Curb Your Enthusiasm

live thread

The awkwardness of no "thank you for your service" was classic


tfw Susie will never yell that at you

That asian bit was pretty funny.

What's with all the cameos from people from the FX show "The League"

Mail carrier is adorable

This bitch eats too many treats.

>Larry already fucking it up

Useless trash

>tells a pretty woman abour his mommy issues the first time they meet
>she still goes out with him
Let that be a lesson kids. As long as you're rich, women will look past that shit.
She's from The League.

The payoff for the chef gag was worth it that was hilarious.

Definitely an expulsion of air.

Oh shit Takahashi

>what was this expression supposed to convey
/our guy/

>War Reenactment
Is this a burger thing or do all countries do this?

Really good episode. Larry Charles direction. So far this season's wouch better than last. I thought they'd have to call the wedding off at the end bc PTSD and Suzy would freak.

This is a good episode


Fucking redcoats! Dont tread on me!

>It ain't me starts playing

When is Larry gonna piss off the wrong person and get shot? When the guy in the movie theater told him to shut up I thought of that thing in a Florida movie theater a few years back where a guy got killed over an argument about texting while they were watching Lone Survivor

this was hilarious. loved it.

Nah, if you're clicking with a woman they like a little vulnerability. The problem is when they figure out how much your issues bleed over into every other aspect of your life.

That was kino. Great episode dense with jokes

last one was meh


>implying he was clicking with her after two minutes of conversation
t. autist

Why does the mail carrier hate him so?


He was an asshole to her throughout. Shitting on her job, spazzing at the theater and at her house.

>implying she didn't go out with him because he shit on her job
He did spaz out in the theater, but it was really spazzing out at the house that did it because she was clearly hurt by his rejection.

Yet another time Larry was right

>Mail carrier is adorable

This is her real life husband

I thought Takahashi would have gotten rid of Larry after he killed Kyoko.

His HBO show is garbage