Which actor has the most based kids?

Which actor has the most based kids?

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>three daughters

worse than shooting blanks

surprisingly good looking. those girls lucked out that they didnt get stallones manly face


I'm a pretty gentle guy and I don't like talking about women in the way of "oh yeah that blonde bitch i'd fuck her slut hole with my juicy cock" but if I had a daughter I'd probably kill her to save the feeling of knowing that every man would want to fuck her even if she's ugly.

If you have a son and he brings back a nice girl you can only feel happy for him. If he brings back a slut you'd just hope he wises up.

But a girl? Anyone she brings back is terrible. A chad? The worst. A beta? How the fuck did he manage to get her? He must be a psychopath. I wish all women dead purely for their safety.

Chaz Bono is the ultimate Chad



>some stupid fucking hollywood bimbos

why is he not in jail?

Who is that?

Why would he? (((they))) are trying to normalize pedophilia like they did with homosexuality.

Is Sly wearing a see-through shirt?

Martin Sheen

Wow, they're hot as fuck

That last pic...


This but unironically desu, I honestly think the cunty teenage stage is there to make fathers hate their daughters so they will be willing to let them go

are you stupid? a man's face is supposed to be manly and a woman's face is supposed to be feminine. when both of these things are true the probability of the offspring being hot increases.

this make my pant small

is that newspaper heading baitu desu?

Liev Schneider he’s raising his son as a trap

>pic #3

What a great dad. I wonder if he was there to witness all of their "first BBC" rituals.

For me, it has to be Tom Hanks

No, its justice for the father sleeping around

i just found out about that last week. unreal.

this is only because you are a beta and would want to fuck your own daughter because in a beta's mind, any woman close to you = your property. Chad fathers have fucked hundreds of women and are comfortable with women so they don't get creepily attached to their daughters.

this is why I don't blame women for not wanting to reproduce with betas.

someone post deniros orc spawn

how come people wants to be like this, I mean it's natural for me (a neckbread living with his parents) to not understand what drives people to act like a "gangster" if you can call it like that


You need to do the beta hoverdad vs the chad loose daddy

Aren't you forgetting loser drug addict son that died of an overdose?

My aunt desperatly wanted a son.
Had 4 daughters before getting her first son


Whut? What "justice", you insane faggot?

>pic 3
Oh shit sabretooth what are you doing?




What did Bruce do wrong?

The one on the right looks like a forensic artist's reconstruction of a decomposed face.

one in the middle is kinda cute tbqh


>What did Bruce do wrong?
not stopping at 1

>Wedding night with Margaret Qualley
>Successful studio mogul with too much money
>Right before I go down on my wife
>All my success, my ruthless climb to the top of Hollywood, I did it all just to have a shot at dating you after I saw of pic of you on a Thai book burning site
>Margaret just says "Oh"
>Now take off your shoes I need your sweaty toes in my mouth first.

Statistically more likely to spread your genes through daughters than sons.

i had no fucking idea that Margaret Qualley was Andie Macdowell's daughter. my mind is fucking blown

>Barman says, "why the long face?"