So is it a Halloween movie or a Christmas movie?

So is it a Halloween movie or a Christmas movie?


fits both, but if you are so autist, go with Corpse Bride for halloween, then this for xmas

>Corpse Bride
>Not Frankenweenie

Neither, it's a faggy emo movie.

I'm guessing you're much younger than the movie.

idk, watch it on thanksgiving

I'm guessing you're a faggy emo manbabby.

so thats a yes

>chrismas is in the title
>its about people trying to celebrate Christmas
Its a Christmas movie however because halloween is relevant to the plot its acceptable to watch om Halloween

It was originally released for Xmas in theaters

Halloween. Nobody turns this on for Christmas unless they already loved watching it on any occasion.

>Oct 13

It's 2017 , no one is an emo anything user. That subculture is dead.

>That subculture is dead.
Thank god

frankenweenie is so fucking good, how does the world not realize this

Is eyes wide shut a xmas movie? It all happened during xmas.

The ride changes to nightmare in october so id say halloween

Christmas, it just has a horror aesthetic.
You could change Jack and the Halloween town to an anthropomorphic shamrock and St. Patrick's Day town and keep the same core plot about taking over Christmas.

But you wouldn't have a halloween-themed musical, and Tim Burton would never have decided to make his best work about a batch of clovers.

nobody has anything to say. i hate this board and myself.

Christmas, because the vast majority of the movie is about Christmas rather than Halloween. "This is Halloween" is top-tier Halloween music, however.

>This is Halloween

Christmas movie, just like Gremlins or Die Hard

One thing for damn sure, is that it sucks.

This is Halloween is a good song for Halloween but the entire focus of the movie is on Christmas and the majority of it is set during December. So I would say a Christmas movie

Not in flyover states it isn't.

>tfw it's my wife's favorite movie
fucking kill me

emo and scene may be dead terms, but that type of culture is alive and well in the tumblr 21 pilots anime etc kids

>has Tim Burton slapped before the title
>actually directed by Henry Selick

is anyone else really pissed off that this movie had christmas in it?
I mean I like it as it is obviously but I really wish that the original movie was JUST about halloween town, and this could be like a sequel or spinoff, idgaf
just give me a movie with everything about TNBC without the actual christmas, fuck

the closest to that I can get is playing Kingdom Hearts

>tfw I'll never be in october 2003 with a qt alt gf and listen to system of a down and evanescence all day and then cuddle up under a blanket and watch tNBC and then have hot teenage hairless sex with her until dawn


I was just about to bring up Kingdom hearts before I read the spoiler
The second game adds Christmas anyway

just watch paranorman

I just it in the span of a couple months stretching from Halloween day until Christmas Day.
With 55 days straight all you need to do is watch a little over 2 minutes everyday.

Orchestras play the soundtrack for Halloween.

The movie is a musical. Christmas already has music, and the music in the film doesn't fit that genre. People listen to the soundtrack in October. Nobody listens to it in lieu of regular Christmas music in December.

It's literally about Halloween invading another holiday. That makes the invaded holiday secondary.

It's a Halloween movie that happens to also be acceptable for Christmas.

What's even the point my dude. Missing out on early teenage sex is the ONE thing I regret about life so far.

Literally the opposite. You could just change Santa and the Christmas town to be Easter Town and keep the same core plot about Halloween taking over another holiday.

It's Tim fucking Burton, of course Halloween is the central holiday.

Not in my twink porn it's not.