

black woman not good enough, Netflix?

dude same i bet my dad is blacker

that comes in season 3 or brown girl for the 20yo midget playing the 12yo.


>tfw 21 and never kissed a girl

>I want to lose 16 IQ points
>I want to be socialized within the framework of black culture

Is this some extreme form of masochism?

she got blacked

That's... pretty bad
u ugly or somn'?

There's something explicitly gross about that picture. I can't put my finger on it

short, ugly and stutter

but Sup Forums told me all white girls crave the bbc

what is the name of the actress so i can blacklist her

Better start working on that personalité

I wish I were black so that I could fuck prime white girls with big asses.


I would lose 50 IQ points to nut in a prime white girl.

That is mostly just a meme. While it is true that (((the powers that be))) are trying to normalize miscegenation, and mixed race couples are more frequent than they were 30 years ago black men on average by far remain the most undesirable members of society, due to a mixture of socioeconomic status, black culture, and people in general not being fond of negroes.

Most people still prefer to date within their own race, and even if they are willing to consider dating other races a lot of people still look at the average black person and see something they do not want to associate with, let alone start a family with.

That's true, women don't want to start families with BBCs, but they do want to get fucked by them. At the end of the day I'd rather be desired for my physical attributes than my ability to pay for a family.

will they become the duffer sisters eventually?