Was that a real tree?

was that a real tree?

u can b just like arnorld if u lift big, eat big, ,and stand up straight, ask the hot girl you stare at in class user if she will suck your asshole


Why didn't he hit the predator with the tree?

Arnold thread?

Too many other trees in the way.

Was that a real arnold?

Yeah, he told me so himself.


>Logging is hard. This was maybe my answer to Arnold, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with. Commando had a very medieval philosophy: that if Matrix was a good man, the woods would prosper. We look at real history and it’s not that simple. Arnie can say that Matrix killed Bennett and returned to carrying logs for a hundred years, and he was wise and good. But Arnold doesn’t ask the question: What was Matrix’s chopping schedule? Did he maintain a sharp axe? What did he do in times of drought and wildfire? And what about all these trees? By the end of the movie, Bennett is gone but all of the trees aren’t gone – they’re across the forest. Did Matrix pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little saplings, in their little nurseries?

Why is GRRM so autistic?




no it was some kind of foam

How accurate is this list for the movies escape and sabotage?

Accurate, they're ok ation flicks

Watch close you can see its clearly polystyrene. When the Chevy rolls down the hill you can see a wore rope attached to the back. On the beach gear up scene you can see his shotgun barrel flop around, it's rubber. On another scene you can see there is no hole in the barrel and can see rubber casting flash.
Also check out the dissappearing damage on sullys porsche after he rolls it over

Yeah it is. they had a prop foam log but it looked like shit under the lighting they had so he just said fuck it and toted around a real log


AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Sup Forums never refuses to amuse.

They should be "meh" faces, so not entirely accurate.


Good job sir. I didn't laugh, but this was a good one.

No it was actually solid steel filled with super strong magnets that were attracted to another huge magnet laying on the ground


>not god-tier

fuck off

Very nice

>Hating on Junior

Actually it was made of pure neutronium (and a layer of brown paint).

Excellent taste and rankings.

yeah no, that's all wrong. as much as I love arnie, the only ones that deserve god tier are predator, the first conan, total recall, and the first terminator.

also, youre missing The Villain, in which he plays a homosexual cowboy, and Hercules in New York, in which they had to dub over his voice

Some questionable choices but you recognise the underrated gem that is End of Days so I'll let them slide, good job

no, concrete

what movie is this from? He clearly isn't on roids in the picture

The Running Man fucking sucked

I wasn't even talking about The Running Man. The fuck?

I meant to quote the chart alone


The only one I'd change is End of Days. It's just okay.

Did you forget to include T2 or you just got a shit taste?

Plain zero detected.

Holy shit almost spit my drink out you mother fucker

Jesus Christ fucking shit

Nah it's a concrete prop


>no hercules in new york

you haven't experience true kino

no I very much doubt it
Arnold was a body builder, his muscles were just for looks, he had very little functional strength.

I fucking love Conan, my most re-watched movie.

T2 is just T1 with the characters scrambled and better special effects. Youre a pleb if you think it matches the others I listed.

thats the part where arnold shoots you with a shotgun for disliking terminator 2.
The best terminator film

>just T1 with better special effects
It's hard to improve on perfection

Ed Furlong ruined T2.