I covered up Harvey Weinstein raping me for money and now that I don't get movie roles anymore I'm making it known...

>I covered up Harvey Weinstein raping me for money and now that I don't get movie roles anymore I'm making it known, and it's really not Weinstein that is the problem, it's DRUMPF!!!


>I was fine with Weinstein raping me as long as he paid me but now that I'm not getting paid, I'm not okay with it

So basically all Hollywood actress are glorified prostitutes?

For real tho why isn't she getting more shit for creating more victims by taking the hush money?

Can't blame victims... rape is a horrible thing...

I also enjoy selling sex for money. Many men over the years have taken advantage of me in this way. It needs to stop. #Metoo

>I can't make money anymore in movies so I'm going to whore myself out again by exploiting sexual assault on women for political agenda

>turn down a million dollars to keep quiet
>all about the money

>Hi, I'm Corey Feldman, my boi pussy was rape to Nantucket and back and my best friend OD because of the rape train he got but I still might have a chance at fame so I'm keeping quite but let me tell you I have some stories.
>Oh and they're still actively raping the asses of many young people in hollywood but that's not my problem
It's not just the women that are a problem

I have seen the videos of her getting fucked

These women should be arrested for prostitution.

She's crazy. This sets a pretty bad precedent for crazy whores getting attention.
Her social media showed she's really unstable and easily trolled. Like the time someone compared her to Michael jackson and she went on a ballistic racist rant. Funny stuff

Everyone has always known that all actors are lazy prostitutes.

Why are you bringing up Corey "I Let Rape Continue For 30 Years" Feldmen?

4 chicks blew the fuck out of TWC with a simple interview. Somehow Feldmen needs 10 million to make a movie in order to do anything.

So she had sex with a guy, and then retrospectively decided it was rape.

I really think women like this should be dropped out of planes into the Congo so they can live the life they've always wanted/

>raping me for money

uh, that's prostitution honey.

>the main topic of discussion was cunts who left rapist free to rape so they can try to cash in on fame and or money then cry rape later

I'd suck his dick for $2k, he got ripped the fuck off.

the only woman you can respect out of this weinstein scandal was the one that atually recorded him, all these other hoes just try to get virtue points

How does the Porn Industry never mentioned. It's a bigger industry than film and television. It's Harvey Weinstein on a good day

It does all the time. just no one cares because pornstars are subhumans. it's also not a big industry at all it's an artificial industry.

If we cant stop from women using their vaginas as ATMs, the fabric of society will collapse it cant sustain that

the girls in porn know they are going to be sexually assaulted.

Oh Sweetie, you got in the room because you offered up the goods.

There was some kind of equilibrium that had been reached where women traded their vagina for protection of men

this went from hunting wooly mamoths to working a day job

but now women are vying for parity in every aspect of life whilst still retaining the currency of vagina

this will tip the scales way in favor of women, who are fucking retarded in terms of hunting wooly mammoths

fucking end times

>I covered up Harvey Weinstein raping me for money and now that I don't get movie roles anymore I'm making it known, and it's really not Weinstein that is the problem, it's DRUMPF!!!

On top of this, she was the lead actress for a film directed by a guy who was subsequently revealed to have made child porn featuring himself with a 12 year old boy. When she was questioned about it, she didn't express any kind of sympathy to the kid, treated it like it was just some rumor, and called the pederast a "sweet" guy. Wouldn't that have hit more close to home in light of her having been solicited by Weinstein? Wouldn't she have taken that to be something more serious?

She has a book deal that's going to be released soon. What is the more profitable route?

>who was subsequently revealed to have made child porn featuring himself with a 12 year old boy
It was already known that he did this. Saying subsequently makes it seem like she filmed it and then found out. Everyone knew before it was filed.

>It was already known that he did this

Regardless, she didn't seem to care in the least, yet the act bears a similar context.

adapting her book in a feature produced by Amy Pascal

It will crash several industries if it keeps up. Which is a good thing. Means more women will be pit of work. Better quality things will be made by break away groups.

Women can never be held responsible for their actions.

Reminder that Rose McGowan is a hypocritical piece of shit who pulled the "It's none of my business" card when working with a CONVICTED child molester.

She's not going to make a million from a book. This isn't the 70s or 80s.

why are all the charmed women crazy?

