ITT: ugly actors/actresses

ITT: ugly actors/actresses


That's tricky with her. In Hollywood? Yeah, she's like a 7. In the Midwest? She's like a 9.

How about you guys start is off?

>t. thirsty beta male
She was a 5 at best, even with all the makeup and pushup bras in the world

Who dis?


she's got a cute body though

objectively ugly but I find her attractive anyway

>dat arch

Thirsty for what? She's like 70 now.

She's either a 7 or a 3 depending on the angle

sofia holowaifu when?

Far from ugly. Want ugly? Take a look in the mirror, virgin.

she would look less like a man without the chin dimple

well, it's long way, but have 3D to start with


his face is melting


>Sigourney Weaver was ug...

She was a qt

Post proofs

giv mummy setepai

Lovely, mummyfu 'giv' edit. Saved :)

She was really cute, though. The kind of girl you would smoke with under the bleachers in high school, and finger once in a while when she was drunk off some Strawberry Hill.

Black and white makes everyone look better.

That thing from IT

Heard you were talking shit, like I wouldn't find out OP.

She's still a qt tho

Superior imaginefu coming through

>those nips

i watch this entire movie just for this scene sometimes.
she's almost like gyllenhaal, pretty ugly but something about her just does it for me

only the right half



delet this, she is nowhere near as busted as maggie

I will fucking kill you, user!


>she's almost like gyllenhaal, pretty ugly but something about her just does it for me
You're talking about Jake without facial hair, right?

Pavlovian response to Gyllenhaal from Secretary. Will not die.



her nose is hard to paint


>finger once in a while
Nigga I would do more that that

It helps if you know how to paint

>they tried to pass this as sexy in the 80s
even her name is ugly

that's gene wilder

eh you can pretty much phone it in normally tbphwyf. just say its bad on porpoise

Neither are really very much what I'd consider beautiful or aesthetic, but both extremely attractive, especially Sofia who is essentially off the charts of bonerland.


Post the webm

Probably my favorite actor, but holy shit he's ugly

She is fucking hot. In ghostbusters after being possessed, and she had blonde hair recently in a movie, fucking hot.

>galaxy quest came out 19 years ago
Holy fuck lads


There's something so captivating about her face. She's not conventionally gorgeous like Joi, but she really does stand out and is strangely alluring.

Now you've done it

Post uncommon Siggies

I want her to crush my head between her thighs tbqh

How can smolets even compete?