She will become a darling of the feminist movement though, and there's definitely more to come from that. Money isn't the only kind of capital. If you're a washed up actress who was once famous and beloved, wouldn't you want to experience that all over again?

Also she decided to try and fuck over Affleck for no reason. What a cunt.

menopause is a hell of a drug user

the woman didn't win..

>Ladies and gentlemen introducing the next democrat presidential candidate for 2020: Rose MCGOWAN!

My gf went to a halloween party with another guy tonight.Sup Forums Sup Forums and /r9k/ are right. All women are whores and bitches. Thanks for the good times, guys, see you on the other side, I'm doing it tonight.


I love that I can see her spread legs in the visors.

She made the film with him AFTER Salva got out of prison. After.

send nudes

The key is never calling a women your gf or wife then she will always be loyal to you.

Holy shit. You're a fucking Clinton shill. He supported George W. Bush so get off his dick, you degenerate

never go full retard

>killing yourself because of a whore
fuck that buddy
leave her and fuck other girls

people still not making the connection that Trump and Harvey's accusations are the same type and probably both true, but it doesn't matter because they assaulted adult women and no one thinks that's a problem as long as its an alpha male that does it

The real key is to settle with someone below your level, sure they may not look the best but they are loyal. Like a rescue dog. Just don't get the pitbull.

Some men have nobody below their level.

No gf here but had sex a few times. Generally I'd like a pretty girl to be my gf. I'm not that bad looking but not handsome either (6-7/10). As much as I hate to admit it, I can't see myself being attracted to a 4/10 or lower. Ideally, I would want a 6-7/10.

She's got a flaw in her method that will be her public downfall.

She's the Sarah Palin character from "The Mist"

She was in this 2017 hit movie

See? Now these people are advocating sex with dogs. See? We were right. Children won't be far behind.

>Orion Pictures

Wait what? what year is this? 87?

Corey has been saying the there's a pedo culture in Hollywood for the last few years. He was blacklisted from Hollywood for many years, and was taunted and castigated by the industry for more than half a decade, whilst these roasties only admitted they got used for sex when the facade was about to collapse, and there was no consequences for admitting the truth. Corey is /ourguy/

Corey has been saying the there's a pedo culture in Hollywood for the last few years. He was blacklisted from Hollywood for many years, and was taunted and castigated by the industry for more than half a decade, whilst these roasties only admitted they got used for sex when the facade was about to collapse, and there was no consequences for admitting the truth

That doesn't really work, if that were true all these attractive male celebrities with mediocre looking wives wouldn't be getting left/cheated on all the time.

>Sup Forums are all beta losers

No wonder they want dictators to control their lives, utter failures

Literally yes. Actors were thought of as prostitutes and vagrants for the vast majority of human history for a reason.

Don't you have a bull to prep?

And science was witchcraft

And children were sexual property

And human sacrifice was the global norm.

Let's go back, user

>science was witchcraft

arrests start tomorrow

>virgins calling strangers cucks

for what? something Trump and his sons have done too?

she is literally the Winona Ryder character from The Crucible. I'm sure some things she's saying are legit but she's gone mad with power. She's crazy as fuck and people have handed her a gun.

Not an argument thanks for agreeing please select all street signs

It is MGM shuffling papers.

Bingo. We have a winner

Mueller got grand jury approval on first charges on friday. arrests will probably have happened by the time you wake up tomorrow. Unknown who it is but it's likely Flynn and Manafort or people that worked for them.

Not really, no.

Western women are basically children. 9:10.

You can't fault a child for being an idiot, it doesn't know any better.

No more than a dog for barking or a nigger for robbing a gas station for $27 and a pack of menthols

>You can't fault a child for being an idiot, it doesn't know any better.
It's ok nobody faults you for anything redditor user

How clever but it was 9:11

No shit lol

I always knew Rose hated taking those red carpet photos

wow wondered what happened to christopher lloyd.. he use to be everywhere.

Should be KIKED.COM

I see. yeah well without verhoeven it won't be the same that's a given

god this guy's puerile shit is so infuriating


>and most of them are subhuman savages created by raping natives
t. puerto rican

>Italy cared more about culture, art, and science
>Spain cared more about raping and pillaging